
Oct 19, 2009 00:42

so i have this running joke with myself that alternates between "gaila has bagged the entire magnificent seven [bridge crew + mccoy + scotty]" and "gaila has bagged all but one of the magnificent seven, and the missing one isn't spock" and "gaila has bagged all but one of the magnificent seven, and the missing one isn't uhura". i think it'd be ( Read more... )

fandom: is random, fandom: the final frontier, gaila is my fictional girlfriend

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Comments 26

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betweenthebliss October 20 2009, 00:08:22 UTC
ahhh lol well i need to update my rec list of doom this week, so if you have the inclination, it's not a bad place to start-- i have no life, you see, so the list is pretty prodigious. XD

and i'm glad my theory of gaila makes sense!


raindissolved October 19 2009, 13:57:38 UTC
realizing last night that i essentially yearn to write fanfiction for your fanfiction was perhaps the most hilarious epiphany i have had in a long ass time. you're some kind of crazy inspiration djinn, aren't you? AREN'T YOU??


betweenthebliss October 20 2009, 00:09:10 UTC
i am SO OKAY WITH THIS PLAN. and you know what, my powers are mysterious for a very good reason, don't go asking me to reveal my secrets like it's nothing. :P

ps come back to the interneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttt.


ninety6tears October 20 2009, 00:04:50 UTC
Has Gaila bagged Pike? I mean...


betweenthebliss October 20 2009, 00:07:43 UTC
there is totally a really hot gaila/pike fic that for some unfathomable reason i do not have saved to my delicious account. what the effffff. i was totally going to link it and be like YOU DECIDE lol. fail. anyway, idk, my personal canon is that gaila has not bagged pike, but she totally would. XD


ninety6tears October 20 2009, 00:25:08 UTC
Shucks. I was prompting that pairing over at the meme but never got anything. I'm sure if I really looked I'd find something. I just generally need to read more with Pike cause he's the man.


betweenthebliss October 20 2009, 00:29:54 UTC
let me see what i can do, my flist is sort of awesome when it comes to digging stuff up. XD


mutantjules October 20 2009, 06:16:42 UTC
they're the ones on the crew I'd most like to see her get with! *pouts*
(and holy jesus I REALLY HATE when people write him like that too, grrrrrrr.)
point is, Gaila rocks. and you rock for busting out some Kiss Kiss Bang Bang love.


betweenthebliss October 20 2009, 12:20:08 UTC
well no that'd be the point of the fic, would be her setting out to cross off the last name on the list. so actually you'd enjoy it MORE my way. lol. and given your reaction to the way i write mccoy, i might just have to go ahead with that.... ;D

kiss kiss bang bang is the TITS. it was on TV last week and i about died of happiness. i hadn't seen it in ages since my stupid ex-roommate stole my copy. >:E


vicki_rae October 20 2009, 07:40:55 UTC
"how gaila got a perfect score in enterprise senior staff sex bingo"

LOL, love this!

i love fics where gaila is just this cheerful sweet girl who'll sleep with people so long as they're smart enough to keep up with how awesome she is.

That's my headcanon Gaila.

i've read like, one gaila/spock fic and a scant handful of gaila/uhura that didn't suck

There's not enough good Gaila fic of any kind :(

Hugs for your headache.


betweenthebliss October 20 2009, 12:21:54 UTC
There's not enough good Gaila fic of any kind :(

it's so true. igrockspock writes about her a lot, and there are a bunch of good ones smattered throughout my rec list of doom, but yeah. there should always be more. :3


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