I call on the resting soul of Galileo, king of night vision, king of insight...

Sep 05, 2008 22:16

The Doctor has been in the sewers for a few days now. He'll continue to be down there until he's sorted out what's wrong, because... well, because it's the Doctor, and he's not good at giving up on a problem if he thinks he can sort it out. He is, at the moment, wandering down a tunnel lit only by some sort of phosphorescent fungus, sonic ( Read more... )

toshiko sato, the doctor (ten), logan scott, annie hunt, ianto jones, marshall flinkman, desmond descant, sydney bristow, nathaniel wallace, becky trapper

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Comments 42

nothingsodivine September 6 2008, 03:33:58 UTC
What's coming down one of those side tunnels is a certain paranormal investigator, fresh from his own little adventure. He's been looking for the Doctor for some time now, having been with the hydralisk, checking out where this all began and trying to figure out exactly what might have caused this.

He's starting to think he has at least one lead though, and he's rather relieved when he exits out of one of the side tunnels, and catches sight of the Doctor. "So have you had any luck yet?"

Best to see what The Brilliant One has discovered first, just to make sure it doesn't make his measley little lead look pathetic in comparison.


thatsortofaman September 6 2008, 16:10:23 UTC
"Oh, there you are!" the Doctor says brightly as Des comes around the corner and into view. "I was starting to wonder if you might be lost." He doesn't sound too concerned about it, though.

"Ah... that depends on your definition of luck. For being a Doctor, I'm actually not so good with actual... sick people... Still, the good news is, find the source of the poison, cut it off, everything should be fine. I think. Say, you didn't happen to run into a cat nun down here? Could use one of those..."

Sometimes he just keeps talking to hear himself talk. This may be one of those times.


nothingsodivine September 6 2008, 19:22:14 UTC
"You would have been devastated too if that happened." Sarcastic Des is sarcastic. He shoves his hands in his pocket and rocks back on his heels a bit, listening and grinning a bit.

"Well, I think I might have found something that could be the sou- did you say cat nun?"

One of these days Des is going to get used to the Doctor saying ridiculous things like that. Oh sure, Broadway vampires and dragons in Aztec temples are the norm for him, but cat nuns are completely off the beaten path.


thatsortofaman September 6 2008, 19:34:39 UTC
The Doctor rolls his eyes a little. Honestly, you would have thought by now that Des would have ceased to be surprised when he mentions things like this... "Yeah. Cat nuns. Human-sized... bipedal... cats. Who are nuns. Bunch of them used to run a hospital that... not important. You were saying?"


akablackkitty September 6 2008, 03:43:02 UTC
These days Marshall spends a lot of time in the control room- when Thane paid them a visit, he saw the whole sad affair from the monitors and somehow it's become some sort of induced paranoia to just want to lock himself up in there whenever he wasn't occupied with something else ( ... )


techniclybrill September 6 2008, 16:14:17 UTC
Tosh jumps a little when the door opens, more startled than she really should be that someone's actually come in here. She relaxes a little, seeing it's Marshall there. He's at least... easier to deal with than some of the other possibilities. Even if the last time she saw him, the situation was...

She's not going to think about that.

"Marshall! Hello. I didn't expect..." Oh, and then there's the question. She presses her lips together for a second and nods. "I'm fine." She looks, really, anything but.


akablackkitty September 6 2008, 19:29:52 UTC
Marshall's frown deepens and he puts his laptop down somewhere, but doesn't take a step further- more to give her space than anything. He doesn't blame her for what happened and he's more than happy to have her back and not acting strange anymore, but he still doesn't feel comfortable crowding her right at this minute even if she does look like she could use a hug.

"Oh, well, yeah. I'm kinda... Unexpected, but, uh, in a happy way! Not like the Spanish Inquisition or anything." He chuckles a little nervously. "And not to call you a liar or anything, but you really don't seem fine, which is understandable given the week... Or month.. Or, well, some timeframe- I've really lost count, honestly, with everything's that been going on." A pause, followed by a wince. "Not helping. Um... If there's anything I can do..."

He trails off. Occasionally, he's rather useless in empotional situations- not like some people are, but rather in the whole bumbling, socially awkward, rambly way.


techniclybrill September 6 2008, 19:46:48 UTC
No matter how bad a mood you are in, it is very hard not to smile just a little at a rambly, slightly flailing Marshall. "Thank you. It's just been a long... timeframe of some sort." And she didn't need to be questioned about her earlier meltdown on top of everything else. Tosh pauses a moment, and then decides that a change of subject is in order. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about teleports, would you?"

...Only in Torchwood is that a valid change of subject.


worseforfears September 6 2008, 04:57:08 UTC
Becky's been looking for Annie, and when she sees the demon's clothes on the ground... well. She looks up in the tree and sighs a bit.

