Jun 29, 2009 18:50

this is now big enough to require two posts! i am apparently a prolific reader. :3

part one of the rec list of doom; short fics A - Z and full-length fics A - I.

i have only two requests for you, intrepid readers who have stumbled upon this post.
1. if you think there's a fic that belongs on this list, link me! no guarantees i'll love it, obviously, but i get a lot of my links from others' recs, and i'm always happy to have someone pass along something that made their day.
2. if you like a fic, leave feedback on it! as an author, i know how much it means to get a comment, even if it's just a smiley face or a heart. so be good readers and tell your authors how much they rock! if you feel like mentioning you found their fic through my list, that is also awesome, but totally not required. XD

= best of the best

= dangerously hot
* = new this update

drabbles / short fics

Paradoxical by anowlinsunshine : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - pwp, angry sex, awesome Spock POV.

Linger At The Door by black_eyedgirl : Kirk, Spock, Uhura, gen - "Jim’s fingers don’t bend that way easily, but he manages. “Live long, and prosper, Spock,” he says. They’re close enough that their hands would be touching if either of them took another step." very nice scene before Spock beams down for shore leave on New Vulcan.

These Bones by caelumi : McCoy, PG, gen - funny and very well-written little scene between Kirk and Bones.

Tribble Tension by chibinecco : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - for the prompt "Kirk has a crick in his back, and gets Spock to fix it. One thing leads to another, and he gets fucked into the mattress so hard his back is messed up again in the end." More sexy than funny, but I'm not complaining!

Desire by cleo2584 : Kirk/Spock Prime, implied Kirk/Spock, PG - short and sweet, hits right where it counts.

Hangover by damalur : McCoy gen - awesome snapshot of McCoy.

Untitled by iambickilometer @ dreamwidth : Sulu, Gen - really gorgeous genfic piece for random_fic_is_random's picture challenge.

Luxury by igrockspock : Kirk, gen - very telling look into the mind of Jim Kirk, Captain of the Enterprise.

Two Guys Walk Into A Bar by ink_n_imp : Kirk/McCoy, PG-13

The Game by jesmihir : TOS!fic, kirk spock and mccoy kill time in a bar with a silly game-- funny, but with a real sucker punch at the end. wibble!

Interrogation Techniques by ninhursag : Kirk, gen, for the prompt "I want non-con - I'd like Kirk as the victim, but I'm not picky, just as long as the offender isn't one of the crew - where the victim isn't reduced to a quivering emotional wreck (In fact if it's Kirk, I'd quite like to see him being angry and offended that the arsehole in question was arrogant enough to think they could break him)." --i didn't expect to love this as much as i do, but it is *so* kirk, and so insanely well done.

Leave the Light on Me by ninhursag : Kirk, Gaila gen, R. gaila is a bamf and saves the day! \o/ and its sequel Midnight, Ship's Time is equally lovely.

Two by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock, NC-17, mindmeld during sex (and just get ready b/c this author kind of needs her own section both here and in full-length fic for all the shit she's written that i love. :3)

Mantra by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - sequel to "and they won't believe you when you write home about it", linked below, should read before this one.

Patience by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - "Spock is vocal during sex. Not loud or with words or anything, but his small noises and whimpers and moans tell Kirk all he needs to know." mmmmmmm.

Pulling Pigtails by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock, R - for the prompt "Mission on New Vulcan - Spock gets courted by one of the former bully!vulcans who subscribed to pigtail-pulling, playground seduction back in the day and FAILED so bad at it. Cue possessive!Kirk." --LOL and GUH, rinse and repeat.

Five Ways The Crew Found out about Spock and the Captain by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock - sort of similar to "And they won't believe you when..." but this is five different crew members who found out.

Evil Mastermind by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock, PG-13 - they have a daughter and she's terrifyingly smart. SO FUCKING CUTE, i usually hate baby!fic, but gyah, even i couldn't resist this one.

Faith by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock - why yes i do plan to rec everything she's ever written, why? Kirk POV, one of my favorites.

Weaponry by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - hell yes hands are Vulcans' erogenous zones, and hell yes Kirk takes advantage of that the second he finds out. GUHHHH.

