Don't Fear the Reaper [Party Thread 2]

Jan 31, 2009 21:45

((OOC: Another party thread. You know how it goes. And if you don't... ask! ^^ Happy Riftversary! Even if it's two hours until... it's over. :/ I'm sorry I'm slow ( Read more... )

julian sark, julia angelos, suzie costello, dmitri lang, desmond descant, sydney bristow, missy ashford, gene hunt, lolshadow, toshiko sato, the doctor (ten), logan scott, john casey, malek asenath, babel, john dorian (j.d.), abby maitland, juni swan, arlin keysa, vincent sterling, npc

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Comments 275

chimaerasaurus February 1 2009, 03:00:40 UTC
This is more Abby's style than the stand-out-in-the-frickin'-cold-watching-people-in-dumb-costumes part. She's not really concerned with the parade, or the Superbowl, but damn if she couldn't use a drink and the atmosphere is nice and lively.

She's on her third Happy Ending and starting to feel good. And also feeling like a chat with the locals might be nice, because familiar with this new landscape or not, she's still feeling displaced in Chicago.


nothingsodivine February 1 2009, 03:29:54 UTC
Des is sitting on a barstool with his back against the bar, nursing what is either his fourth or fifth Sudden Headache and watching the TV that's now broadcasting Flagg's speech. He's not quite drunk yet, because his alcohol tolerance is weirdly high, but he's buzzed.

He waves his flute at the TV and says, to no one in particular, "You know, when bastards like that are too charming for their own good, they probably are." Which makes all the sense to Des and is probably redundant to anyone else.

It is going to be a long night.


chimaerasaurus February 1 2009, 03:32:26 UTC
Abby is buzzed enough herself to laugh rather than roll her eyes. "Here-here. Glad I've no part in American politics."

She tips back the remainder of her Happy Ending and signals for another one. "I think Washington D.C.'s got enough grease to oil a world's worth of engines."


nothingsodivine February 1 2009, 03:54:48 UTC
Des holds up his drink in either a mock toast or a terrible impersonation of the Statue of Liberty. "Here, here! And God save the Queen... Jesus, the Rift likes to spit out Brits, doesn't it? I think there are more English people here than Americans- my cat's British."

Sadly, Des is not that drunk. That is just how he talks sometimes and it's something he's been meaning to bring up anyway. There are a disproportionate number of Brits in Chicago and he feels bad for them.


chimaerasaurus February 1 2009, 04:08:22 UTC
"Your cat. Is British." Uhhhh huh. She certainly thinks he's drunk off his ass. "And I could say 'what the hell's the Rift' and then you'd be stuck explaining to someone who hasn't a clue what's really going on in this city."

Slurp. "Fortunately for you, I won't." Goddamn Rift. "So, you're a Rifter too?"

Yes, she just made the term up.


technicallyiam February 1 2009, 03:33:21 UTC
It's possible Missy just heard 'cheap booze' and didn't realize there was a parade out today, but either way, she's been bored and free booze is a good enough incentive to be out in the general public, living it up, and drinking as many drinks as she can possibly get down. Possibly she came here with Logan, because the girls haven't had a decent afternoon out in a long while and such an occasion was a long time coming, but as it stands, she's alone now, sipping a Personal Shopper, and looking friendly and giggly.


sauntereddown February 1 2009, 04:36:06 UTC
Logan has been drinking a little. Or, you know, possibly a lot. But at the moment she's got something citrusy and minty called a Name Dropper, and she's wandering around with her characteristic bounce in her step, checking out who's here, if there's anyone she recognizes, anyone she wants to take home tonight, anyone she might do business with... Hey, when an invitation goes out to all of the supernatural community on the journals, Logan's sure as hell going to show up and see what's going on.

She wanders up behind Missy with a grin and drapes herself over her shoulder, free arm draped around her with the drink in her other hand. "Hey there, babe. You look absolutely stunning tonight." Yeah, Logan doesn't have a huge crush or anything. They're just very good friends. Right.


technicallyiam February 1 2009, 05:13:23 UTC
Missy gives a little growl of pleasure at the unexpected Logan and leans her head against her in an affectionate nuzzle. Yes. Friends. Totally. "You don't look so bad yourself, sweetie. See anyone fun?"

Missy's certainly not looking to destroy another establishment in Chicago. What would ever give you that impression? She's just bored and looking for a little excitement and there are totally ways for that to happen that don't involve carnage.



sauntereddown February 1 2009, 05:26:10 UTC
Logan giggles a little and takes a sip of her drink, nuzzling into Missy's neck. She's warm. In the winter, even this bar is a little chilly, for a demon. It's perfectly logical to cuddle up to her like this.

"Not just yet, but the night is young. Not even properly night yet, is it?" They will probably not burn the place down. (Logan doesn't have any explosives on her, and just a small lighter.) ...The health and safety of the patrons is not guaranteed, however.


kineticmachine February 1 2009, 05:42:04 UTC
Arlin is having none of the 'milling about in the crowd'. Being in Chicago this long is seriously starting to wear on his nerves, and he trusts his kids enough to not fuck shit up -- he is keeping his phone on, just in case, and taking all the calls for once, though.

But other than that, he's going to sit at the bar, watching the patrons coming and going and nursing a customary White Russian. Not doin' much else.


juneswan February 1 2009, 13:57:31 UTC
Ooh booze, Juni very much likes the idea of booze and not standing in large crowds of people for a parade she doesn't really care about... She cares about the booze though, and after a quick stop by the parade (a little pickpocketing is never a bad thing in most cases) she is now here and ready to try and get as drunk as she can without it leading to her eventual death.

Currently she's just standing a little back from the bar, hands in her pockets and trying to decide between a Patron Silver or a Jameson... She'll probably end up buying both multiple times, wouldn't want to waste the lovely peoples money after all.

Morals, Juni does not have them.


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