Trying to make a way home

Nov 26, 2009 15:38

It's Thanksgiving, and people are celebrating in many different ways.

In the Gauche, Tay Barnam is not doing what she did last year. Amber had liked the whole potluck Thanksgiving thing they did last year, and Amber's gone now and things are... a lot different. She's a year older, and she'd like to think she's a little wiser than she was last ( Read more... )

xander harris, andy mackenzie, tay barnam, mat wallace, willow rosenberg, maria jackson, donna noble, tabitha claypool, elashte*, john dorian (j.d.), !tardis, annie cartwright, dusty baker, daniel faraday

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Comments 49

quiettotheend November 26 2009, 20:48:03 UTC
This is the first time in her life that Tabitha hasn't had a big Thanksgiving dinner laid down in front of her. She makes her way up to the roof because she doesn't want to be confined in her room on a holiday (or ever again, really), and she didn't want as many people to be around, like in one of the common areas.

She pauses when she sees Tay at the edge of the roof, blinking slowly at her wings.

"You're an angel?" she says softly, wishing she didn't sound as incredulous as she does. But she hadn't quite expected that.


archangelet November 26 2009, 21:08:35 UTC
Tay glances over and grins lopsidedly at her. "Yeah. I know, freakyweird, an angel living with the demons. There's usually another one here, Mattie, but he's..." she gestures vaguely towards the city and shakes her head. "His brother died, it sorta messed him up."

And... well, she's very protective of her people, especially after the plagues and the fallout. She pats the ledge next to her, in an invitation for Tabitha to sit. "I'm El's guardian," she explains. "That's why I live here and not in, y'know, Boston."


quiettotheend November 26 2009, 21:25:32 UTC
"Oh," Tabitha says, sitting down next to Tay. "Oh. Ohhhh." It's amazing how quickly things come together. She hadn't thought much of Tay's last name on the journals when she was under the assumption she was a demon but then she says Boston and-- "Oh."

She hasn't ever heard of a demon having a guardian angel, but she doesn't really know much about guardian angels in general. Or angels, really. Not much of this makes sense at all; if Tay's a Barnam, she shouldn't be a guardian anyway. Which is why Tabitha's not going to think too hard about any of this because it's giving her a headache. And she's almost a thousand percent sure she won't be able to get it no matter how hard she tries.

"It's gotta suck, being stuck like that," Tabitha adds after a moment, wanting to actually use some words.


archangelet November 26 2009, 22:59:10 UTC
Tay laughs softly as the realisation dawns on Tabitha, and shakes her head. "Honestly... it doesn't." She laughs shakily and runs a hand through her hair. "My family... thinks I'm disturbed. That I need to be taken home and rehabilitated." She stretches her wings a bit and rests her arms on her legs. "And I think they're fucking nuts. This is my home. This is where my friends are and where I want to be."

It's nice to be able to know she belongs somewhere, not just because she's related by blood.


sensi_doctor November 26 2009, 22:01:23 UTC
((OOC: IDK if you wanted to do this yet or not if not..then don't worry about it but JD would be in the room. So yes. XD))

JD is in his room. He was hanging out with some quality DVDs. He's not really aware that it's Thanksgiving. It doesn't really matter. Reality is not something he shares with everyone else. He opens the door to sneak into the kitchen to get popcorn when he notices Mat. Standing there. That's... weird.

Not too weird considering that he's Nate's brother, but. Still. Unexpected?

"Hey, Mat," he says, looking a little uncertain but smiling anyway. "We were just about to watch The Notebook! Wanna join?"

Yes, there might be an illusion of Nate lying on the bed. Sorry about that, Mat.


guardsintheory November 26 2009, 23:16:52 UTC
((OOC: LOL, perfect, draaaaama!))

Mat doesn't notice the illusion on the bed just yet, and that's probably good. He's a little surprised that JD looks so chipper, but... well, he doesn't know how other people deal with this sort of thing. He won't judge.

"U-uhm, I just..." he tries to clear his throat and looks down. "I w-wanted to get s-some of... of N-- of Nate's th-things," he mumbles.


sensi_doctor November 26 2009, 23:41:11 UTC
"Oh, okay! I didn't know you were going to do... that, but I guess if Nate's cool with it, and I'm sure he is cause you two are bros and all," JD opens the door further and steps back. Isn't it a miracle how little concentration he needs anymore to make Nate sit up when Mat walks in further?

He's become too powerful without even realizing it, getting countless hours of practice day after day. Long before he ever got in a relationship with Nate. This? This is easy. So easy that he doesn't realize he's doing it.


guardsintheory November 26 2009, 23:59:48 UTC
Mat frowns, a little confused, and opens his mouth to say something when JD steps back and... there's Nate. Nate who he saw die, whose death he's spent the better part of a month trying to cope with.

He stands there for a moment, the colour drained from his face, trying not to collapse from the utter shock of it.

"S-stop it," he says faintly. "J.. JD, stop it."


xandtheman3 November 26 2009, 22:46:18 UTC
Xander does not feel that it's a risk at all to bother his best friend. He walks over to her gnawing on the leg of some animal. It's... been cooked. Obviously.

