Don't Fear the Reaper [Party Thread 2]

Jan 31, 2009 21:45

((OOC: Another party thread. You know how it goes. And if you don't... ask! ^^ Happy Riftversary! Even if it's two hours until... it's over. :/ I'm sorry I'm slow ( Read more... )

julian sark, julia angelos, suzie costello, dmitri lang, desmond descant, sydney bristow, missy ashford, gene hunt, lolshadow, toshiko sato, the doctor (ten), logan scott, john casey, malek asenath, babel, john dorian (j.d.), abby maitland, juni swan, arlin keysa, vincent sterling, npc

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technicallyiam February 1 2009, 03:33:21 UTC
It's possible Missy just heard 'cheap booze' and didn't realize there was a parade out today, but either way, she's been bored and free booze is a good enough incentive to be out in the general public, living it up, and drinking as many drinks as she can possibly get down. Possibly she came here with Logan, because the girls haven't had a decent afternoon out in a long while and such an occasion was a long time coming, but as it stands, she's alone now, sipping a Personal Shopper, and looking friendly and giggly.


sauntereddown February 1 2009, 04:36:06 UTC
Logan has been drinking a little. Or, you know, possibly a lot. But at the moment she's got something citrusy and minty called a Name Dropper, and she's wandering around with her characteristic bounce in her step, checking out who's here, if there's anyone she recognizes, anyone she wants to take home tonight, anyone she might do business with... Hey, when an invitation goes out to all of the supernatural community on the journals, Logan's sure as hell going to show up and see what's going on.

She wanders up behind Missy with a grin and drapes herself over her shoulder, free arm draped around her with the drink in her other hand. "Hey there, babe. You look absolutely stunning tonight." Yeah, Logan doesn't have a huge crush or anything. They're just very good friends. Right.


technicallyiam February 1 2009, 05:13:23 UTC
Missy gives a little growl of pleasure at the unexpected Logan and leans her head against her in an affectionate nuzzle. Yes. Friends. Totally. "You don't look so bad yourself, sweetie. See anyone fun?"

Missy's certainly not looking to destroy another establishment in Chicago. What would ever give you that impression? She's just bored and looking for a little excitement and there are totally ways for that to happen that don't involve carnage.



sauntereddown February 1 2009, 05:26:10 UTC
Logan giggles a little and takes a sip of her drink, nuzzling into Missy's neck. She's warm. In the winter, even this bar is a little chilly, for a demon. It's perfectly logical to cuddle up to her like this.

"Not just yet, but the night is young. Not even properly night yet, is it?" They will probably not burn the place down. (Logan doesn't have any explosives on her, and just a small lighter.) ...The health and safety of the patrons is not guaranteed, however.


technicallyiam February 1 2009, 05:48:46 UTC
Missy purrs a little, which is odd for a girl so inherently doglike, but no one ever said she had to make sense. "Mmm. Shame. I haven't seen anyone either, and it's not, really. Can't go around having this parade business at night, after all- and who has a parade in January anyway?"

She's not sure what she thinks of this Flagg character, while she's at it. She never got close enough to the parade to see if he was a Neqa'el or a First, but she doesn't think he is.

"Guy talks big for what I'm.. Presuming is a human." She nods towards the TV. First peace talks and some guy claiming he's going to clean up the streets. Bleah. Makes a girl want to move to warmer, more dangerous climates, but she likes Chicago when it's not so damn cold.


sauntereddown February 1 2009, 06:00:18 UTC
"Mmm. No one I've ever heard of, but I'm not much good with politics." Not politics on the level, at least. The politics of various underworlds, sure, but only as much as she can use it to benefit from it. "And if he's serious about all this clean-up thing..." She pauses, and shrugs. "He's only human, right?" If he were a demon, or an angel, they would have heard about it. It would be all over the journals, at the very least.


technicallyiam February 1 2009, 07:08:56 UTC
"Me either," Missy murmurs, resting her chin in her hand and frowning deeply at the television. "There's just something off about him somehow."

She shrugs it off and relaxes a bit. "Yeah, if he was anything we'd have to worry about, we'd know. You see how well it went for the last guy who tried to run this town. Probably the same thing'll happen to this one if he starts poking his nose places it doesn't belong."

She mimes a gun with her fingers and aims it directly at the TV, miming firing and making a pchtchoo sound that's supposed to indicate a gunshot of some kind.


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