LoveBrilliantScars by snowlight : Kirk/Spock, PG-13 - for the prompt "years down the line nu!Kirk begins to lose his youthful physique. Spock reassures him that he's still amazing."

Observe by svilleficrecs : Spock/Uhura with a side of Kirk - Jim observes the signs of Spock and Uhura's relationship and is intrigued. hints at future OT3.

As Long As You Come Home To Me by t_hy_la : Kirk/Spock - buckets of angst, and so beautifully done.

The Second Time by tallycola : Sulu/Chekov, PG-13ish - rot-your-teeth sweet, but you can't not love it.

* Camera Obscura by tristesses : girl!kirk/girl!spock, pg-13 - really awesome genderswap ficlet.

But I Still Want More by vellum : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - sleep!sex - insanely hot.

reckoner by vellum : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - mirror!sex. also insanely hot. vellum has a talent for porn, and we all reap the benefits. :D

The Loving Kind by vellum : Spock, gen - even when there's no porn, her writing is beautiful. :3

Second Chances by wintercreek : Kirk gen

full-length fics A - I

* I'll Sing It One Last Time for You by 1297 : kirk/uhura pg - the one where there's snow and they almost die of cold. gorgeous, gorgeous piece of writing.

* All the Roads we Have to Walk Are Winding by 1297 : mckirk-ish, pg13 - for a prompt about kirk having trouble dealing with the anniversary of his father's death. heartbreaking and amazing, and not really shippy unless you're looking for it.

Once More Into the Breach by 1297 : kirk/uhura, implied spock/uhura and unrequited kirk/spock, R - oh my god oh my god this is incredible, kirk is perfect and spock and uhura make me want to cry. it's so good.

Search and Rescue by _seven_crows : spock and mccoy are bamfs and they rescue kirk from torture and almost certain death! fabulous gen piece, the snark between spock and mccoy is perfectly hilarious.

When It Is With Your Body by aedolon at dreamwidth : Kirk/Spock for the st_xi_kink prompt "Kirk thinks Spock talking dirty would be just hilarious, only it turns out that it's actually quite hot, in that blunt and grammatically correct way."

* Posting Bail For A New Life by andrealyn : kirk/mccoy, pg-13. AU where mccoy got full custody of joanna and kirk ran away from starfleet. they met in a barn in georgia and life went on. really adorable and extremely well characterized fic.

Jim Kirk's Limp Dick (And Other Obstacles on the Road to Love) by anonynonymous @ dreamwidth : McCoy/Chapel, NC-17 in parts - McCoy/Chapel, 3 parts, NC-17 in places. so, so, so incredible-- everyone is perfectly characterized, and it's by turns funny, bittersweet, sad and hot as hell. chapel's POV is *perfect*, so true to TOS and yet really well adapted to the reboot verse with a bit more edge to her. and there's a companion : Jim Kirk the Insufferable Idiot, the same story from McCoy's POV! they're both so amazing i can't even pick which one i like better. :3
   note : these both link to the author's tags for the fic, there are three posts in each, so don't do what i did the first time and start reading part 3 first.

* In the Still and Silent Dark by anotherdance : kirk/spock, pg-13 - An incident too close to the destruction of Vulcan for comfort hightens Jim's awareness of the value he's come to place on his First Officer.

The Jhanas by arjuna74 : Spock gen, rated PG-13/R, pre-movie. this fic is incredible-- Spock's POV is unparalleled, everyone else is amazingly in-character as well, it's beautifully written and totally believable throughout. then if you're me you get to the end and realize that the author wrote it before the fucking movie even came out. that level of awesome cannot be measured on my charts, kthx. Hints at future Kirk/Spock.

Command Dynamics by arysteia : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - who tops? five scenarios.

Logical Arrangements by asimaiyat : Everyone/Everyone, NC-17 - welcome to the USS Polyamory - for the *lulz*. kirk/gaila is favorite, natch. :3

A Sexy Think Tank by atomicskull : kirk/gaila R - bromance of DOOM. this fic is what every kirk/gaila fic should be : silly and sexy in equal measure.

* Green Girls and Southern Boys by atomicskull : kirk/mccoy with a few background pairings. really hilarious fic in which jim finds out mccoy has way more game than he lets on.