"Hey, Wills, I found some turkey!"

It's very important to interrupt her programming efforts for this bit of news.


computermagic November 26 2009, 23:08:00 UTC
Willow looks up and blinks in vague confusion. She may've missed the fact that it's Thanksgiving. Don't blame her, she's just a Jewish computer nerd who has moral objections to the holiday.

"Um... that's nice?" she offers.


xandtheman3 November 26 2009, 23:31:10 UTC
"Ya. Ya know... since... it's all with the Thanksgiving and stuff. I know your mom's always been against the day with the pilgrims and the Indians and all that, but... I'm really thankful for my turkey leg," Xander says with a smile as he takes another bite.


"There's mashed potatoes and stuffing and rolls and yams too. I already ate all that."


computermagic November 27 2009, 00:27:17 UTC
"Mmm, buttery cultural oppression!" Willow exclaims teasingly. "I didn't realise it was Thanksgiving already. Wow."

Time flies when you're... living through biblical plagues and stuff.

She pats the seat next to her (thank god for couches) and grins up at him. "Wipe your hands off and try this out. I made a little game!"

It's just a simple platformer made in flash, but it's pretty cool.


findaconstant November 27 2009, 18:52:54 UTC
Dan hesitates approaching Dusty, at first. He doesn't know what's going on with Ruvin or where she is, and he keeps telling himself that she'll find him or write to him when she's ready, but he's not so sure about that anymore. He knows she's alive, at least. That's something.

Dusty might be as in the dark as he is, though, and he doesn't want to upset her. Dilemma.

He decides to wait until she's finished playing, then approaches her with his hands stuffed in his pockets and a little smile. "Hey, Dusty."


please_see_me November 30 2009, 23:21:48 UTC
Dusty looks up with a shaky smile. She'd been trying to think of something new to play, but Dan is a good distraction.

"Hiya," she says, trying her best to sound upbeat and, y'know, thankful.

She should be thankful. It's Thanksgiving and she has a place to stay and food to eat and her cello. That's all she needs. Really.


findaconstant December 1 2009, 00:23:29 UTC
She's trying enough that it's almost working, but Dan can still see past it. He's not surprised, though; in the wake of the plagues, everyone seems to have that same air of suppressed trauma around them. But people are still picking up, still moving on. They're even celebrating Thanksgiving, which... means very little to Dan, considering he's never experienced one before.

He mirrors her smile, restlessly shifting his weight from one to the other as he stands there. "Happy Thanksgiving. How're you holding up?"


please_see_me December 1 2009, 13:16:33 UTC
"Well, it's sorta my first Thanksgiving away from home," she admits. "So I'm sorta... lonely." Of course, being pretty much alone will add to that.

And then finally finding out her girlfriend is alive because said girlfriend is dumping her doesn't help. Oh, she doesn't blame Ruvin-- well, okay, that's a lie, even Dusty's not so good a person as to not blame her at all, but she can understand the why of it. It just hurts.

"How about you?" she asks. "Are you having a good Thanksgiving?"


riversodeep November 28 2009, 23:36:12 UTC
{{OOC: I went to log into this journal and my finger slipped on the menu and logged into Owen's. ...I am not inflicting an Owen on Annie. He'd just be snide.}}

And in comes an Andy, with a bag full of ingredients.

She glances up when she sees that someone's in the kitchen already, then smiles and wanders up to the counter. The bag goes on the nearest unoccupied level surface, the sleeves get rolled up, and the hands get washed.

"Someone's taking initiative," she says, taking an appreciative sniff of the air. "Smells good. I didn't know anyone had the energy to cook, these days."


wedontjump November 29 2009, 00:46:52 UTC
Annie looks up and smiles a bit. "Oh! Well, there's been a spot of sunlight here and there, and I thought everyone could probably use a home-cooked meal, even if most of us aren't actually American." She abandons the potatoes briefly to unpack the bag Andy brought in. "Just as well you came, probably, I'm not sure how to make a lot of the traditional dishes. Though I've a turkey in one of the ovens already."

Annie would've made a good housewife except for the whole independent streak. That's why Sam loves her so.


riversodeep November 29 2009, 02:43:57 UTC
"Any excuse for a party, hm? Andy goes up on her toes, helping Annie unpack the bag. It has a few good bags of apples, some spices, bits and bobs and odds and ends - enough to make a good apple cobbler. "In my family, Thanksgiving was a barbecue and whatever we felt like eating, so no judgements here." She plunks a jar of agave nectar on the counter. "Of course, that also resulted in things grilled which should never be grilled, so a nice, normal turkey might be a nice change."

Together, maybe Andy and Annie can put some food in the boy. How he ever get husband if he no eat?


wedontjump December 1 2009, 13:11:47 UTC
Yes, together they will conspire to make Sam slightly less freakishly skinny! It's a perfect plan!

"That sounds... unique," Annie settles on with a grin. Not like she didn't have a few unique moments with her family when she was young - she had brothers.


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