Buildings and bridges are made to bend in the wind to withstand the world...

Oct 07, 2009 02:43

A car loaded with teenagers pulls up in front of the Conrad. Finding parking in downtown Chicago is never easy, and Buffy is not willing to wait. She springs out of the car and races into the lobby - only to realize that while she knows the basement is where they keep the wanderers, she has no idea how to get there. Um.

The Doctor is wandering ( Read more... )

portia kilgaur, julian sark, willow rosenberg, ragnar, cooper hawkes, jamie d'vart, sydney bristow, metis snow, ruvin, isabelle kozlov, adrian vela, the doctor (ten), gray raines, buffy summers, casey wyatt, phoebe donovan, martin raske, abby maitland, shane vansen, karrin murphy, jack bristow

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Comments 168

artischaos October 7 2009, 16:38:04 UTC
It's time. It's now or never - okay, wait. It's now or maybe later or possibly tomorrow or maybe next week... technically he has forever, doesn't he? Or not forever, but you know, years. He could easily stay in the basement painting for years, right?

A nip on the ear from his bat reminds him the real reason he's heading out - so Azeroth will stop complaining about being bored. It's not that he's lonely, see, it's that Azeroth gets so lonesome, right, and he's not adjusting well to being nocturnal, so they're heading out during the day...

Oh look. There's a fairly pretty blond woman in the lobby. That might be a good place to start. Struggling to figure out what to say, the young artist heads towards Buffy, carrying his easel and canvas, his paintbox tucked under one arm.


shealone_stands October 8 2009, 13:37:09 UTC
Buffy doesn't notice the young man approaching her at first - she's too busy looking for a Willow or a way to the basement. It couldn't just be the regular elevators, right? That would just be silly.

She's just about to go to the reception desk when she notices Jamie (it's the red hair that catches her attention), and she blinks before smiling a little. As long as he's going to come talk to her... "Hey, you wouldn't know the way down to the basement, would you? I was supposed to meet a friend there, but I've never actually been down there, and I didn't think about it until I... got here... and I sound like a total ditz, don't I?"

She's pretty well convinced she does, anyway.


artischaos October 10 2009, 00:22:23 UTC
He smiles, gently. This he can understand. Well, the word 'ditz' is new to him, but he can understand nervousness. "Ah, I actually just came from the basement." The basement - suddenly a thought occurs to him. "Are you from... elsewhere, as well?" he asks, interested.


shealone_stands October 10 2009, 14:29:47 UTC
"Oh! Really?" Well, it's good to know she's talking to the right kind of person, who actually knows what the hell she's talking about. "Yeah, I am. I mean, I'm living at the Main Gauche now, so I know a lot more people from here than from... not here, but... yeah."

Oh, talking in code in public is always fun. Still better than trying not to talk about her life as a Slayer in high school, which always led to talk of umpires and trout. ...don't ask.


computermagic October 7 2009, 18:12:22 UTC
Willow has been waiting for Buffy in the lobby - in fact, Buffy ran right past her on her way in.

This might be because Willow is hidden behind the stack of books she came through the Rift with.

"Buffy!" she calls out, and attempts to wave, and only ends up dropping everything with a squeak.


shealone_stands October 8 2009, 13:39:24 UTC
At the sound of a familiar voice, Buffy spins around to face her without even breaking stride, squeaks, and lunges for her. The books will be picked up later. Right now, Willow is getting Slayer hugs. (Oxygen can apparently wait for later as well.)


computermagic October 8 2009, 14:20:56 UTC
It's a good thing Willow'd rather have a hug, then. It's not like she's missed Buffy or anything.

She clings back for a moment, then, when the oxygen deprivation starts getting to her, squeaks out, "Buffy? Um, kinda need to breathe..."


shealone_stands October 8 2009, 15:27:41 UTC
Buffy reluctantly lets go of her - or at least loosens her grip a little - and steps back just a tiny bit. "Sorry," she gasps softly, stares at Willow for a moment, and then hugs her again, though not as tightly. "I just really, really... Yeah. Missed you."

She's been here for a year. And she loves Tay and Piper and everyone, but she missed her friends from home more than she would have thought possible before she left. She's kind of fighting the impulse to cling and never let go.


thehighestwing October 7 2009, 19:23:43 UTC
Phoebe is on her way to the Conrad. Naturally.


Phoebe lights up immediately once she recognizes Martin, running toward him. She was about to tackle him into what could have been an awkward and very, very baffling hug for Martin when she notices the state he's in.

"Rough night?" she asks him, wide-eyed and worried "...the other dude's worse off, right?"


astrongerbeacon October 8 2009, 12:26:06 UTC
Martin is very glad for the lack of tackling, at the moment. Not that he objects to Phoebe hugs in general, but just this once... Yeah, best not.

"For some reason, demons are really attracted to me." Pause. "Not that way. But yeah, the other guy's definitely worse off." Dead in an alley, in fact, but, uh... It really was self-defense. At least, until instinct took over.


thehighestwing October 9 2009, 05:50:19 UTC
Rawr, demons.

Phoebe gingerly raises her hand, using the edge of her sleeve to wipe off some of the demon blood still on his face.

