Whose air do I breathe? With whose skin now do I feel? I'm supposed to walk away from here.

Feb 08, 2009 20:48

The Vesmier is in the TARDIS, which is... actually where he's been for quite some time. The TARDIS is parked across from the Kashtta, easily-accessible for the friends she's still in this city to be near.

There's something Ves really should have learned by now: it's far easier to believe, when the Doctor is nowhere nearby, that he'll be able to set things right than it is to set things right with him right at hand.

And now he's back in London, still working on a way to reverse the Rift, and the Vesmier is more bothered by this than he'd prefer to be.

However, as per usual, there's very little for a Gallifreyan Senator out of his element to do here. So he'll tend to the TARDIS, read through the multitude of online political and news journals his Doctor kindly programmed the TARDIS controls to aggregate for him...

Try not to dwell on circumstance any more than he did before the Doctor's visit.

!tardis, the vesmier, suzie costello

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