meme answers!

Aug 15, 2009 21:14

so speccygeekgrrl and lauralyrics were the only people to ask me questions, so this will be a fairly short post. eeeeeeeeeeexcept that it's me, and laura asked me three questions, so there will be LJ cuts.

speccygeekgrrl asked ( my top five Trek fanworks )

fandom: is meta, fandom: is random, fandom: the final frontier, memes, fannish: recs

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Comments 6

mutantjules August 16 2009, 04:54:33 UTC
I lurve him too. He's so fuckin' awesome! I'd kill for GRRM to make them happen (though I honestly don't know if I want them or Jaime/Brienne more).


sybaryte August 26 2009, 21:48:10 UTC
It's funny how recent canon has breathed new life into Harry/Draco. I must admit to having no OTP in the HP Fandom. *is a ficslut* Though Harry/Snape was always... umyesplease. LOL.

Also, how's The Faculty rework coming?


betweenthebliss August 27 2009, 00:27:09 UTC
it's coming, lol-- big bang has taken a lot of my focus lately, but i haven't forgotten it-- i actually plan to rewatch the movie tonight to remind myself where i was headed and what i still have to do. XDDD


sybaryte August 28 2009, 15:38:33 UTC
Big Bang is indeed a worthy cause but I confess to being fannishly excited about The Faculty AU. It's my perverse desire for Casey!Chekov and Stokely!Spock... *loves the impending outtakes*


speccygeekgrrl August 29 2009, 17:44:19 UTC
Your Trek recs overlap with my favorites in so many places, but ESPECIALLY number one, because fuck yeah that story is one of the best things to exist on this silly planet!


betweenthebliss August 29 2009, 17:57:35 UTC
yes, you are so correct, omfg. that story is just... gah. if i could only pick one piece of trek fic to take to a desert island it would be that one.


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