Jun 29, 2009 18:58

part two of the rec list of doom; full-length fics J - Z and anonymous fics of all sizes.
if you missed part one, it is HERE.

i have only two requests for you, intrepid readers who have stumbled upon this post.
1. if you think there's a fic that belongs on this list, link me! no guarantees i'll love it, obviously, but i get a lot of my links from others' recs, and i'm always happy to have someone pass along something that made their day.
2. if you like a fic, leave feedback on it! as an author, i know how much it means to get a comment, even if it's just a smiley face or a heart. so be good readers and tell your authors how much they rock! if you feel like mentioning you found their fic through my list, that is also awesome, but totally not required. XD

= best of the best

= dangerously hot
* = new this update

full-length fics J - Z

* Cabin Fever Boy by jaune_chat : mccoy/chekov, PG13 - the enterprise has a two-week stretch of unbroken travel with nothing to do for the duration. chekov tries to help mccoy cope with cabin fever-- his own and the rest of the ship's. so, so sweet, i love this fic to bits.

* Five Kisses McCoy Gets and One He Gives by jimpage363 : the kisses are mostly platonic, some background pairings. a really nice snapshot of mccoy's character.

Fundamental Things by keeleywolfe : Kirk/Spock, NC-17, total PWP. somehow the hand thing never gets old. :3

This Rebellious Nature by keeleywolfe : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - au where kirk and spock meet in iowa as teenagers. smoking hot, as usual, and really funny.

Universal Translation by keeleywolfe : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - another "touching drives spock crazy" fic - super hot, as with everything keelywolfe writes.

And Years Went By by keeleywolfe : kirk/spock/mccoy, nc17 - kirk can't make it to his yearly ritual for mccoy's birthday, so he sends spock in his place. mccoy doesn't get it, until he does. twice. also has a sequel, Wished Me Well, with a third part expected soon.

* Hearts of Three by kianspo : kirk/spock, spock/mccoy, R - sad, omg, sexy and emotional and bittersweet like good spock/mccoy should be.

* I Found My Heart by kittyjimjams : A Hippie AU. The crew all sharing a house in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco. really cute premise, and very funny too.

Uncharted Destinies by l_vera01 : kirk/spockprime, references kirk/spock and kirkprime/spockprime - never thought i'd love this as much as i do, but *gah*, heartbreaking and beautiful and tense as fuck. really awesome. links to the author's tag for the fic in several parts, so make sure you start at the beginning.

* Amantium irae, amoris integratio est by l_vera09 : kirk/spock prime, pg-13, rebooting the tarsus IV / kodos & lenore thing from TOS - really intense and emotional and sad.

Circles by lady_elina : kirk/spock, hard R - ritual sex, light bondage-- really hot and really, really intense. also gorgeously written.

* Addiction by lady_krysis : McCoy/Chekov, NC-17. pretty much a pwp, and delicious.

The Word for World Is-- by laurajv @ dreamwidth : gen - spock, kirk, uhura, sarek, spock prime - an amazingly beautiful and poetic piece about the vulcans' new homeworld.

Sixth Time Lucky by le_culdesac : Kirk/Spock, PG-13 - Five times Spock tried to get Kirk to spill his guts, and one time he succeeded. Really well characterized, love the way it leads up to them getting together.

Because the Simple Fact is, Love is Never Discreet by le_culdesac : Kirk/Spock, PG-13 - sweet, funny shore leave fic.

Unprecedented by lea_ndra : Kirk/Spock, PG-13ish - fic based on jou's art 'in the captain's quarters' - spock thinks about consequences, kirk interrupts. awesome spock pov.

Only Good for Legends by leupagus : the fic i've started calling That Cop AU, in which spock is a detective and kirk never left iowa (or hasn't yet) -- hands down, the best WIP in the fandom right now, and one of the best AUs i've ever seen. only two chapters so far, and it will eventually be kirk/spock. i really can't even describe all the reasons this writer is owning me, but the characterization and plot alone should be enough to make every single person reading this rec list go check this fic out.

