If I could attack with a more sensible approach, obviously that's what I'd be doing...

Jan 08, 2009 23:32

In the training room at the Main Gauche, there's a Slayer with her Christmas present, going through a few sword exercises she remembers from before. It's been a while since she's had a sword in her hands, but now that she does... It's easier to fall back into than she would have thought. Muscle memory comes easily to Slayers ( Read more... )

martha jones, cy, raziel, dmitri lang, gene hunt, ruvin, andy mackenzie, the doctor (ten), michael westen, buffy summers, sam tyler, the other, dante, abby maitland, april, jack bristow

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Comments 159

lionofmanc January 9 2009, 13:43:20 UTC
There is a lion prowling the halls of the Kashtta. A very large, very hungry lion, which finds its way into the kitchen and sits on the floor next to Sam, giving Michael a considering look. Not someone he's met, but better the lion than a bloody chipmunk, if there are cats about.

After a moment, Gene puts his front paws up on the counter, sniffs delicately at whatever Sam's making, then turns to give Sam a very pointed look.

Sam's ~boyfriend is hungry. SAM, FIX IT. FIX IT SAM.


definitivestep January 9 2009, 15:28:29 UTC
Sam eyes the lion, possibly debating the merits of smacking him on the nose and whether that will make him get down or just swat at him. Given that he doesn't end up doing that... apparently he decides the chances of Gene at least taking a swing at him are higher than the chances that it would be actually effective.

Finally, he says, "If you're going to ask me to feed you, could you at least be human at the time?" Lions are more difficult to feed than peoples.

The cat on the counter is staring at Gene a little suspiciously, tail twitching lazily. Michael is not intimidated, but you never know how much control any give person has over their shapeshifter forms - assuming this isn't a random lion just wandering around. That seems like a safe assumption.


lionofmanc January 9 2009, 15:45:47 UTC
Gene gives Sam an exasperated look, and takes his paws off the counter. Fine, then. Human, it is.

He considers giving Sam an affectionate headbutt, but there's a cat there, which is more than likely another bloody shapeshifter, given his reaction. Also, Sam is cooking, and Gene does, in fact, know better than to disturb a cooking Sam.

So, with a dismissive flick of his tail, he pads off to his own room, and returns a moment later, in a state approaching 'dressed'. Not terribly neatly, mind, but he's got clothes on, at any rate.


definitivestep January 9 2009, 17:20:18 UTC
Sam looks over his shoulder at Gene, and smiles a little. "Thank you." Because Gene doing exactly what he asks always requires some sort of acknowledgment and thanks, just because it's Gene. "I'd have fed the lion, but we don't have that much meat lying around." Also, lion feeding is just unpleasant and messy and Sam made enough human foods for two anyway, running on the assumption that someone would show up sooner or later and want food.


halfadevil January 9 2009, 15:06:01 UTC
Dante's been thinking of getting some practice in, himself. And when he sees a little blonde Slayer there...

"Looks like it's my lucky day." He smirks a bit, and takes a minute to look his sword over, making sure it's in good shape. Not like his weapons ever aren't, but it never hurts to check.

"Feel like going a few rounds?"


shealone_stands January 9 2009, 16:12:24 UTC
Buffy pivots smoothly to face him, sword still raised, and smiles a little when she sees who it is. Someone's got timing. "I really, really do. I can't decapitate you and everything else is fair game?" Hey, it never hurts to review the rules.


halfadevil January 14 2009, 05:44:03 UTC
"And try not to run me through too much." That's assuming she can get a hit in, of course, but he's being nice. For once. And you don't go underestimating the cute little girls. You just don't.


shealone_stands January 15 2009, 19:56:38 UTC
"As long as you don't give me any lip," she says with a faint smile. She's joking. Mostly. She gets the feeling asking Dante not to snark is like asking the sun to rise in the west. Buffy takes a few steps back across the floor, giving Dante a little room so he can move further from the door before they start, and shifts into an easy position to attack or defend herself. When you're ready, Dante.


threetowonder January 9 2009, 15:10:47 UTC
There happens to be another Time Lord wandering about. The Other's been thinking things over, and it's time he had some answers.

And, in a fortuitous turn of circumstance, the Doctor is nearby. The Other falls into step with him, waiting for the Doctor to notice him before he speaks.

"Doctor. Might I have a word?"


thatsortofaman January 9 2009, 15:52:45 UTC
The Doctor, to his credit, doesn't jump upon noticing the Other there. He tenses a little, and eyes him like he might a... Well, no. He's looked at Daleks with less trepidation.

