Big Damn Doctor Who Vid Recs, Week Four

Dec 20, 2009 19:52

Five days till the first of the finales (and a holiday of some sort;D) and the final five videos from the past five years. That's a lot of 5's. These past few weeks, going back over all these wonderful videos that have been made by the fans who love this silly show, has been nothing but amazing. I've enjoyed spreading the love and eagerly look forward to the final two episodes of RTD and David's DW careers. And with that, on to the music videos!

Week Four - Doctor Who Music Videos

My Skin
by raspberry_splat

Why: From the Time War, into his regeneration to Nine, to meeting Rose, regenerating again, losing her and all that happens afterward. This is the Doctor. Dark and lonely. A damaged Doctor finds, but also loses, much. Sadly his path continues to be one of guilt ridden darkness and loneliness.

Winter In My Heart by raspberry_splat, humansrsuperior, & leviathan101

Why: If this is what happens when three great vidders get together, it needs to happen more often. The blending, the colors, the freaking pain radiating throughout the vid. This is what the Doctor is without Rose, what his life has become. And it's no good. But you can't help but awe at the beauty of this journey told in the vid. Each second is haunting and what the vidders use as a description perfectly sums it up: Without Rose, the light and warmth in the Doctor's life fades, and he sinks into a cold world of darkness.

by Analeia

Why: The song is so perfectly beautiful for the season and fits so well with the Doctor and Rose's relationship. Scarily so. Bittersweet and full of lovely transitions and effects, this video will leave you yearning for those light, happy days of the past. Loss and happiness at the same time.

Everybody Dies by nolaespoir

Why: If you don't cry a little bit when watching this, you're not a fan. The music, the quotes, everything is so gutwrenchingly beautiful and haunting. Basically a long tribute for the Doctor and his companions and a hint of what's to come, it's a wonderful illustration of David Tennant's time as the man in the blue box. Watch and remember.

The Time Of My Life
by erychan

Why: To the people who have made this wonderful show for the past few years - Russel, Phil, Julie, Billie, Freema, Catherine, Christopher and of course, David. Another tearjerker of a vid if you're going to be missing these people and what they gave us. Featuring behind the scenes, interviews, confidentials and other off set antics from the cast and crew, this one will stay with you. It's hard to describe how this video makes me feel. Everything. Not sure if that covers it. I'll always remember them and thank them for bringing this show into my life.

The End

In case you missed any of the recs over the past 4 weeks, check out Week One, Week Two and Week Three here.

I've tried to make a quality list of vids from the past few years. I've left out recent ones that have been made, because they're more likely to have been seen. But if you think I've made some tragic mistake, left out a truly wonderful gem from years gone by, then feel free to leave your rec in the comments. The more DW love the better:) But try to keep your recs to vids from the New Who era. That's what we're celebrating here.

couple: doctor/rose, tv: doctor who, music video, recs: music videos

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