The Illustrated Man by londondrowning : Kirk/McCoy, R - Written for st_xi_kink prompt "Kirk/Bones -- tattoos". guh.

Going Commando by longleggedgit : with ART by lizardspots! Sulu/Chekov, NC-17 - Sulu and Chekov get stranded on an alien planet together, much to Sulu's chagrin. this fic is amazing, and the art is so fucking hot.

* Apple Candy by lunabee34 : kirk/spock/uhura, hard R in parts. ridiculously beautiful fic based on a truly heartbreaking fanvid (but with a happy ending!). love love love.

En Pointe, and Sway by lune_and_asters : Uhura, Gaila, gen -- ballet and orion dance, however far apart, share the roots of passion.

Double Blind by medie : Star Trek: TOS - Christine Chapel & Nyota Uhura - pg13 - a weird virus takes down most of the crew, and chapel and uhura are basically left running things. totally awesome fic full of female badassery.

Still Waters by medie : Kirk/girl!Spock, R - this is so in character it hurts. it's hot and sweet and funny and did i mention hot?

tushah nash-veh k'du by medie : in the aftermath of the battle, Gaila grieves. title means "i grieve with thee" in vulcan. yet another bit of gaila awesomeness.

* A Happy Captain by medie : kirk/mccoy, pg-13 -- the aftermath of "the empath", reboot style, from several POVs. really amazing piece. has a sequel, Edges and Angles.

kal'i'farr by medie : spock/t'pring, pg-13 - t'pring is beautiful and awesome and perfect for him, and spock is realizing it more with every second. love, LOVE this gorgeous scene of him realizing what he almost missed out on.

* Other Eyes Smile by medie : mccoy/dax, pg - In theory, after what Emony told him, Len knew this was how it worked. i love the whole concept of this pairing; i love dax all the time anyway, but in context with mccoy there's something that just clicks and makes the story extra awesome.

Redshirt by mijan : kirk and mccoy, gen. The burden of a leader isn't the strain of heroics or the power of command. truly amazing and more than a little heartbreaking. a definite must-read.

Similar Activities by mithrigil and puella_nerdii : Kirk/Spock, hard R - amazing Spock POV in this piece.

Speaking in Tongues by monimala : Spock/Uhura, PG-13 - beautiful piece from Uhura's POV.

Between the Lines by moogsthewriter : kirk gen - of all the things they thought he'd be, an artist was never one of them. this fic is *amazing*, one of my favorite kirk pieces ever, i think.

And This Great Blue World of Ours by mortigi-tempo @ dreamwidth : trek meets house of leaves! amazing crossover, eventual kirk/spock. i'm not all caught up on it, but the first three chapters were kickass enough to warrant it.

* rain down, rain down by mumblemutter : kirk/mccoy, hard R. the blade runner AU, part 1, written for reel_startrek. there is not enough flail in the world, i swear; as awesome as you might expect this fic to be, i guarantee you it's better.

* Wall by ningengirai : kirk/spock, very nc-17, a really interesting and plausible look at how things might start between them.

* The Ransom by ninhursag : Kirk/Gaila ; Pirate!Gaila kidnaps teenage!Kirk for ransom. Hijinks ensue.

We're on Burlesque Time by ninhursag : kirk/gaila, spock/uhura and combinations thereof, hard R - someone's playing a game; someone likes to watch.

* In Her Aspect and Her Eyes by ninhursag : girl!kirk with five different people including spock and uhura - a really awesome study of the way she relates to people she cares about.

Are You Gonna Be My Girl? (Or Three Birthdays to Remember) by ninhursag : kirk/uhura, kirk/uhura/gaila, NC17 in parts - three birthdays, three memories, some bittersweetness, and a bonus ending ficlet that will leave you with a huge grin. don't miss this one.

I Bring the Fire by ninhursag : Kirk/Spock/Uhura, NC-17 - "pon farr is the ultimate fuck-or-die scenario, isn't it?" good question posed (and answered, smolderingly) by the author of this fic.