"Oh, Martin." She sounds sad and worried but mostly royally pissed. She doesn't like it when demons attack her people! "So much for that treaty."


astrongerbeacon October 10 2009, 14:43:11 UTC
He shrugs a little, with a tiny smile. "Well, it does allow for things like this. If it's not organized warfare, we kill the demons responsible and move on. I wouldn't worry too much about the treaty just yet."

He pauses, and smiles a little as she reaches up to wipe the demon blood off his face. "Careful. That stuff stains."


beanshield October 7 2009, 21:27:52 UTC
Bean is on her way to a specialty bead store downtown and, as ever, has gotten lost. You'd think that with a dog with her at all times she'd have developed a better sense of direction by now. But, oh well. Getting lost is like an adventure!

She is currently standing on a street corner, looking in each direction. Potato the German Shepherd is sitting beside her, looking a little mulish. Bean spots the Doctor, faintly recognizes him and trots on up.

"Um, excuse me sir, but, um, do you know where The Bead Gallery is? I could have sworn it was like around here somewhere but I think I got turned around or something..."


thatsortofaman October 8 2009, 03:23:54 UTC
The Doctor blinks as he's approached, but... well. He can't exactly turn away a lost young woman asking him for help. He glances around with a bit of a frown, running a hand through his hair. "Ah... can't say I've seen a Bead Gallery around here, no. Sorry. I'm not much for beads, though, so..."


beanshield October 8 2009, 05:35:27 UTC
"Oh..." Bean looks slightly crestfallen. "It's so dumb, I've even been there before. I know it's next to a Starbucks! Which...well, doesn't help at all, huh. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm rambling and I probably shouldn't be telling this to a stranger anyway. Not that you seem like the bad sort of stranger! Um, unless you are. Um! Sorry!"

Bean shuts up.


thatsortofaman October 8 2009, 15:32:47 UTC
"Well, I'm... fairly certain I'm not the bad sort of stranger. What is the bad sort, anyway?"

The Doctor's kind of a sucker when it comes to tinehgirls needing help. And she just looks so disappointed, and hey, he's wandering around this area anyway... "Are you sure it was a Starbucks? Not... some other coffee shop? An exploding one, maybe?"

...the Doctor's too familiar with that sort of coffee shop. He'd be bored by a plain old Starbucks.


burnslikesnow October 7 2009, 21:43:09 UTC
Metis is just minding his own business, really, wandering the streets and waiting for inspiration to hit, like he do. He finds himself somewhat near the Conrad and briefly debates going to check it out before deciding it's probably a bad idea. So he's heading away from it now, toward the nearest bus station that will take him back out to Cicero. He spots a rather roughed-up man walking toward him and--

Well, the smell of demon blood is pretty distinctive, and there are similarly distinctive black splatters on the man's face and down his front, and it doesn't take an idiot to figure out what all this means. Metis freezes instinctively. Then he moves off to the side to let Martin pass, hoping he won't notice him; though part of Metis can't help but be curious. Mostly because he would like to know if Chicago's status as the Switzerland of the Great Lakes region has just been revoked. He hasn't been here quite long enough to really know how things work here.


astrongerbeacon October 8 2009, 12:36:25 UTC
Blood still pumping with adrenaline, Martin's paying extra attention to his surroundings right now, and he notices when people shy away from him. To those who don't know about the supernatural, demon blood's easily mistaken for oil, but when people are recognizing it...

He eyes the man for a moment. He doesn't feel, to Martin, like another angel, a wanderer or any kind of supernatural, which leaves demon. Something rises in his chest momentarily, not quite anger, not quite hunger, but pure and uncompromising instinct. Kill him, kill him, kill him NOW-

Martin chokes it down. "I'm not going to pull out a gun and shoot you in the face, if that's what you're worried about. ...I mean, unless you do the same thing first." Actually, he won't be pulling out a gun at all, as he decided to not carry a concealed weapon for once today (never making that mistake again), but the demon doesn't need to know that.


burnslikesnow October 9 2009, 03:54:42 UTC
Metis shifts his position so that he has an exit behind him and an exit to the side, in case he has to run. His heart is pounding and his wings are burning and screaming to be let out. He should run, just set everything on fire, burn the angel and everything around him to the ground and run.

Somehow he manages to screw his face up into a semblance of a smile.

"No, I, ah...have no real desire or intention. To do that. I was just going home." His eyes flick to the side. "Never had much interest in fighting and all that..."


astrongerbeacon October 10 2009, 15:34:15 UTC
Martin twitches his wings a little. He can see the demon tensing, and can't help but tense himself in preparation for an attack that may not be coming. That would be just like his life, to get into a spat with another demon so soon after the last one.

"Then we're fine. I've really had enough of fighting today myself." And he doesn't want to fight before he at least sees a healing angel or Grace about the arm. He doesn't think it's broken, but he might have sprained something, and a fistfight with another demon won't help that.

He smiles tightly, lifting the hand of his uninjured arm palm-up in an attempt to reassure him. Alright, maybe the fact that he's flecked with black blood that's just barely cooled might not be the most reassuring thing to a demon, but there's only so much he can do about that right now.


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