"Ah... Well..." There's really no way out of this, is there? "'Course you can. In fact, I think you just had six."


threetowonder January 9 2009, 16:11:30 UTC
The Other is not impressed. "I did. I was more interested in having... words... with you about Gallifrey."

By which he means picking the Doctor's brain on the matter as much as he can without causing him any undue trauma. He can't imagine this will be a pleasant subject, but... He needs to know. In at least one possible timeline, his home was destroyed, and he would very much like to know why and how.


thatsortofaman January 9 2009, 16:18:57 UTC
The Doctor sighs, and looks down. Well, so much for relying on sarcasm to save him...

"Yeah, I thought you would." At this moment, the Doctor hates everything. At this moment, the Doctor feels like a child being taken to task for scribbling on the walls, only... far more lasting and unpleasant than that. And the Other's hardly said anything yet. "You're going to have to be a bit more specific."

Because there's just no way of getting the Doctor to talk about the Time War without dragging it out of him, and usually some serious emotional distress on his part.


smithnjones January 9 2009, 19:13:28 UTC
Martha Jones steps out of the Conrad. She visits the hotel as often as she can, because it still feels like home to her. Because of Brando, she feels a sense of responsibility to the place even still. Martha notices the Doctor entering the park. Even though it's night, the street lights help illuminate his path.

She looks both ways, crosses the street, and catches up to him with a smile, stopping underneath the nearest streetlight.

"Fancy meeting you here."


thatsortofaman January 13 2009, 10:47:52 UTC
The Doctor blinks and looks over at her with a slight frown, a little surprised, and then brightens as soon as he actually sees her. "Martha!" He covers the distance between them quickly, bouncing a little. "What're you doing around here?" The Doctor's sometimes a little oblivious to what his friends do when they're not around him.


smithnjones January 14 2009, 15:20:30 UTC
Martha smiles at him.

"Visiting the hotel. I've still got friends there, you know," she says, head tilted as she looks up at him with a smile and stretches up on her feet to kiss him quick on a whim. Nothing long, just a little kiss, but she pulls away from it looking rather pleased. "What're you doing 'round here?"

Which is a useless question she realizes. The Doctor wanders. There is not usually a reason for why he's at any particular place at any particular time.


thatsortofaman January 16 2009, 06:09:27 UTC
"I was just... you know... walking," he answers with a shrug. Which is all the answer you need. At least it's better than the other day when he was wandering down by Calisto's warehouse.

He holds out a hand to her, waggling his fingers with a hopeful grin. Hand-holding is good. Especially if you have to run.

"Also, I wanted to see if the coffee shop was still standing this time."


nowinprint January 9 2009, 19:32:21 UTC
Dmitri is in one of her in-Kashtta phases.

Well. Really she's in one of her Wandering Around Chicago phases, but given that her temperature tolerance is up around human standards, there's only so much wandering she gets done before she needs to thaw out, and she thinks the Kashtta a likely place to find hot beverages and/or the sort of people she can drag out to get them. She notes Sam and Michael, makes a quick detour to the cabinet where they kept the kippered herring (don't ask why she knows her way around your kitchen so well, Sam - actually, it's mostly because she went hunting for cocktail ingredients after Public Space Disaster Day), and opens the can to set it out for Michael. "Getting unpleasantly lunar for you, Westen?"

Then, recognizing the fact that cats are not terribly good at human speech, she turns to tilt her head at Sam. And... well.

"So, SaLT, having a lovely culinary day?"

Normal people say hello. Dmitri is not normal people.


definitivestep January 13 2009, 11:14:59 UTC
Michael, for a moment, seems to debate the merits of retaining his dignity versus the temptation of investigating the contents of the can set out in front of him, and after a moment decides fish wins out over dignity. He's a cat, whatever dignity he loses he can win back at some point, one way or another. So he reaches in to paw at the fish, making a soft mrrt noise that might be thanks and a response to her question both.

Sam just raises an eyebrow at Dmitri, though with considerably less annoyance than he could muster if he really meant it. "Is there a way I can bribe you to just call me Sam?"

No, Sam. No, there is not


nowinprint January 14 2009, 03:25:16 UTC
Dmitri gives him a Patented Dmitri Look. "Is there any way I can bribe you to just smile and enjoy my wit and charm?" she asks. "Besides, your name is boring. Don't worry, most names are. Look on the bright side: boring means you didn't get stuck with a name like Dweezil or Moon Unit. What are you making and would you like a cup of cocoa or chai with that?"

She's discovered the drinks.


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