Only This and Nothing More by ninhursag : Kirk/Spock/Uhura, NC-17 - "Spock and Uhura show their adrenaline junkie, self destructive captain that there are alternative ways of satisfying his urges." sequel linked at the end.

Knock Out, First Round by ninhursag : Kirk & Uhura gen - BAMF friendship fic.

* Since We've Noplace to Go by northatlantic : kirk/mccoy, nc-17 - really sweet shore leave / christmas fic where kirk and mccoy go to iowa.

Untitled by nostrum_ago : Ensemble, gen - MAFIA AU. WITH ACCOMPANYING FANART. DO I REALLY NEED TO SAY MORE.

* Understanding Your Vulcan, A Manual by noxie @ AO3 : A case study in five typical scenarios. With added bickering.

Easy Is A Shadowed Look by obstinatrix : kirk/spock pre-slash - written FOR MEEEEEEE for trek_exchange! kirk gets in a fight while drunk (shocker!) and spock patches him up. so, so, so awesome.

A Fucking Space Opera by oxoniensis : Or, Six Characters That Never Boarded the Enterprise. Ensemble, gen, get ready to laugh your ass off. a must-read.

* Release the Stars by paperclipbitch : McCoy/Uhura, PG-13 - funny, sweet and sad look at mccoy and uhura, how they might come together and how they might part.

* he's as damned as he seems by pathstotread : mccoy/chapel, pg-13 - april is a bad month for mccoy; christine knows how to help him cope.

Hand Over Fist by peganix : Girl!Kirk/Uhura, NC-17 - this is truly amazing, looking at how Jim Kirk might just as easily be Jane Kirk, and still be the same goddamn person. Also Uhura is awesome, and the buildup is sweet and funny and sexy all in one.

Uncompromising by pencil_tricks : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - dub-con, academy fic. YUM.

Learning to Fly by penknife : Kirk, gen - two versions of James T Kirk growing up in two different realities.

Optimist by penknife : Kirk/Spock/Uhura, PG - every time they're all about to die, kirk's mind goes wandering. it's darwinian!

Controlled Fall by posyvanilla : Kirk/Spock, R - insanely hot, gut-wrenchingly emotional, and perfectly in character. cannot rec this enough.

L/A/S by rageprufrock : wip, eventual kirk/spock, lolarious jim POV in which spock volunteers to go under cover as a consort/companion for an operation, and he and kirk end up being like inara and mal except in their own unique way which is amazing. can't wait for the rest of this fic to come out.

Five Times Jim Kirk Called Spock 'Sweetheart' by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock, R - just like it says. hot and hilarious, like raphaela does best.

The Ups and Downs of You by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock, PG-13 - Spock is de-aged to being six years old. my god, this fic is so cute it may rot your teeth AND your brain. but it's awesome and sweet and hilariously funny.

And they won't believe you when you write home about it by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock, Sulu, PG - Sulu is the ship gossip, but even he can still be shocked. this one also made me laugh out loud.

Five Times Kirk Didn't Get Married (and one he did) by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock, R - this is awesome just for the sheer variety and creativity in the five near misses. also, you know, K/S emotional woobieness, which I'll never say no to.

We Learn Each Other Slowly by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock, R - one of the definitive fics for the ship. the first thing i happened to read after first seeing the movie and flailing about needing-- NEEDING-- to read something, i didn't know what, but when i read this fic I knew I'd found it. Gorgeous, gorgeous piece of writing.

Our Emotional History is In the Kitchen by raphaela667 : Kirk/Spock, PG-13 - Jim brings Spock home to meet his mother. Winona POV, so so awesome.

used to be one of the rotten ones (and i liked you for that) by raphaela667 : pike POV on kirk and spock's relationship as it develops through the academy and beyond. bit of an AU, awesome as usual. spock teaching kirk vulcan is hot. :3

* Some Distraction by red_at_three : the one where chekov makes mccoy feel like a dirty old man (but it's adorably sweet and shmoopy).