* Never Know Your Story Like I Do by atomicskull : kirk/mccoy non-space AU where they grow up as BFFs. really sweet and believeable, and beautifully written.

* Yggdrasil by atomicskull : another 'house of leaves' AU - kirk/mccoy, spock/uhura - PG-13 not for shippiness but for creeping the hell out of me (and probably you too).

The Little Vulcan by ayalesca : the little prince!trek, with art by the incredible mangotrills, so so so SO adorable and sweet and beautiful. sort of kirk/spock with a big side of fox!mccoy and cameos by khan and guinan. WIIIINNNNNNN.

Ignominy by azardarkstar : Kirk/Spock, PG-13ish - interesting look on the dynamic between two people who don't talk about their feelings much. Includes a reappearance of the Vulcan assholes who taunted Spock in his youth, and woobie Kirk.

* Something Like a Phenomenon by azephirin : girl!kirk/mccoy, nc-17 - oh wow, this is hot. and awesome, and i love them together so much.

* Five Steps on the Path to a Shifting Destination by azephirin : girl!McCoy/Kirk, NC-17 - oh, wow, this is beautiful and sweet and really, really hot. really great story of how their friendship becomes more.

* Ghosts by azephirin : five different halloweens, five different pairings, five different places. some of these are funny, some are sweet, some both.

* Undressing by azephirin : kirk/gaila, r - jim explains the concept of a striptease, with examples.

Those Gold Bodies by azephirin : Kirk/girl!Spock, NC-17 - always-a-girl!Spock is totally one of my weak spots, and holy shit, this may just be my favorite one yet. this is insanely hot and beautifully written.

Where My Secrets Echo by azephirin : mccoy/ofc, nc-17 D/s - you might not care about an ofc, but this one is original in the truest sense of the word. the story is smoking hot, and the author really gives you a sucker punch at the end. now has a SEQUEL \o/ Lady Lazarus. A+++++++++

Chase to the Cut by azephirin : girl!Kirk/McCoy, PG-13 - women with short hair look like they have somewhere else to be; women with long hair look content with where they are. beautiful look at how their friendship edges on more, and girl!kirk is awesome. (references past sexual abuse). and now it has a sequel! What the Thunder Brings.

* Resistance by baby_razzle : kirk/spock, PG - pure fluff. kirk is ticklish. this is really beautifully written for being silly and adorable.

* Any Given Moment by baby_razzle : kirk/spock, spock/uhura, nc17 - super angsty and intense, great characterization. "Spock considered carefully before responding. 'I suppose I may never understand cheating.' Kirk nodded slightly, 'Give it time.'"

Almost Domestic by barrowjane : Kirk/Spock, PG-13 - this fic is so fucking cute and funny I can't even contain myself. Shore leave, Spock lighting multiple kitchens on fire, grocery shopping, renting Star Wars-- it's just all win, all the time.

Eliminate the Impossible by barrowjane : Sherlock Holmes AU. Kirk is Holmes, McCoy is Watson, Spock is a Scotland Yard inspector, Chekov is the leader of a gang of street urchins, and Jane is a fucking genius. Kirk/McCoy at the moment, leading up to Kirk/Spock/McCoy, and oh my god, the combination of UST, action, awesome AU characterization and riveting plot is fucking killing me. WRITE FASTER, JANE. XD

* Indistinguishable from Magic by barrowjane : Kirk/Spock + Ensemble, R, for startrekbigbang '09. After an incident investigating a research vessel, the crew of the Enterprise find themselves in a different place and Kirk realizes he may have to follow the rules of this odd, almost fairy-tale world to get them home. i beta'd this and it is fantastic!

* Observer Effect by bdeternity : kirk/spock, pg-13 : The supreme precept of the Vulcan Science Academy, roughly translated, said: "If it can be observed, it can be understood."

* Take Me Home by blcwriter : kirk/mccoy for the stxi_sinfest prompt 'closing time'. "Home’s wherever you are, you moron. I hate space."

Together, Yet by calicokat : Kirk, Spock Prime, gen - wonderful, adorable piece.

