
Sep 27, 2012 09:36

Hello lovelies ( Read more... )

writing: betas, verse: 1000 pages

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Comments 6

radiophile September 28 2012, 17:37:51 UTC
I can beta for you if you want~ Altho I should warn you that I'm not a XMFC fan so I'm probably not at all qualified to give in-depth feedback on things like characterization and such /o\ But I can nitpick your writing, np ;)

I'd also be happy to cheerlead you, if you can also do the same for me! I'm languishing on my Steve/Tony fic atm, have lost all my momentum and could always use another person to kick me in the butt/hold me accountable :P ♥


betweenthebliss September 28 2012, 18:31:13 UTC
that would be amazing, homg. *________*;;; i think i'm ok on characterization but the nitpicking is really what i need. and possibly some help working through some plot bits, which you wouldn't really need to be familiar with the canon to do, i'd just throw some ideas at you and you could tell me which one(s) sound the most interesting. basically i unbottled all 40k words of this as it stands in the course of like two months, and then i haven't written anything in a year. so a little direction and support, plus the beta reading, is what i'm after. whatever help you can give would be / will be awesome! i'll send you the file tonight-- do you prefer email, google docs, something else entirely?

and OF COURSE i will help you with yours!! send me what you've got and we can talk about where it's going and i'll break out my pompoms. XDDDD

eeee <3 <3 <3


radiophile September 28 2012, 18:42:38 UTC
I can totally help you work through the plot bits, np! :) Sometimes you just need to talk it out with another person to get the ideas going, I def know how that is ;) You can send me a Gdoc invite, I think that'd be best! (faranth514[at]gmail) That way I can write comments in the margins and stuff ;D

EEEEE THANK YOU :'D <3333 I have about 15k so far, and I'm still really early on in the story /o\ Like, literally, Steve and Tony have only just met :| *facepalm* I can send you the Gdoc, or did you want it in another format? :3



betweenthebliss September 29 2012, 18:36:23 UTC
I AM ALSO EXCITED. gdocs works best for me too-- i kind of went out and got shitfaced last night instead of being at the computer, haha, so i will be sure to paste it all in a doc and invite you to it tonight. i'm excited to read yours as well-- i love long stories so i'm looking forward to this a lot. :D :D :DDDDD

talk to you tonight XD


canadiangoddess November 11 2012, 01:20:31 UTC
I don't know if you're still looking for someone to beta for you, but I'm an avid (and only moderately stalkerish) lover of this story and am very familiar with XMFC as well as some comic cannon. If you are interested let me know - I use gdocs a lot but I can work with MS Word too - and I'll send you my email.

Good luck! Write more!


betweenthebliss May 6 2013, 17:48:33 UTC
hey there :D your incredibly delayed author here. the past few months i've actually been posting the previously-written stuff up on AO3 and am finally venturing into new territory. i'd love your help betaing, if you're still interested! send me your email and we'll get chatting, and thank you so much for the offer! <3


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