(no subject)

Sep 27, 2012 09:36

Hello lovelies,

It's been awhile. I haven't been in much of a blogging mood for a while, but I'm moving in a month and as such am doing a little mental housekeeping. I might be posting here more often over the next few weeks, I might not, but I'm trying to get some things in order that I've let slide, one of which I could use your help on.

The last thing I did on this journal was post my XMFC AU WIP 1000 pages (give or take a few) and now, in an attempt to get seriously working on it again, I'm looking for someone to a) beta read the story so far so I can post it on AO3, and b) cheerlead me through continuing on with it. I have always said I would go on to finish it, but I need a little support to actually knuckle down and write, lol.

I'm mostly looking for someone who's willing to nitpick my words (repetition of phrases, accidentally contradicting myself, etc), be attentive to the flow of the story (what parts could stand to be fleshed out more, what parts seem unnecessary) and most of all, hold me accountable to actually writing more of it.

So. Any takers? :D There's no such thing as too many eyes on this (or too many cheerleaders ;)), so whoever's interested, let me know!

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writing: betas, verse: 1000 pages

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