* Winter Sun by rhaegal : kirk/spock, hard R - Shore leave happens to coincide with Christmas. Jim convinces Spock to join him for some traditional Terran festivities, and learns an unexpected lesson in Vulcan customs.

Ensign Dependable by rivers_bend : McCoy/Chekov, NC-17 - "We would like to talk, but not ship's doctor to engineering ensign kind of talk." hi there pairing i never thought i'd read. :3

Evolution by rhaegal @ dreamwidth : WIP, eventual Kirk/Spock, first part PG-13 - The Enterprise's first mission under the (official) captaincy of James T. Kirk, and naturally it doesn't go according to plan. I beta'd this and think it's fabulous. XD

This is Not A Love Song by robanybody : kirk/mccoy/chapel, R - one of the best threesomes i've ever read, because no one is the third wheel and everyone cares about everyone. chapel's POV is perfect, kirk and mccoy are perfect, and everyone on the enterprise is a family team of AWESOME. i really can't explain all the reasons why this fic rules, but it does.

Burn These Bridges from the Other Side by robanybody : pike/chapel nc-17 - this is another awesome chapel character study, and also smoking hot. anyone who shares chapel's kink for older men, this one's for you. ;D

* If You Don't Start Drinking (I'm Gonna Leave) by robanybody : george kirk / christopher pike, nc17 - hilarious, hilarious sexy fic. i fucking love this author, she's a great storyteller and her characterizations of namedrops and minor characters are just perfection. plus, you know, it's hot. :D

* The Light That You Shine by rubynye : kirk/gaila - hard R overall but this is really just a beautiful piece about the aftermath of the narada, grief and coping.

* Come Fly With Me by rubynye : pike/gaila, R - a story told in five pieces, really beautiful, both of them very well characterized.

Down in the Jungle Room by rubynye : girl!chekov/mccoy, nc-17 - the author warns for "always-female!Chekov, unendurable temptation, sex pollen, dubious consent" and i will add to that "please have a fire extinguisher on hand because you may burst into flames while reading." not many PWPs on this rec list, but hoo boy, this one is SO worth the rec. (and really, anything ruby writes is liable to be awesomely written and possibly also dangerously hot, so go check out the rest of her stuff, it's all amazing.)

Come As You Are by ryann_blackwood : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - kirk returns from an away mission and finds Spock has some issues with intimacy.

Fight Club by sanguefic : Kirk/McCoy, Fight Club AU for reel_startrek. NC-17 and oh my GOD is this well done. it's no secret i'm weak for good AUs, and this one is so brilliant it hurts.

* Four Things Jim Kirk Hates About That Pointy-Eared Bastard by sans_pertinence : this is actually not really a five times fic, it's more like the story of an away mission gone wrong narrated in five parts. it's funny and the dialogue is amazing and it's really sweet at the end. pre-kirk/spock, rated PG-ish.

* Lovely Way to Burn by sarah_actually : winona/george, R - adorable and awesome look at how they might have gotten together.

Weight of the World by schweinsty : Kirk, McCoy, PG-13, gen - nice look at their friendship and the way Bones helps Kirk deal with the stress of having people's lives in his hands.

* Proof by screamlet : the ways the crew found out about kirk and spock. this is hilarious and sweet and just awesome. sulu's is my favorite. :3

Discount Shot Night by screamlet : Chapter 1 of several-- i actually hadn't seen this was updated until just now, i'm so pumped. This is a really funny start to future Kirk/Spock-- this part is PG-13. Definitely will be reading the rest of that tonight, lol. ;D

Calibration by screamlet : Kirk/Spock, R -- kirk and spock adjust to the bond. don't see too much established k/s fic out there, and this is one of the best.

The Good Old Gentaran Boys' Club by scribblinlenore : Kirk/Spock NC-17 - aliens made them do it, and boy did they enjoy it. XD perfect characterization in this, Kirk's inner monologue is to die for.

