When you can't walk, you crawl. And when you can't do that...

Jul 01, 2008 13:31

Becky, unbeknownst to her narration, went to the hospital this morning. And got her cast off. She's on crutches, because her leg won't quite hold her just yet, but... her cast is off. Her ribs are completely healed, her leg is healed, and really the only thing wrong anymore as a result of her Fall is... well, that she's Fallen ( Read more... )

rusty hunt, anya naputi, becky trapper

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Comments 25

comeladydeath July 2 2008, 01:27:19 UTC
Anya has so little experience with demons other than Malek, the wanna-be Dons of Guam, and her old roommates, it's a bit pathetic. She's used to being able to hang on Malek's elbow day-in and day-out, and now that Malek is out dealing with bigger things, she's not at all sure what she's supposed to do with herself.

She's lurking in the courtyard when she sees someone crutching in, and... well, if there's one thing crutches do for Becky, they make her seem like no threat at all. Not that Malek says there's any threat in the Main Gauche, not even from the big bad scary ones, but that doesn't mean Anya will be comfortable around them anyway.

She darts up, falling into step beside Becky. "Hi," she says, opting to punch through her own shyness basically by just forcing words out. "I'm Anya."


worseforfears July 2 2008, 04:43:28 UTC
Becky blinks, startled, and almost loses her balance because... well there's someone all the sudden there. And she's already unsteady.

"Woah! Um! Hi?" She smiles a little, uncertainly. "Um... I'm Becky. Have to say, I think that's the most abrupt introduction I've ever gotten."

And given Becky and the past four years of her life? That's saying something.


comeladydeath July 2 2008, 05:39:01 UTC
Anya jumps a little at Becky jumping, hands going up either to hatch her breath or to steady Becky - even the hands aren't quite sure which. "I'm sorry!" she says. "I just - I'm quiet." She attempts a smile. "I don't really... introduce myself. I'm usually with Malek..."

It occurs to her that this person may not know Malek.

"He's, um, one of the demons here. Behemoth." And ridiculously overproud of that fact.


worseforfears July 2 2008, 12:00:52 UTC
Becky laughs a little, in a friendly (and slightly "please don't kill me") sort of way. "Oh. Um. Haven't run into him. I'm sort of new?"

Pause. Oh, right, politeness. Even if she's a demon and that makes Becky nervous. "Um, but nice meeting you even if I... don't know him?"

She's not sure how to handle demons trying to socialize with her. When they're not Annie or Rusty. Who don't count. Or something.


trivialsublime0 July 2 2008, 06:08:31 UTC
"Hey, somebody's havin' a good day."

Rusty is on his way into the Main Gauche, as well, with three coffees in his hand. He may be a demon, but apparently he takes care of his family - well, his sister and her... girl, which basically qualify as his family right now, anyway.

He smiles at Becky sideways and ducks his head, a little.

"Gee, is that what your leg looks like? Never knew." He smirks and glances up at her. "I broke my leg once. Well, a few times." 27 times to be exact, but no need to get exacts. Clumsiness and the habit of getting into accidents and trouble not on purpose happens often for him. "Feels good to be free, don't it?"


worseforfears July 2 2008, 11:56:01 UTC
"God, yes," Becky agrees, bending her knee and then stretching it out. "I never want to do that again... ever."

She pauses, and stares at the coffee for a second. "And if one of those is for me, you are my new favorite person."


trivialsublime0 July 2 2008, 16:01:41 UTC
"Well, good," Rusty says with a little smile. "Hate to think of you wantin' to fall. Again."

His little smile becomes a grin and he tilts his head sideways, raising his eyebrows.

"That all it takes to win you over? Yeah, one's for you, pick your favorite. They're all the same." Rusty smirks. "Got 'em to celebrate cause I got a job. Temporary." Thanks mostly to his powers. "Probably won't last, but y'know don't trust free rides. Nice as this place is."


worseforfears July 2 2008, 16:12:16 UTC
Becky balances herself as best she can - she can stand on her leg, but it doesn't hold up weight well - and grabs the coffee nearest her. "You've got a job? That's great!"


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