Many many moons ago, there was a fantabulous little pre-mini fic by
stars_like_dust called:
Stupid Thing Last Night. Much later (but still a long time ago), it spawned a sequel:
Stupid Thing Last Night: The Videotape edition.
I pleaded to be allowed to collaborate with the fantastic
stars_like_dust to continue the story, and she magnanimously agreed...
Now, a mere four years or so after the whole thing began, an unholy alliance of old and new writers in the fandom brings you the sequel to the sequel. You need to read the two previous for this to make sense, as it starts immediately off the back of the last one.
stars_like_dust and
elzedFandom:Battlestar Galactica
Characters/Pairings: Lee/Kara
Spoilers:Season 1; up to early season 2 (Home)
Wordcount: 16,700
Disclaimer:Not ours, alas - but Ron says it's okay to pay homage...
Betaed, as ever, by the marvellous
Stupid Thing Last Night, The Rewind, Part One, which can be found here at
stars_like_dust's journal.
Stupid Thing Last Night, The Rewind, Part Two is at mine (