You'll Get There In the End (It Just Takes A While) by seperis : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - Okay, get ready for it - hands down, this is my favorite fic in the fandom. I could write an entire post about all there is to love in here-- flashbacks, world-building, GOOD plot, characterization, center-of-the-sun-hot sex-- but instead I'll just say if you read one thing on this list, read this fic. Four parts, complete, linked on the page.

Going to Georgia by seren_ccd : McCoy/Chapel in five parts. i couldn't stop reading this til i was done with it.

Three's Company by seriousfic : Kirk/Gaila/Uhura, NC-17 - It isn’t like Gaila was angling for a threesome. She just happened to have Jim Kirk naked in the closet and Uhura just happened to be in the mood. These things happen to Orion girls.

* Excerpts from files 673.5 through 835.0 by sheeana : or, a few times bureaucracy got in the way of the enterprise crew doing its job. again with the outsider POVs on the crew, this is really great.

* That Monogamy Thing by silverlining_99 : kirk/mccoy, side mccoy/chapel, nc-17 - when kirk and mccoy started sleeping together, it never occurred to jim not to be exclusive; unfortunately for him, it never occurred to mccoy *to* be. ouchie. this fic is hot, and then sad and wibbly, and then awesome and adorable.

the Undercover series by silverlining_99 : McCoy/Chapel, NC-17, three parts -- guuuuuhhh. this is plausible, hilarious, well characterized and very, very hot. part three is McCoy/Chapel/Kirk. links to the author's tag for the series.

* Naked First by silveronthetree : Five times McCoy and Chapel saw each other naked before they started a relationship, and one time after they were together.

No Mercy for the Restless by silviakundera : kirk/spock pg-13 - it's really almost a jim gen piece, actually, except for the very end; an away mission goes wrong and jim and spock are stuck and don't even know where they are, let alone how they'll get home. it's a little creepy, very stark and almost scary. excellent fic.

Stars Apart, Shine the Same by sineala : Kirk/Spock, hard R, side of Kirk/Spock Prime - originally for the prompt "Kirk is having intrusive memory flashes affecting his performance, Spock offers to help. Bonus points if Kirk didn't realize exactly what the memories were until Spock was in his mind with him." oh my god there are not enough plus signs or stars or keysmashes to describe how fucking beautiful and perfect this fic is. Another one that defines the new Kirk/Spock and sets the bar ridiculously high for other fic to live up to.
  BONUS : someone podficced this motherfucker -- said podficcer prefers to remain anonymous, but holy shit is she an amazing reader. :3

Symphony for Stars and Planets by singingintime : Kirk/Spock, PG-13 - trek XI orchestra AU!! spock's POV is amazing here, and the whole shift of everyone into an orchestra is ridiculously well done. idk how the prompter came up with this idea, but it's A++ and i'm so glad the author ran with it.
--- has a few companion pieces now too! The author's tag for the series, all awesome, all gorgeous. my favorite is next year all our troubles will be out of sight, in which jim and nyota are in paris at christmas waiting for spock to arrive. *_____*;;;;

* Ad Astra, Per Aspera by singingintime : pre-kirk/spock, written for me \o/ part of the AU that singingintime claims she's not writing (but i shall wear her down eventually!) where kirk and spock meet and become friends at the academy. i fucking love this 'verse and this fic is perfect.

Pushing It by sistercoyote and shinychimera : Kirk/Spock, hard R ; one answer to the question, "What was really going on with Kirk when Spock was throttling him on the bridge?"

* Right Down the Line by snarkypants : mccoy gen with the ex-wife and the daughter-- really funny and in-character, great kirk cameo, great look at the doctor's relationship with the ex-mrs. doctor.

* Skin by snowlight : gaila and uhura friendship fic.

* Belowdecks by snowyofthenight : gaila, engineers, gen rated PG13 - When Nero is gone and the bridge crew can relax, engineering's job has just begun.

Five Things Leonard McCoy is a Doctor Instead Of by speccygeekgrrl : McCoy, McCoy/various implied or overt, rated PG-R - literally made me laugh out loud. so so so good.

