So why'd you come home to this faithless town...?

May 19, 2008 11:44

Sam and Tosh are both in Sam's room. The door is open in case someone needs either of them (mostly Sam), which somewhat defeats the purpose of separate quarantine rooms, but Torchwood is above such things. Or, more to the point, the plague's almost been sorted out and if anyone upstairs had it, they probably would have noticed already ( Read more... )

toshiko sato, the doctor (ten), captain john hart, maya roy, sam tyler, gwen cooper, revan onasi, penelope widmore, rose tyler

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curtainfalling May 19 2008, 21:34:32 UTC
Revan is bored as well. She's feeling much better, but she's staying down in the basement regardless until everything's settled. And she's not quite well enough to do any physical training with herself.

So she wanders into the common room and, seeing Gwen sitting there looking rather restless, goes to join her.

"It's Gwen, right? Mind if I join you?" She asks.


torchwoodsheart May 19 2008, 21:45:11 UTC
Gwen looks up and smiles vaguely, setting aside her journal for the moment. "Of course not. I'm not doing anything that can't be interrupted, after all..."

Or, you know, anything at all. She's not used to not having anything to do anymore. It's really, really bothering her.


curtainfalling May 19 2008, 22:04:02 UTC
Revan sits down in the chair next to Gwen, smiling slightly. "You're stuck here because of the plague, right?" She asks. "I think they've got a cure now, so we shouldn't be quarantined much longer."

For which Revan is grateful. She's starting to get cabin fever.


torchwoodsheart May 20 2008, 04:30:25 UTC
Gwen nods a little, with a smile that's really more a grimace. "Thank God. Maybe it will give Mathias a reason to stop mothering me."

It's really rather cute, especially since he's a former demon and supposedly, you know, not the mothering type, but it continues long enough and it's just annoying.


curtainfalling May 21 2008, 00:30:45 UTC
Revan grins. "I've been accused of being overly motherly on more than one occassion. Mostly by my husband, Carth."

"I... don't think we've met," Revan notes with a sheepish smile. "I'm Revan."


torchwoodsheart May 21 2008, 01:52:53 UTC
Gwen's smile flickers momentarily - it doesn't fade completely, but there's something a little sad and lonely there for just a second. The mention of Revan's husband reminds her of Rhys, and it's a reminder she doesn't particularly need at this very moment.

"I don't think we have. I'm Gwen Cooper."


curtainfalling May 21 2008, 02:44:05 UTC
Revan knows that look all too well, that look of loneliness. She's made it a few times herself. "Seems to me we've both left something behind, in our own worlds. But we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"You're working for Jack and Torchwood, right?" She asks, interested. She likes Jack quite a bit.


torchwoodsheart May 21 2008, 03:21:58 UTC
"It's alright," Gwen says with a shake of her head. "Most of us have family back home anyway."

Except that's not exactly true. Many of the wanderers seem to not have too many connections to their own universes, and certainly she's the only member of Torchwood with any family back home... She shakes it off, refocusing on the conversation at hand.

"Yes, I am. You know Jack?" Well, let's be fair, most everyone in the basement knows Jack. He's charismatic and noticeable and hard not to like unless you're a bitchy first angel.


curtainfalling May 21 2008, 04:30:02 UTC
Revan nods with a small smile. "Yeah. I briefed him on Shepard after the warehouse fiasco. And he's... been a help to me as well."

She's referring to her brief slip to the Dark Side after she ran into Sark.

"I like him, quite a bit," she admits, blushing just a little.


torchwoodsheart May 21 2008, 04:35:44 UTC
Gwen notices the blush, and can't help but grin at that. She recognizes that look. "Most people do," she says diplomatically. "I'm very fond of him myself."

'Very fond' as in 'more than a little in love', but we don't mention that part because A) we have a boyfriend and a fiance, and B) the Jack in this universe isn't the same as hers, however similar. Yes, let's just go with 'very fond'.


curtainfalling May 21 2008, 17:07:42 UTC
Smiling uncertainly, Revan responds, "He seems to have that effect. I find his presence rather... calming, really. That's a good thing, in some situations. Sometimes I let my temper get the better of me."

Which is a vast understatement.


torchwoodsheart May 21 2008, 17:14:52 UTC
Gwen chuckles a little, reaching over to pick up her tea, cradling it between her hands. "A lot of the time he's the reason I'm losing my temper, but I know what you mean."


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