Title: Bound Summary: A well-kept secret, that’s what he was, a scandal the king was keen on keeping hidden. But Jaejoong had a secret of his own, Jung Yunho. Pairing: YunJae Genre: Fluff, Smut, Drama, Historical Rating: NC17 Length: Chaptered
Poor Jae TT^TT I hate it that he feels like that coz of the king taking advantage of him... he was just a kid when he got to be the kings consort... I really hope Yunho will love Jae coz he needs it really badly but I am scared of what the king will do when he finds out TT Thank U for the hard work babe~! m( _ _)m
Comments 21
I really hope Yunho will love Jae coz he needs it really badly but I am scared of what the king will do when he finds out TT
Thank U for the hard work babe~! m( _ _)m
i dont know, but I have a feeling that this story will have a dramatic end. ;____;
I fear for both once the king finds out
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