* The Voyages of Dunder-Enterprise by spikeface : yes, exactly what it looks like, a trek / the office AU. go forth and laugh your ass off!

* Let Your Hair Down by : mccoy/girl!chekov, nc-17 - she seduces him in a club by dancing with him. ROWR.

* Penal as in Penalty by subterrain @ AO3 : janice rand / helen noel, R - Janice Rand didn't sign up to be a secretary, and Dr. Helen Noel is not your high school guidance counselor.

To the Best of my Recollection by svilleficrecs : Kirk/Spock, R - Kirk doesn't want what Spock Prime left in his head; but some things were just meant to be.

Asymptote by tahariel : Kirk/Spock, R, touch deprivation during an away mission leaves spock more unraveled than he'd thought.

The Size of His Dream by taraljc : McCoy, Pike gen - pike's view of mccoy when he enlists, really cool character study of both of them.

* Safe and Sound by taraljc : Pike/Gaila NC17 - Gaila doesn't understand human women. this is the one with the garden wallsex. om nom.

* To Feel the Sun from Both Sides by templemarker : kirk/spock, PG - spock prime muses on his lost love. really sad and beautiful little piece.

The Fury and the Mire of Human Veins by teinm_laida : Kirk/Spock, PG-13/R - a strange disease begins afflicting Vulcans, and Spock falls victim to it.

* Cockroaches in Space by teinm_laida : Cupcake, gen, PG-13 ; so, so funny, and almost kinda makes you feel sorry for the guy.

Hold the Stake As You Burn by the_arc5 : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - another great pon farr fic.

The Usual Wear and Tear by the_dala : Kirk/McCoy, hard R - Bones' voice is awesome in this, and it's just a perfect slice of their friendship, and a look at how they could be something more.

Come to Bed by the_deep_magic : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - my god, oh, my god. this needs like, four bombs to approximate the hotness contained in this fic. sklgjskdfdfff.

Pink by the_deep_magic : kirk/spock, NC-17, side-splitting funny. kirk wakes up so hung over he can't remember the night before-- trying to piece together what happened is entertaining, and has interesting results. love, love, love this fic, it's so fucking funny.

* In the Event of an Accidental Marriage, Please Fill Out Form 27b-6 by toastedtea : kirk/mccoy, R - Accidental Marriage Prompt #10. Bones and Kirk have to get married for whatever clichéd reason. (Probably aliens.) They agree they'll do it but divorce as soon as possible in a month or two, but during the course of things they change their minds.

The Perfect Solution by tooright99 : McCoy/Chekov/Kirk, NC-17 - for the prompt "When drunk, Chekov admits that he loves sucking cock... right before he passes out. Kirk and McCoy are very intrigued and neither can get the thought out of their heads for the next few days. Yay for UST before the sex!" --once again, pairing i never thought i'd read, but wow. sit next to an air conditioner when you read this one.

How Jim Finally Figures Out Why Bones Just Won't Date Girls by tosca1390 : Kirk/McCoy, hard R - for the McCoy-A-Thon prompt "Academy, pre-movie, Kirk keeps trying to set McCoy up with various girls. McCoy keeps finding things wrong with them and gets grumpier and grumpier about it."

* Silence Beyond Words by tree_and_leaf : "Nyota Uhura is a communications officer, which means she’s good with words. So why can’t she find the right words to talk about what’s happened?" Uhura and Number One gen about dealing with the aftermath of war.

In the Name of Science by tristesses : Spock/Gaila, NC-17 - gaila fic! with spock! and allusion to the kirk/gaila bromance of d00m at the end!! i could not love this more, oh god. also it's smoking hot, which never hurts. ;D

* Dissolution by uozlulu : spock and t'pring, gen. the morning spock leaves for earth, t'pring is waiting for him.