"Annie? What's wrong?"


ourowndragons September 6 2008, 16:20:04 UTC
Annie doesn't really answer - as if she can in this shape - just makes an unhappy grumbling noise, crouching down on her tree branch to peer at Becky. She's fine. Her brother's just an idiot. Nothing to worry about here.

Her tail keeps lashing irritably like a cat's, and she can't seem to stop it. That's annoying.


worseforfears September 6 2008, 16:23:47 UTC
She seems to be more cranky or frustrated than deeply upset, so that's something, and Becky feels better about the whole situation now.

"Oh, stop grumbling and come here," she says, smiling a little. Hey, a little scritching is good for the soul.


ourowndragons September 6 2008, 16:31:25 UTC
Annie eyes her a moment with the closest expression a dragon can manage to skepticism. I hope you're not expecting me to land on your shoulder. I'm a little big for that now, and I'll fall and look ridiculous, and then I'll blame you.

She pauses a moment, and then sighs, hopping down to a bench nearby the tree with a short glide. And then she turns to give Becky a questioning look, complete with headtilt. What do you want?


twdenmother September 7 2008, 20:32:10 UTC
Ianto has been taking some time to get used to certain bodily alterations. And he should probably warn people before just... appearing.

But honestly, he just felt like making coffee. And seeing if anyone else wanted some. And he heard Tosh was back.

So he just slips into the control room, not at all surprised to find her there, and sets a cup of coffee down next to her.

At the moment, he's wearing the closest approximation to a suit he can manage, with his trousers modified into a sort of... skirtish thing. Not terribly well -- his skill with clothing extends mostly to simple mending -- but he's not precisely comfortable going around with the lower half of him naked, either. So it's a bit odd-looking, but the best he can do for himself at the moment.


techniclybrill September 7 2008, 20:43:51 UTC
Tosh blinks up at Ianto for a second, a little surprised to see him there. She glances from Ianto to the coffee, and then smiles just a little. "Thank you, Ianto. I didn't know that you were back."

And then she stops, noticing something a little off. Frowns down at Ianto's legs for a second, and then back up at his face. "The Rift?" she guesses, because that's her best guess here. She really hopes it's the Rift, because there are few other theories that make sense.


twdenmother September 9 2008, 03:24:49 UTC
"Yes, well," Ianto says, shrugging, "I've been trying to figure out how to notify everyone of the fact that I went to Narnia -- yes, that Narnia -- and came back a faun in a way that doesn't sound ridiculous. If you have any suggestions..."

He smiles a bit. It's a good thing he has a sense of humour, he thinks, otherwise he might have gone insane by now.


techniclybrill September 9 2008, 18:48:27 UTC
"I'm afraid not," Tosh says, and, to her credit, does not laugh at him. Although she might be smirking just a little. Most people would be upon hearing one of their friends was lost in Narnia. "How long were you gone?"


trivialsublime0 September 11 2008, 01:06:22 UTC
Rusty now has an apartment with the Organization. Their Sunset Vista apartment complex. It's not anything fancy. Not at all. In the basement, a few floors down. It's smaller than the one here, because he's just that far down on the totem pole, but it comes with the job. And they have a pool and a golf course.

Not that he swims or golfs, but it's nice to know those things are there.

He does, however, like to sleep at whichever place is closer and he just happens to be in the Main Gauche when he comes across Annie. In dragon form.

Not good.

Rusty glances at the clothes, and then glances up at her. "You okay?"

Dumb question, considering he's about 97% sure that she's angry, because of him. It doesn't hurt to check.


ourowndragons September 11 2008, 01:10:02 UTC
Rusty, do you really want to be around a pissed off dragon, no matter how small? Even if she is your sister?

Annie glares at him for a moment, and then lets out a sound halfway between a growl and a hiss. No, she is not okay. Because her brother is an IDIOT.


trivialsublime0 September 11 2008, 02:16:12 UTC
No, Rusty doesn't. He's just trying to be... helpful in case this isn't about him. Or in case, it is about him. If he can further convince her to not call their father up, then approaching her is all for the greater good.

"Yeah. So it's about me... still. Right. Look. I get bored, y'know? Bored's not good with me cause then I go try to use my powers and get dumb about it. And we need money, in case shit happens and stuff. Not like I can hold down you're regular kind 'o job so even if I was high and probably wouldn'ta been so 'sign me fuckin up' sober... it's not half-bad."

He takes out a cigarette and lights it before adding as if it'll somehow help, "They got this apartment complex for employees and it's got a pool, Annie. A big one."


ourowndragons September 11 2008, 16:33:09 UTC
Annie growls a little more, but it's quieter now, like she's considering his words and the growl is more a reminder she hasn't forgiven him. She does, however, drop to a lower branch where he'd actually be able to reach her if he wanted. There is no guarantee she wouldn't bite him then, but... well, you know.


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