So why'd you come home to this faithless town...?

May 19, 2008 11:44

Sam and Tosh are both in Sam's room. The door is open in case someone needs either of them (mostly Sam), which somewhat defeats the purpose of separate quarantine rooms, but Torchwood is above such things. Or, more to the point, the plague's almost been sorted out and if anyone upstairs had it, they probably would have noticed already ( Read more... )

toshiko sato, the doctor (ten), captain john hart, maya roy, sam tyler, gwen cooper, revan onasi, penelope widmore, rose tyler

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Comments 56

whotrulyloves May 19 2008, 17:18:04 UTC
It pays to be able to find people whenever you want, considering it saves time wandering the halls, looking for the room.

With that in mind, Penny's standing in Sam's doorway within minutes of her response to his journal entry, lightly knocking on the doorframe to politely signal her arrival, her eyes focused on Sam.

"Sam Tyler?" She asks, both a question and something of a greeting, even if the question part is somewhat irrelevant at this point.


definitivestep May 19 2008, 17:34:14 UTC
Sam looks up at the knock and gives her a quick smile. "Penny?" Just a confirmation, because he's never met the woman, and it's always possible someone else could be looking for him at the same time Penny is. Not a huge possibility, but even so. "Come in. And... close the door, if you don't mind."

Tosh glances over her shoulder at Penny and smiles at her, then glances to Sam. "Do you want me to leave?"

Sam shakes his head. "It's fine. I just need to..." He stops and frowns, reaching over to grab his laptop and set it on the bed, flipping it open. "Actually, could you bring up a map of the city? I'll need to be able to zoom in on specific areas."

Tosh shoots him a slightly condescending look - that sort of thing is child's play - and almost as soon as the words are out of his mouth, a map appears on screen. Sam smiles at her, choosing to ignore the expression.


whotrulyloves May 19 2008, 17:41:14 UTC
"Yes, that's me," she smiles both at him and Tosh, and then quickly closes the door behind her as she steps inside. She watches the exchange quietly for a moment before finding the armchair situated in the corner and pulling it just a bit closer to the bed.

"So. You want me to find someone for you," she says in a way that suggests that it's not really a question, but a confirmation of what she understands. Her tone is businesslike for no reason other than this is a serious sort of situation (or seems to be), and she tends to get that way in situations like this. Lessons from her father, apparently.


definitivestep May 19 2008, 17:49:34 UTC
Sam nods, picking up a specific paper from the pile - the police report about Florence. "You heard about Ms. Vassey's death?"

Most of the basement residents have, as far as he can tell. Information spreads quickly here, and this has had plenty of time to get around.


that_damn_paki May 19 2008, 17:34:35 UTC
Maya is pacing the length and breadth of the Basement, which is where she's been stuck since they discovered Plague cells in her spit. Wonderful. So far, she seems to be one of the lucky ones down here - she may have been a carrier, but she seemed immune.

Which would be nicer were she able to leave at any point.

She's been occupying herself as best she can with the piano in the music room and checking in on the Rift Room, though, in a spectacular display of isn't-this-just-her-luck, she managed to miss the one person who's come in and probably needed orientation. She's poking around, looking for new faces, when she sees an old one walk in through the elevator and moves to stop him before she remembers that hospital staff have been coming and going freely recently. "Are you from the clinic?"


thatsortofaman May 19 2008, 17:45:46 UTC
"Not from the clinic as in I work there, but I've been there a lot lately, yeah." He holds up the cooler with a grin. "And I have got five doses of the cure here. Contagious, so I wouldn't worry about running out, but I figured I'd just drop it off with the doctors down here and let them sort out who needs it first." Rose is getting one, of course, because he says so, but the other four, they can sort out.

He pauses and frowns at Maya, looking her up and down. He was under the impression that the only people down here were doctors and patients, along with the occasional angel, and considering she's not in a bed... "You're not a doctor, are you?"


that_damn_paki May 19 2008, 18:24:35 UTC
"Contagious - " It doesn't take long for her to put it right back onto the pile of Things Not To Ask About. Chicago's gaining a long list of them. For all she knows, that's normal for this universe. "No, I'm not. I was a Detective Inspector in my own universe, and here I'm the hotel's Orientation Officer. Whenever someone bothers to come find me," she adds. "Apparently, I was a carrier."


thatsortofaman May 19 2008, 18:29:23 UTC
He can see her expression shifting as she considers what he's said and decides not to ask about it. It's an expression he's actually pretty used to seeing, both from his friends and from complete strangers. The Doctor tends to collect odd looks of all sorts.

"Oh. Hello, then. I'm the Doctor. I don't suppose you know where any of the doctors are? Or should I just drop by the medical room?"


belle_heaven May 19 2008, 18:36:02 UTC
A very bored Rose is very quietly, and very slowly, sneaking down the hallways of the basement in order to let some very protective angels get some much needed rest without stirring every bloody time she coughs (which is fairly frequently). Yes, this may be exhausting to her, and yes she may hate having to stop every minute or two to lean against the wall and breathe but she hasn't been out of bed in awhile and she's just going to try and find a book or something to read.

