
Jun 02, 2008 16:47

There are a variety of people, in a variety of places, doing a variety of things. Specifics? Well, why not.

Alanna, after a few days spent locked alone in her room, is in the cafeteria, eating. Because spontaneously fasting for no real reason will make a person hungry, if you didn't know. She's tucked herself into a quiet corner and seems both ( Read more... )

lola adair, kate hunt, mark cohen

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Comments 14

wheverlolawants June 2 2008, 22:09:54 UTC
Here Jacob, have a fellow Temeluchus who is very bored herself. Then again, it takes a special kind of chaos to make Lola not bored, but she hasn't been feeling much like leaving the complex herself for varying reasons.

Lazy demons are lazy?

At any rate, she was thinking of going out, maybe seeing if she could find Katie and have a little fun, but then she got distracted, because... She's easily distracted, and now she's walking through the sunroom and plopping down on a chair and giving Jacob a rather appraising look as if deciding whether or not he's worth hitting up for conversation.

"You know, most demon-run establishments keep humans around that you can actually play with. Just sayin'."

Lola has a very special way of beginning a conversation. Don't mind her.


demoninyourbed June 3 2008, 01:24:29 UTC
Special, though, is something Jacob can handle. Usually. And when he can't, that's one of the places being a Temeluchus comes in handy. At least it usually distracts people long enough to get out of reach. But we're digressing, and demon special usually doesn't require that, anyway. It takes an especially bored demon to go after one of their own kind without reason, and Jacob doesn't think he's pissed anyone off enough lately to have a reason.

"I can't say I've been in a lot of demon-run places that wouldn't draw notice for that. But it'd definitely make this place a lot more fun." He grins, and shrugs. "Thinking of suggesting it to the hotshot around here?"


wheverlolawants June 3 2008, 01:32:21 UTC
Lola twirls a lock of her hair around her finger and reclines on the chair in a way that no one ever intended that poor chair to be reclined on and somehow manages to look very comfortable in the process.

"Then you've never been to Vegas. Whole city's practically in demon hands." Well, that might be an exaggeration. A certain demon who shall remain nameless is working on it. "Plus you'd be surprised what you can get away with there. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, because half the time you never get to leave, you know?"

Insert exceptionally wicked smirk here. Lola's awfully young to be this made of evil, but, well... There you go. Torture demons are scary things.

She pouts a little at his question. "I would, but I don't think he'd go for it. He doesn't like us causing problems in the complex, which is a pity, because I thought a torture room would be much more amusing than a training room." She makes a high-pitched 'hmph' noise rather like a snotty woman might make at someone who has just displeased them.


demoninyourbed June 3 2008, 02:14:59 UTC
Young is relative for demons, anyway. The ones who aren't made of evil don't do so well, after all. Especially not in places crawling with angels, like Chicago.

Anyway, she happens to be talking to someone who enjoys made of evil.

"Sounds like a fun place. I haven't been to Vegas in, fuck, eighty... maybe ninety years? And I wasn't there for long then, so. There were a lot of demon areas around there then, too, but sometimes it's just more fun handpicking them yourself." Whether handpicking means people who'll be fun to break or people giving off so much material that they're impossible to pass up.... Well, it depends on the day.

He chuckles at her response. "Could always set one up ourselves. Of course, trying to do Unapproved Things around a Neqa'el could be dangerous, but I don't mind a little danger."


aintsunshine June 2 2008, 22:17:15 UTC
Kate happens to be around the Main Gauche. She has been out jogging. Kate stretches as she walks into the sunroom. The sweat glistens on her skin. She's in a good mood even if she's frustrated at having not killed in a while. It's not that she particularly enjoys killing. It's just who she is. Without it, she feels out of place.

She spares a glance at Jacob and smirks.

"Enjoying that book?" Kate's sarcasm is a product of her good mood.


demoninyourbed June 3 2008, 01:33:23 UTC
Jacob rolls his eyes a little, not really at her. "Oh, yeah. I'd say it rates somewhere below hanging people by their thumbs and above green jello on the funmeter." The tone makes it clear that hanging people by their thumbs doesn't really sound like fun, either.

He looks up to study her, because fellow demons are much more interesting than reading. Usually, anyway. There's the occasional boring ones, but they generally get themselves killed before long, anyway.


aintsunshine June 3 2008, 02:30:29 UTC
"I was never a big fan of green jello," she says, stepping toward him to pick up the book from his hold.

He doesn't have to give it over to her. After all, they both know it's not the book that interests her.

"Mm. Just reading the cover I'd have to say that I agree with you. Can't find anything more exciting to do in Chicago, current center of the universe?" Kate smirks, a little.

She is not a big fan of the city that much is clear. It's nothing in comparison to Europe or Africa. But somehow it's the center of things.


demoninyourbed June 3 2008, 02:48:42 UTC
He leans in towards her slightly -- to make it easier to see the book, of course. At her words, he shrugs a shoulder. "Turns out the center of the universe is not that interesting when you don't want to get out of your chair. Unless you can think of something?" he adds with a grin, lounging back.


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