The Same Thing by callieach : Kirk/McCoy, NC-17 - they fuck the same way they fight. it's dirty and passionate and wordy and physical.

* Transferral by canis_takahari : kirk/mccoy ; five texts jim sent mccoy, and one that mccoy sent back. this is SO fucking funny.

* Fade by canis_takahari : kirk/mccoy FBI AU! this isn't even my ship of choice, but this is a great AU for them and it just works really well. sexy and emotional and really really well done.

So Wise We Grow by captanddeastar : Kirk/Spock, R, for startrekbigbang '09. “Commander Spock, we have located your son,” the Vulcan lady on the screen says, which would be great, except Jim can tell by the look on Spock’s face that he’s never heard of this kid before in his life. “If it is expedient, the child will be sent to join you on the Enterprise within the week.” if i could put three plus signs in front of this fic i would. it is so incredible-- like most of deastar's work-- but the length of the story (and it is quite long, around 80K) really gives her a chance to show exactly how good she is. kidfic is really hard to do sometimes, and not only has she done it very well, she's managed to create a child OC who's his own person, and who interacts with the other characters in interesting and fulfilling ways. he's not just a vehicle for the slash; if anything, the slash is a sidebar to the story of how the enterprise becomes his family. and really, that's not a story that ever gets old for me no matter who it's about. :3

* How Many Roads? Or, 27 Times Jim Kirk Hit On Nyota Uhura by captanddeastar : this is, i think, my favorite look at kirk and uhura's friendship/angst-ship i've seen so far. it's spock/uhura, sort of unrequited kirk/uhura, a glance at an ot3 in one part-- it's basically just awesome, both of the ships actually take a back seat to how in character kirk and uhura are, and how poignant a look this is at the course of their relationship throughout their lives. <3

Welcome Interruptions by celebros : Seven years after the Kelvin, Christopher Pike goes to interview George Kirk's widow, and gets far more than he bargained for. This is such an intensely emotional fic, it's a beautiful snapshot of winona and of pike and how they both could go on to influence jim in the future.

Et In Arcadia Ego by chaletian : McCoy, Spock, gen - "The air is calm, the scents rich and alien and beautiful, but the sky is the wrong colour; the moons the wrong number; and Spock says, “You cannot help him.”" beautiful.

Five Times Jim's Memories Weren't His by chaya : a much subtler take on the "emotional transferrence is a side effect of the mind meld" trope. really beautifully written. kirk/spock-ish if you squint.

* Lucky by cherrybina : kirk/spock, nc17 - kirk overhears some junior officers talking about the hottest person on the ship and it isn't who he expects. funny and seriously hot.

* Kids in a Play by cloudydaise : mccoy/chapel, r - Everyone else thinks it's funny. For some reason, she can't figure out why.

You Just Can't Win by colours_unseen : McCoy/Uhura-ish, PG-13 - amazing McCoy POV here, and a really awesome look at how their relationship might develop while Kirk's looking the other way.

What Kind of Day Has it Been? by cordeliadelayne : Ensemble, gen - Some days it really pays to enjoy the boredom; on board the Enterprise, it never lasts for long.

Filial Piety by corpus_invictus : Kirk/Spock, hard R - Spock is summoned to New Vulcan to make some Vulcan babies-- but can he leave Kirk behind? (Hint : the answer's no.) Established relationship, super-hot, extremely well-done. Another author who kind of needs her own section-- if i could rec everything of hers i would, but i'll just give you guys the highlights and you can go peruse her journal for the rest; it's all amazing. :D

Five Ways by corpus_invictus : Kirk/Spock, R - Five ways Spock says 'I love you' through technical terms.

Damaged Goods by corpus_invictus @ dreamwidth : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - the prompt was worded weirdly, which is why i never read it until i saw who'd filled it-- oh. my. shit, this fic WINS AT EVERYTHING. it's hot, but what's even more important is how brilliantly in-character Kirk and Spock are, their dialogue is *perfect* and every single thing about them makes me hope this author keeps writing forever.

Lazy Rainy Sunday by corpus_invictus : Kirk/Spock, R - gorgeous and sweet, just how I imagine them in their downtime.

Tactile Pleasures by corpus_invictus : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - handporn makes me go aksgjlskdf!!!!

