On 1854 W North Ave, a street address mentioned in
a very specific journal entry there is a small bookstore. Fairly innocuous, really, and more than a little worthy of being completely overlooked, but if you happen to be a wanderer, intrigued by the words in the journal entry, it might be worth poking around inside
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Who knows what the hell they're talking about, but Syd and Will have strange conversations. So that's okay.
They're nearing Bambi's shop, and when Will notices that, he grabs Sydney's arm and slows to a stop. "Hey, um... I just wanted to suggest something," he says, a little reluctantly. "Just... I don't want to sound insensitive or bring up painful memories or anything, I just think it's worth considering. Okay?"
Way to get to the point, Will.
"Well, I was thinking... a lot of shit happens around here, right? And you've already been in the hospital once, and either one of us could end up in the hospital later, so... I was thinking maybe we should get a marriage certificate from this lady. So we could be guaranteed access to each other in hospitals and so forth."
He's really hoping she doesn't get upset by this. He's really not trying to be insensitive.
"I... Sure. Just in case I get stabbed again... not that I'm planning on it." She smiles faintly, mostly as a reassurance that she's okay, really. Just the same old ache, and she'll get over it, eventually. She can deal with it.
No no. This is more interest than a lot of people ever showed in Wanderers, and it's being offered for free so far as she can tell, and so this Bambi kid is either one great philanthropist or running one hell of an angle, and that's the sort of thing Dmitri can't help but poke at.
So she wanders into the bookstore, starts picking her way along the shelves, poking at the books they've stocked. Well, hey, the place has a nice atmosphere, at least. None of this crummy office-cum-press-room crap some forgers run out of. Makes it a pleasant place to investigate, anyway.
"I've worked here twelve years and I don't think anyone ever expressed an interest in the books," she notes with rather wry amusement. Actual greetings are also for other people.
"Curiosity is something our kind is good at," Bambi smirks a little, accpting her hand and shaking it. "Bambi Dalton. Is there something I can help you with?"
Wondering if he's just supposed to wait, he idly browses the books. Most of them look pretty beat-up, from what he can see. He pulls out a couple, waiting a moment to see if they trigger any secret doors (just in case), then flips through them.
"I hope you're not here for the books, because I don't think I'd know what to do for something like that." She's smoking and looking coy to boot, but that's pretty much just how she is.
Doc turns with a small grin. "Just looking," he says, replacing the volumes he pulled out. "I take it you're Bambi?" He holds out a hand. "Dr. Emmett Brown." Nothing wrong with being friendly, especially when she has the power to give him a small portion of his life back. "I saw your message -- I've got a list here of my vital statistics." He holds it out. "Technically the town I come from doesn't exist here" -- except in the movies "-- so I listed the closest alternate I could find, just in case." (That would be Grass Valley insted of Hill Valley, if you're curious.)
She takes the list from him, scans it, and shrugs. "Yeah, you'll have to get a proper Chicago ID, so wherever you came from probably doesn't matter at this point unless you intend to go back there someday. Anything in particular, you want, gramps? The basic package is just ID, birth certificate, and I can fake medical records like a pro. All that essential shit. I also do credentials, marriage certificates- anything but money. I don't touch fake currency with a ten foot pole.
The walk to the bookstore isn't far, and E wastes no time in shoving the door open and marching up to the counter. Yes, she's wearing a dress meant for an old lady, but there's something to be said for an air of authority.
"Can I help you?" She asks, perfectly casual. Hey, an air of authority doesn't even work when it comes to her bosses.
That's what she's here for, after all... Well, within reason. She's had some creeps come in here before, but she knows how to deal with those people.
"It'll take about a week. Possibly two since we're talkin' detailed shit and I've got orders coming out my ass, but it'll be done. Whole shebang."
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