Whose air do I breathe? With whose skin now do I feel? I'm supposed to walk away from here.

Feb 08, 2009 20:48

The Vesmier is in the TARDIS, which is... actually where he's been for quite some time. The TARDIS is parked across from the Kashtta, easily-accessible for the friends she's still in this city to be near ( Read more... )

!tardis, the vesmier, suzie costello

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Comments 36

superiorspectre February 9 2009, 03:38:34 UTC
Suzie, for her part, is... still more or less as she was when she went drinking. Passing out after imbibing copious quantities of alcohol is all well and good, but no substitute for real sleep, which appears to still be eluding her.

No, she isn't taking her absolute inability to get anywhere with Jack very well.

Still, she thinks a hello at the TARDIS as she heads in, looking for Ves. It doesn't hurt anything to be polite, after all. And once she finally finds the Vesmier...

"It's good to see you," she says. dredging up a smile that's more or less genuine. It is good to see him, for all that she hasn't had much to smile about recently, and expects to find even less to smile about in the very near future.


the_vesmier February 9 2009, 03:50:18 UTC
The TARDIS pings back a happy :: Hello! :: and a gentle psychic bomp, and goes back to doing whatever she was doing. Possibly humming to herself; the tone of the background energy is subtly modulating. The Vesmier, when she walks up, smoothly dismisses the text he was reading and offers her a small answering smile.

"Suzie Costello," he says - her full name, which suggests a formality his voice doesn't quite carry. "It's good to see you, also." He pauses for a moment, stepping away from the terminal. "You seem unwell."

The Do you need assistance? is implied.


superiorspectre February 9 2009, 04:19:32 UTC
"I haven't been sleeping well," Suzie says, by way of explanation. Or much at all, she thinks, but she's really not here to complain.

Granted, inside her head it's all exhaustion and despair, but she can pretend to stability a little while longer.

"We've found Captain Harkness... Judas Reyc, he's calling himself now," she continues, "and it's been... difficult." Which is possibly relevant, but not what she's here for.

"Not the point, though. I know we meant to do something about that little sealed-off bundle in my mind, but the way things went, after Thane..." And the less said about that, the better.


the_vesmier February 9 2009, 04:34:28 UTC
The Vesmier pauses on that. Given Suzie's state of mind every time Captain Harkness has come up - which has been the vast majority of their interactions, even if only incidentally - the Vesmier can recognize that news for what it is: something immediately and deeply impacting. And given how she looks...

"Is this something which you require for your peace of mind?" he asks carefully. "Given my suspicions about the nature of that package, I'm not sure confronting it in a state of unease is the best option."

He pauses for a moment, taking in her expression, posture. He's not as attuned to human kinesics as, say, Jack is, but he can read generalities.

"...is there any way in which I might offer assistance?" he says.


thedoctorbot February 21 2009, 07:10:35 UTC
At some point, after Suzie's come and gone, a little robot scuttles up to the Vesmier's feet.

:: Kosch? ::

He's been skittering about in the bowels of the TARDIS -- wonderful experience, really, everyone who pilots a TARDIS should get the chance to do that at least once. There's so much to learn in there, all the places a standard bipedal form wasn't meant to reach...

But it's been some time since he checked in with anyone. He can't help but feel he should remedy that.


the_vesmier February 21 2009, 07:24:38 UTC
The Vesmier has taken the time to settle himself in a chair and is resting with his eyes closed, in a light trance. The damage done to Suzie's mind was not the absolute and total destruction of the damage in April's, and addressing it has a correspondingly shorter convalescent period...


He opens his eyes, reaching a companionable psychic ping down in the Doctorbot's direction. :: Still here, old friend. And yourself? ::

There's a faint undertone to his thoughts to suggest he may be troubled, but not much.


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