An Unfair Wager by corpus_invictus : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - more porn focusing on the Vulcan hand thing. i can't NOT rec this; no one does kirk/spock like corpus_invictus does, and this one is especially funny. XD

Articulation by corpus_invictus : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - Kirk hears the word t'hy'la in Spock's mind and tries to find out what it means. super hot, as usual, but more importantly this one is so in-character it hurts. also includes a side helping of uhura being awesome.

Five People who Loved Spock by corpus_invictus : this is a five times, not all of them romantic, several of them extremely lolworthy. also the "and one who..." thing (kirk, natch) is long enough to be its own fic, which makes it a double-whammy of awesome in my book.

* Homecoming by corpus_invictus : kirk/spock, hard R - for the prompt "Spock has been stuck alone on some alien planet that needs a Federation representative to be present for a long, stalled-out series of negotiations. I don't want any horrible trauma, just loneliness and frustration and culture-shock... Spock misses the Enterprise. Bonus points for him realizing that somehow the ship has become like a home/family for him."

The Ending Has Not Yet Been Written by corpus_invictus : a series of four ficlets answering four different prompts, that fit together seamlessly into one awesome fic. eventual kirk/spock, eventual nc-17, with strong cameos from mccoy, sarek and spock prime. the third part of this made me weep like a little bitch. the series is complete and linked within the posts.

Cut and Fucking Paste by crimsonclad : Kirk/Spock - fucking hilarious playing with the mindmeld trope-- as the author puts it, "genre: 'ack the mindmeld gave me feeeeeeelings'". also some really fabulous references to TOS episodes.

* And the Devil Makes Three by cupiscent : Spock/McCoy(/Kirk), NC-17 - pretty much PWP right here, and GUH.

Everyone Knows by curiouslyfic : Kirk/? R - this fic had me in stitches, as any fic will that depicts the Enterprise's crew as the bunch of too-smart-for-their-own-good hormonal-teenagers-with-an-extra-helping-of-badass they are. Pairing revealed at the end-- not my usual fare, but god, it works.

and i will whisper... by curiouslyfic : Kirk/Sulu, NC-17 - kirk/sulu, very nc-17. warning for bloodplay. oh my god, everything i never knew i wanted from this pairing until i read it. :O

* Contact by danahid : kirk gen - for a kink meme prompt about kirk writing a memoir. the concept at first had me going "uhhh?" but it's executed SO well and involves not only lots of kirk character insight but mccoy and spock being fabulous BFFs. really great piece.

* The Merits of Emotion by danahid : spock gen - spock's experiences with emotions - lovely and very subtly written.

The Things You See and the Ways You See Them by danahid : gen or kirk/spock, depending on which goggles you use. really beautiful fic, non-main-crewmember POVs, awesome worldbuilding, etc.

Openly Hiding by dancing_mercury : Kirk/Spock, Captain Pike, PG-13 - Kirk and Spock's relationship as seen from Pike's POV. Amazing voice here, and everyone is so in character. You'll laugh, you'll wibble, you'll laugh some more, it's all pretty fucking fabulous.

Heat Transfer by deepsix : Kirk/Spock NC-17 - the author has dubbed this "ridiculous blanket-sharing porn" and it might be, but it's still hot.

* Five Dreams That Sort-Of Came True (And One That Definitely Didn't) by denorios : Pike gen, a bit of Pike/Number One ; really great look at new Pike, the progress of his life and the way things didn't end up the way he always expected.

We Start With the Big Stuff by downjune : slight AU for the end of the movie, eventual Kirk/Spock. This is an ongoing work, I'm interested to see where it goes, I like stories that tease out what could have happened if one event or one thing about a story were different, and this one looks to be going interesting places with it.

Open Up My Eager Eyes by downjune : kirk/spock, gaila/uhura, hard R in parts. a remix of the movie 'pump up the volume' for reel_startrek and IMO one of the top three fics to come out of that fest. this fic is so awesome there are truly no words.

All That We Can Be, Not Just What We Are by dreamlittleyo : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - pon farr made them do it (but they liked it anyway). it's difficult to do pon farr fic well IMO, and it's done very well here.

