I'm going hungry...

Jul 27, 2009 02:10

It is 6PM and Francis is drunk.

Drunk enough to get kicked out of the sports bar he'd been in, but not drunk enough that he can't drag his ass to another bar. He's been kicked out of plenty of bars in Chicago. This is not a new experience to him. The only one he's never actually worked towards keeping a civil attitude is the one he meets Katja in. Because losing that bar would lose him a drinking buddy. Or something like that.

Either way, the angel is currently standing on a street corner, holding onto a telephone pole like it's going to save him. He needs to cross the street to get where he's going, but there are so many cars. The cars need to stop so he can get drunk enough that he won't remember today. It's not that today was particularly bad, but it had not been anything to write home about.

He's so tired of being in Chicago and playing nice. He wants to get the hell out of this town and go somewhere with some proper sanity. Somewhere not so filthy. Chicago is teeming with filth. And it takes every fiber of his being to keep from looking for the next demon he sees and gutting it. He wants to let his wings out, but in the middle of the street that would be stupid.

There are a lot of things Francis wants.

But he never gets any of those.

nagi naoe, katja korolenko*, francis barnam

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