She knows she could have asked either Mat or Nate to borrow a video game but really...Those two boys need some sleep and she's about to scream from boredom. She's fairly sure she'll stumble across someone if she needs them. She's just refusing to admit that she needs any help. At all. Cause she's Rose, and Rose just is annoying like that.


thatsortofaman May 19 2008, 19:09:05 UTC
The Doctor sees Rose halfway down the hall, and speeds his pace to bounce toward her, grinning brightly. "Rose! Good to see you!" He pauses, as he realizes she's leaning against the wall, and raises his eyebrows. "Are you supposed to be out of bed?"


belle_heaven May 19 2008, 19:15:20 UTC
Rose gives a start when she hears the Doctor and looks up at him. Her face is pale, her PJs hang on her a bit, and there is still enough of a fever that her eyes look a touch too bright. But she looks much better then she did a day ago.


She flings her arms around him in a massive hug. She's heard that every last one of her boys was alright, but hearing it and seeing it are two totally different things. He's here, and he's okay. Her limited emotional reserves (some of those hallucinations put her through the wringer, ya'know.)were already strained and seeing one of her boys safe and sound was enough to reduce her to relieved tears.

"Oh thank god! I was so worried about you, Doctor. I kept thinkin' you weren't gonna come back! I'm so glad you're alright..."


thatsortofaman May 19 2008, 19:20:17 UTC
He throws his arms around her - well, one arm, as the other's still holding the cooler - grinning even brighter, if that's possible.

"Of course I came back. Why wouldn't I come back? Not even a little sniffle from me, alright?"

And she says he worries too much...


theteaboy May 19 2008, 20:01:44 UTC
Ianto hasn't had too much to do about the Hotel. He's spent numerous hours explaining quarantine guidelines to many a resident, and occasionally checking in downstairs.

And that happens to be what he is doing now. Instead, he has two cups of coffee (one precise, while the other, well, he's guessed at) and is carting them off on a small tray to one Sam Tyler's room. In reality, he feels partly guilty for not having told the team about John Hart's ability, but the entire confrontation still bothered him. His arm is still casted and even hurts occasionally, but he's learned to ignore it.

Tapping lightly on the doorway, he offers a small smile and a gesture to the coffee.

"I thought it might help." In whatever way Ianto's coffee always seemed to help.


techniclybrill May 19 2008, 20:18:08 UTC
Sam glances up first, Tosh after a second after she finishes typing in a string of God knows what code - she may be able to manipulate the computer with her mind, but it's much easier to focus when she's actually typing it.

"Your coffee always helps," she says with a grin.

Sam smiles too, a little distractedly. "Thank you." His eyes flicker briefly to Ianto's arm, but they move just as soon back up to his face, his expression unchanging.


theteaboy May 20 2008, 00:07:13 UTC
"Good to hear it." Ianto offers a small grin in return and sets the tray upon the desk, first handing her a mug before turning with the other to Sam.

Oh, he's well aware of the small glance to his arm, but he doesn't let it show on his face. Either way, he offers out the mug with a small smile.

"How has everything been?" He glances more to Tosh, but that might be because he's more familiar with her than he is Sam. "You know if there is anything I can help with..."


techniclybrill May 20 2008, 04:27:53 UTC
Sam's completely content to accept the coffee with a smile and murmured thanks and go back to his police reports. Napoleonic coat. Sword. These are not things that blend in in Chicago in 2008. These are things he should be able to find fairly easily.

Tosh sighs a little, and nods, taking a sip of her coffee. "It's been... slower than I'd like. At least at home we were able to track shapeshifters by Rift energy..."


curtainfalling May 19 2008, 21:34:32 UTC
Revan is bored as well. She's feeling much better, but she's staying down in the basement regardless until everything's settled. And she's not quite well enough to do any physical training with herself.

So she wanders into the common room and, seeing Gwen sitting there looking rather restless, goes to join her.

"It's Gwen, right? Mind if I join you?" She asks.


torchwoodsheart May 19 2008, 21:45:11 UTC
Gwen looks up and smiles vaguely, setting aside her journal for the moment. "Of course not. I'm not doing anything that can't be interrupted, after all..."

Or, you know, anything at all. She's not used to not having anything to do anymore. It's really, really bothering her.


curtainfalling May 19 2008, 22:04:02 UTC
Revan sits down in the chair next to Gwen, smiling slightly. "You're stuck here because of the plague, right?" She asks. "I think they've got a cure now, so we shouldn't be quarantined much longer."

For which Revan is grateful. She's starting to get cabin fever.


torchwoodsheart May 20 2008, 04:30:25 UTC
Gwen nods a little, with a smile that's really more a grimace. "Thank God. Maybe it will give Mathias a reason to stop mothering me."

It's really rather cute, especially since he's a former demon and supposedly, you know, not the mothering type, but it continues long enough and it's just annoying.


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