Lay My Loves Upon the Shore by echoinautumn : beautiful Chekov gen piece for trek_exchange.

Open Hostilities by echoinautumn : sulu/chekov, nc17 - hikaru doesn't do hatesex, which must mean he doesn't hate chekov as much as he thinks he does.

A Helping Hand by eeyore9990 : pike/kirk/mccoy, nc17 - talk about a pairing i never EVER thought i would read, let alone enjoy, but yeah, you'll need a cold shower after this one.

* Deleted Files from the Captain's Log by eeyore9990 : Just another day in the life of James T Kirk and crew. Except this time, no one's trying to kill them.

Five Times the Enterprise Crew Didn't Encounter Someone from Galactica, and the One Time Someone Did by ennyousai_fic : i can't talk about how awesome this is without spoiling it, so go read it. XD

Yellow by entangled_now : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - sex pollen FTMFW. This trope could not possibly be written better-- high-on-pollen!Kirk is still to date one of the funniest things I've ever read, and the sex is absolutely smoldering.

PTSD Is a Way of Life by ethrosdemon : Ensemble, gen - POV of a minor character or OC (ashamed to admit idk if she's in TOS) of the ship's shrink. Amazingly written, beautiful and telling and full of awesome.

* run into the bright lights by ever_obsessed : janice rand gen-- really awesome look at reboot janice, where she comes from and where she goes and why. companion piece the stars go on forever : winona kirk gen, just another deep and thoughtful look at one of the women of star trek.

Accidents by falseeyelashes : McCoy/Chapel, NC-17 - every time it happens, it's an accident, until it isn't anymore. this pairing makes me go :3 and this author does awesome things with it.

Poison of Choice by felonazcorp and atomicskull : kirk/mccoy/gaila, nc17 - gossip girl AU, about 15K words of porn with threads of plot throughout. interesting, but mostly just awesome porn. XD

Death is a Debt by fingerstowords : Spock gen, references Kirk/Spock - he feels each death keenly, and lives long enough to see them all. so fucking heartbreaking and beautiful.

Some Cupid Kills with Arrows, Some with Traps by fringedweller : McCoy/Chapel, R - jim plays matchmaker to his best friend. very lolworthy.

Listening to Hear Where You Are by frostfire_17 : Kirk/Spock/Uhura, NC-17 - kirk loses a bet to uhura and ends up parading around the enterprise in a girl's uniform. this has some unexpected effects on spock and uhura, and kirk is pleasantly surprised.

Ad Astra Per Aspera by garryowen : kirk/spock, light R - by garryowen for the trek novelfest - kirk's experiences on Tarsus IV have stuck with him; spock tries to help him deal. this is an awesome fic, slight AU in backstory, really beautifully written.

Love is Strange by garryowen : Kirk/Spock, McCoy, Uhura, Sarek, Amanda, T’Pring. Spock accompanies his parents to an Earth resort where Jim Kirk is a dancer. Dirty Dancing redux. yes, i said dirty dancing. this fic is *amazing*, really. if you have any inclination towards nostalgic adoration of dirty dancing, read this fic now. :"D

* Leaves, Like the Things of Man by garryowen : kirk/spock, PG13/R - Birth and death in equal measure. tos fic narrating through the end of 'wrath of khan' and the events of 'search for spock'. really gorgeously written and very moving.

Five Times Kirk and McCoy Actually *Sleep* Together by geenoway : Kirk/McCoy, NC-17 - amazingly well characterized, really funny, just the way this pairing should be.

* The Passing of Fire Into the Blood by ginandironic @ AO3 : After a diplomatic mission goes horribly, humiliatingly wrong, Jim learns something surprising about Spock.

Paths to the Singularity by girlonthewing : kirk/spock, r - spock gets amnesia, spock prime has to help him recover. i love this for subverting the "spock prime left stuff in kirk's head" trope and making this "spock prime leaves stuff in spock's head". it's awesome.

Is That Even Possible? by hart_and_sole : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - xenokink!Kirk enjoys sex with aliens. this is my favorite kind of fic, hilarious and sexy as fuck.