Earth Kids are Assholes by vampychick : Kirk, Spock, AU, Gen - Spock and Kirk make friends while bleeding. So exactly what happened, except they're in grade school.

southern anthem (she will tremble at that sound) by vega_ofthe_lyre : McCoy/Chapel, PG-13, Civil War AU - comes with a sequel, scarlet tide (it will lay her burdens down), also PG-13, and a third part (!!!), sinning hands (take what you will tonight), R. buckets of angst, awesome chapel POV, and simply stunning writing-- this fic winds you up with tension until the very last second, it's really breathtaking. even if you don't usually do AUs, i recommend this one.

Drinks On Me by vega_ofthe_lyre : kirk/mccoy/chapel, r - a different take on this awesome ot3, and a great look at some of the booze-related catastrophes that could (and do) occur in space. :D

name the stars by vega_ofthe_lyre : McCoy/Chapel, a romance in seven parts or a horror story in four. this fic is basically like what would happen if star trek had a baby with 'pitch black' and chapel was played by radha mitchell. fucking brilliant, creepy as hell, and the tension between mccoy and chapel is amazing.

* Paradise Lost by velvetmouse : chapel gen - in which christine is sent to check out a starfleet outpost and ends up over her head. refers to mccoy/chapel, awesome kirk cameo.

Discovered Check by waketosleep @ dreamwidth : spock & kirk gen -- spock finds out that kirk has been holding out on him. awesome gen with genius!kirk which is always a good time.

* The Touch-Move Rule by waketosleep @ dreamwidth : kirk/spock, nc-17. jim loves chess night (and so do i).

A Beautiful(ly Illogical) Mind by waldorph : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 in parts -- first in the √∏233/hy7 series, this began as a "good will hunting!trek" prompt for the kink meme and turned into a near-epic au. shows kirk and spock's relationship growing through the academy and beyond in an amazing (and really sexy) way; continues with other parts examining spock's side of things and jim's relationship with his mom. the worldbuilding here is incredible, kirk and spock are both perfect, and there's a decent amount of uhura and mccoy and other cameos, all of which are spot-on. this fic is insanely good and everyone should read.

* Ricochet Moon by waldorph : spock/uhura, pre kirk/spock, PG - James Tiberius Kirk has never encountered a situation which he has reacted to without the whole of his being; the man does not understand the very concept of “restraint”.

* 5 People Who Thought Kirk and McCoy Were a Couple, and 2 People That Knew Better by wandersfound : Kirk/McCoy friendship, ensemble. does what the title implies, hilariously so.

Looking for the Dreamers by whatimages : BSG Crossover, Jim Kirk / Kara Thrace, R - even though the sex isn't explicit, this gets a bomb anyway because my brain literally exploded while i was reading this. I'd requested Kirk/Kara at the kink meme, and this isn't in response to my prompt, but literally i could not have asked for anything more perfect. I might now be writing ST/BSG crossover for big bang, that is how awesome and brain-breaking this fic is. If you know BSG at all, and hell even if you don't, go read it. It's beautiful, and Kara and Lee are perfect, and Kirk and McCoy are perfect, and everything about it is perfect. Seriously.

Circle Jerks by wingedcheetah : McCoy/Uhura-ish, PG-13 - one of my favorite ships, and they're both written so flawlessly here. And it's laugh-out-loud funny.

* Windfall by withthepilot : girl!kirk/mccoy, hard R - mccoy tries to learn how to beat kirk at poker and it ends up with some interesting results.

* Heaven Like You by withthepilot : kirk/uhura, R - for a prompt about kirk & uhura having dark, twisted dreams about each other - aliens are to blame, but the end result is so beautiful.

Tectonic Shift by wonderfulwrites : Kirk/Uhura, pre-Kirk/Spock/Uhura - this is part 1 of 7 of a pretty badass fic, really interesting and well done.

Screw Yourself by ykoriana : Kirk/Spock, hard R, side of Bones - for the prompt "Kirk + anyone = bed breaking sex. Bonus if he has to assemble the replacement bed himself, IKEA-style, and gets Bones to help, and Bones facepalms." oh my god, so fucking funny you might hurt yourself.

* Out of the Chair by zangetsugirl : kirk gen - there's only two people kirk trusts to command his ship.

