FIC : Star Trek XI : Arena (the Walk Without Rhythm remix), PG-13

May 09, 2010 02:53

Title : Arena (the Walk Without Rhythm remix)
Fandom : Star Trek XI
Characters/Pairing : Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Gaila, McCoy; Kirk/Spock
Rating : PG-13
Warnings : some graphic descriptions of death and dead bodies
Word Count : 17986
Summary : After a Federation colony is attacked, the Enterprise pursues an alien ship into uncharted space. There they ( Read more... )

fic: full length, pairing: kirk/spock, fandom: the final frontier, rating: pg-13, fic: operation80, fic: mine, fic: star trek

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Comments 7

pegasus_01 May 11 2010, 19:02:04 UTC
YAY!!! This was one of the stupidest, funniest, crackiest Star Trek eps and you made it AWESOME!!! It's SO much better to read about the Gorns than to watch the poor man in the suit looking stupid while trying to look terrifying. *tsktsk* I love the crew in this, and Jim being all badass but being SO wrong. And Spock and Uhura not being able to argue against him because is so beyond pissed that he just won't listen to reason. And I like how that sets up how he might react in the future and take a breather before charging head first. And GAILA!!! I love any and all fics that make it canon that she survived. In my personal universe, she's totally there to continue to harass Jim and be an awesome adopted-sister/BFF! ♥

All in all, and awesome read!


betweenthebliss May 25 2010, 15:29:11 UTC
eeee thank you so very much (and i am so very late replying to comments) but omg, i'm so glad you enjoyed this. it is such a silly ep, but i was absolutely committed to the fact that i could make it less goofy, and i'm SO thrilled to hear it worked. and eeeee gaila! it's my canon that she lived, too. XD thank you so much for commenting, i really appreciate it!


lulabel May 12 2010, 06:17:43 UTC
A fantastic story - complex, witty, thought-provoking and thrilling. The characters and the dynamics between them are wonderful - the relationships, their respect and regard for each other are quite palpable. You show so many layers in each character - their vulnerabilities as well as their strengths. I adore sly and sexy Spock, his brash and brilliant captain and their fiercely loyal crew.


betweenthebliss May 25 2010, 15:30:14 UTC
ahhh thank you thank you thank you, you're too kind.

sly and sexy Spock, his brash and brilliant captain and their fiercely loyal crew
--in a nutshell, this is why i love reboot 'verse. XD

thanks for the comment, it really is awesome to hear you liked the fic so much. :D


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betweenthebliss May 25 2010, 15:30:45 UTC
omg thanks so much, i'm so glad you enjoyed it. and thank you for commenting to tell me so XD it means a lot!


ninety6tears May 27 2010, 04:19:22 UTC
God, you made Jim and Gaila so cute. And I always love how you balance the professional and the personal rapport between Kirk and Spock. Though really it's less of a balance than something that works together perfectly seamlessly.

"Jim's date. The person he's been after to go on a date with him for over a month, oh my God." McCoy shakes his head vigorously. "And you're not denying it, which means oh God." Hahahaha, the whole thing with McCoy having a little freakout over K/S is such a common trope in fanfic, but I swear it never. gets. old.


betweenthebliss May 27 2010, 12:48:19 UTC
rrrrr thank you, that's such a nice compliment (well, all of them are, lol) but re: kirk/spock especially, that's extremely nice to hear. :"}

omg it never gets old for me either-- in reboot 'verse it plays out so much like ron finding out about harry/draco, which never got old for me either when i still read HP, lol. anyone having a fit over their best friend dating someone that makes them go O___o;;;;; is hilarious. XD


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