Stranger Than Particles by hawkmoth : Scotty, gen - i love me a good piece of genfic, and this one is aces-- There's more to Delta Vega than meets the eye, and Montgomery Scott has been there for long enough that he's started to see it for himself.

* Reflection by hollycomb : sulu/chekov, nc-17-- in both real and mirrorverse-- mirror sulu ends up on the regular enterprise and almost gets away with it.

Only Human by htebazytook : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - lethally hot PWP right here-- have a bucket of ice on hand to douse your knickers with after you read.

* The Right Path Might Be the One Previously Travelled by idea_of_sarcasm : chapel gen - christine likes nursing, but sometimes she thinks she's meant for something else.

With a Little Help From My Friends by igrab : Part One, "Come Together" - WIP, eventual Kirk/Spock, other chapters linked therein - "Spock requests shore leave in the Orion sector to find some old friends, and takes Kirk and Uhura with him." not enough plus signs for this fic, holy *shit*. this author owns me for recreating Spock's childhood in crystal believable detail, and for giving us interesting non-Sue OCs, and for shittons of Amanda Grayson being awesome, and for Kirk and Spock being ridiculously in-character... and for Spock in casual clothes and leather gloves. sndfjskja. READ IT NOW.

Ragtaya (Introduction) by igrab : Kirk/Spock, PG - Spock gets injured and takes Kirk with him to recuperate on New Vulcan. AU where Amanda didn't die- really cute portrayal of her and Kirk meeting for the first time.

Matched Set (The Clothes Make the Man Remix) by igrockspock : chekov gen, pg13 - starfleet diversity acceptance training is strong. this fic is awesomely empowering, sweet and brave and funny and just so satisfying.

Nothing In Her Way by igrockspock : gaila gen, amazing amazing backstory of what might have happened to her before she got out of slavery.

Course Correction by igrockspock : gaila/sulu pg13 - really interesting take on gaila's past and a look at her at the academy.

Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle by igrockspock : christine chapel, gen - my love affair with chapel the feisty sassy nurse is ongoing, and i love this little snapshot into her life before she enlisted.

* Nobody to Help Me But Myself by igrockspock : chapel gen, pg-13 - christine goes on a dangerous undercover mission. "she's not a nurse anymore, she's a soldier." great story.

Mirror my Malady, Transfer my Tragedy by hegemony : uhura/sulu, nc-17 in parts, but mostly what this story is is a beautiful and heartbreaking tale of how two best friends deal with their third musketeer's death. gaila has never been more real to me than she is in this story, and the way sulu and uhura deal with her being gone is poignant and sad and beautiful.

* Captivity by iceiwynd : AU where earth and vulcan had a war and now earth is occupied and the crew are a resistance movement who blow things up. WIP, looks like it's going to be really awesome.

Bragging Rights by imadra_blue : Sulu, Uhura, gen - very lolworthy.

Our Veins Run Parallel by ineffort : Kirk/Uhura, PG. Very cool Uhura POV here.

Songs That Remind Me of You by irnan : Kirk/Rand, PG -- Rand's POV is really cool here. not that i have a thing for fleshing out minor characters or anything. *g*

a long time ago (we used to be friends) by irnan : four ways kirk's day really sucked, one in which it was downright weird, and one in which it was actually really ok. super, super awesome, references kirk/spock at the end.

Mischievous Pranks by irnan : kirk & spock pre-slash, really amusing take on their constant one-upmanship from jim's perspective.

Ten Things by irnan : ten things the crew of the enterprise knew about Jamie Kirk - awesome character study of always-a-girl!kirk.

Of Cloudless Climes and Starry Skies by irnan : always-a-girl!kirk/spock - probably the best look at girl!kirk i've ever seen, really in-depth and covering her whole life from when she was a kid. the kirk/spock is actually secondary and doesn't show up til the second part of the fic, in truth this is just a great gen piece on girl!kirk. definitely a must-read.

* Five Things Chris Pike Has Never Asked About the Enterprise's Mission Reports by irnan : self-explanatory title is self-explanatory. this is really funny. i love outsider POVs on the crew.

* That Holy Pilgrims Touch by irnan : five shakespeare quotes, five pairings, five drabbles.


last updated 8 February 2010.

fandom: the final frontier, fannish: recs

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