Delta Delta Vega by zarathuse : Kirk, McCoy, Gen - here be crack, plain and simple. Kirk starts a fraternity at Starfleet.

Just Forget the World by zetsubou_hana : kirk/spock pg13 - the world's about to end and kirk and spock are alone. last thoughts and regrets aren't what either of them were expecting. and then, just when you think it's over.... (surprise ending is actually surprising!)

Whore (Standard's Not My Native Tongue Megamix) by zvi_likes_tv : Gaila, Uhura gen - this is an awesome gaila gen piece that rounds out her character really nicely. she's a badass, guys, don't mess with the green girl. XD

anonymous fic and/or prompt answers at st_xi_kink
it sucks that most of these posts are full so you can't comment with feedback, but if you liked any of them especially feel free to leave some love here, and we'll hope the writer sees it sometime. ;)

Asphyxiation : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - yeah, we all knew this was gonna happen about a million times-- Kirk likes being choked a little too much, and Spock takes advantage. yum.

Consolation Prize : Sulu/Gaila, NC-17 - gaila is favorite. sulu is a sword-wielding badass. this fic couldn't be better.

Counting the Nights : Kirk/Spock/Uhura

Down the Garden Path : for the kink meme prompt "always a girl! Spock is not only a virgin, she's never had an orgasm. Kirk remedies this." DOES HE EVER. *___*;;;;

Drinking Games : Uhura/Bones, NC-17 - "drinking contest, McCoy loses a bet when she drinks him under the table. Drunken hookups yes pls." i love this pairing, oh my god. :3

Gravitational Forces : Kirk/Spock from McCoy's POV - awesomely written, *really* good McCoy voice here.

Green-Blooded Monster : Kirk/Spock, R - "Spock gets jealous when Kirk has a male admirer." short and-- well, not so much sweet as really hot. mmmm.

The Hounds of Morrigan : Kirk/Spock/Uhura, AU, NC-17 for violence, sex, dubcon/noncon, pretty much anything you can have a warning for -- this fic is **amazing**. it is so dark but SO GOOD, and it's one of those special AUs that completely changes every single character yet somehow doesn't really change them at all. beautiful, haunting, scary, and badass as all getout.

Last Rite : Kirk/Spock, PG - this is the closest any fic in this fandom so far has come to making me cry. whoever wrote it, if you're reading this post, know i fangirl you so fucking hard for that.

Lolkirk : Kirk talks in lolspeak. this is ridiculous, but oh my god i could not stop laughing.

* Mind Over Matter : Kirk/Spock, NC-17 - for the prompt 'K/S unrequited, angst with a happy ending'.

Rebound : McCoy/Gaila, NC-17 - for the prompt "Gaila has a tendency towards bringing guys to her room. McCoy is having a post-divorce mid-life crisis. The math should be obvious, ladies and gentlemen." so much love.

Response : the one where uhura and spock start out as bff's before they begin a relationship. so sweet, hilarious and sexy, totally took me by surprise.

Refuge in Verbosity : Kirk/Spock, R - oh holy jesus, this is one of my favorites on this entire list. i've reread it an inordinate number of times. >.>;;;;; another answer to the prompt "Kirk thinks Spock talking dirty would be just hilarious, only it turns out that it's actually quite hot, in that blunt and grammatically correct way." and ho shit, is it ever.

Routine : Kirk/Spock, R-ish - What happens after an ill-advised intoxicated hook-up. Yum.

Sleepless : Kirk/Spock - Kirk heard the term t'hy'la from Spock Prime during the mind-meld. He asks Spock what it means and tries not to reveal how he knows it.

Untitled : Kirk/girl!Chekov, NC-17 - genderbend first-time. guh.

Untitled : Chekov/Sulu, R - drunk and playing "I Never". 'nuff said.

.....and this isn't fic, per se, but it's fucking hilarious. the narada incident as narrated by hikaru sulu's twitter. XD

last updated 8 February 2010.

fandom: the final frontier, fannish: recs

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