Buildings and bridges are made to bend in the wind to withstand the world...

Oct 07, 2009 02:43

A car loaded with teenagers pulls up in front of the Conrad. Finding parking in downtown Chicago is never easy, and Buffy is not willing to wait. She springs out of the car and races into the lobby - only to realize that while she knows the basement is where they keep the wanderers, she has no idea how to get there. Um.

The Doctor is wandering through downtown Chicago, down one street and up the next, possibly searching for someone or something, possibly just very bored. Then, when he's bored, he tends to poke at the Rift by default, so maybe not, and that's probably best for everyone.

Walking back to the Conrad with his coat bunched up awkwardly because he can't force his wings back in just yet, holding one arm slightly awkwardly against his chest, Martin is splattered in demon blood. He managed to wipe the worst of it from his hands, but there's not much he can do for the shirt and jacket without changing, and there's still some on his face he couldn't see to clean. Fucking rakshasa. This was not Martin's night.

Vansen is wandering the park - it's kind of hard to tell if she's looking for some Rift monster to kill, or if she's trying to find Hawkes. Possibly both, though she's not terribly set on either one; she's just looking for something to do with herself, and there's no one to look to for orders these days.

Casey is in the park as well, but rather than trying to find something to do with herself, she's just looking to destress a little. She's sitting outside of a fenced-off dog park, watching a couple of labs romping and each trying to fit the other's head in its mouth. She's always liked dogs, though having one of her own is absolutely not an option. Maybe she should find a dog-form shapeshifter to make friends with and hug whenever she has a bad day. ...because that's not weird and a little creepy.

Sitting on the front steps of the Kashtta, Sydney is staring at the cars passing by and looking thoughtful as she absentmindedly scritches one of the stray cats who congregate around the building, thanks to Sark's cat. Sooner or later, she's going to have to either get over her issues with her father and ask him for a job, or just throw up her hands and find somewhere else to live, because this is getting ridiculous. At least she's aware of that.

portia kilgaur, julian sark, willow rosenberg, ragnar, cooper hawkes, jamie d'vart, sydney bristow, metis snow, ruvin, isabelle kozlov, adrian vela, the doctor (ten), gray raines, buffy summers, casey wyatt, phoebe donovan, martin raske, abby maitland, shane vansen, karrin murphy, jack bristow

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