meme answers!

Aug 15, 2009 21:14

so speccygeekgrrl and lauralyrics were the only people to ask me questions, so this will be a fairly short post. eeeeeeeeeeexcept that it's me, and laura asked me three questions, so there will be LJ cuts.

speccygeekgrrl asked my top five Trek fanworks which is, essentially, impossible to cull down to five, so you're just going to get my indispensable list, however long it is.

1. You'll Get There In The End (It Just Takes A While) - forget fanfic, this is one of the best pieces of FICTION, period, i've ever read. kirk/spock, extremely nc-17 in parts, spontaneous-combustion-worthy hot plus gripping plot and perfect characterization to boot.
2. Stars Apart, Shine the Same, kirk/spock, one of the first i read of the "spock prime's mind meld left stuff in kirk's mind" trope, and still the best IMO. also contains a few references to classic trek that make it even better.
3. We Learn Each Other Slowly - one of the definitive kirk/spock fics. everyone should read it, that is all.
4. Circus, a Kirk fanvid set to the Britney song. gave me an incurable addiction to the song, and i can still pretty much watch the vid all the time. :3
5. Five People Who Loved Spock - i could make a top 10 just of corpus_invictus's fics, but this one is my favorite. it's indicative of everything that's fabulous about her writing-- her characterization is always spot on, she's got a great flair for plot, and god, can she write good sex. :3
6. Only Good for Legends, the AU where spock is a cop and kirk is still in iowa. it's a WIP, but it's already so amazing to warrant being on this list.
7. Jim Kirk's Limp Dick and its companion Jim Kirk the Insufferable Idiot, mccoy/chapel, each fic in three parts. mccoy/chapel, also very nc-17 in parts, gives an amazingly detailed look at the lives of the characters, what it's like to be at the academy as well as serving on the enterprise, and is just a great story of how they come together.
8. Still Waters, kirk/girl!spock, from spock's POV. this fic is the A #1 example of a good genderswap, where the character is still 100% who they're supposed to be
9. With A Little Help From My Friends - also still WIP but so, so awesome. really shows how OCs and filling in backstory can be done well (and the fact that it's spock's backstory doesn't at ALL bias me toward loving it >.>)
10. Mind Meld - really beautiful art, wrenches my heart every time i look at it.
11. The Jhanas, spock POV gen with a wink at kirk/spock - this was written months before the movie came out, the author is so awesome she managed to write new!spock perfectly just from having seen the trailer. if only for that, this fic rules, but it is beautifully written and an awesome character study as well.

lauralyrics asked a few questions (greedy, greedy ;)) but in the interest of posting this before i fall asleep, i'm going to leave one for its own post and answer the two easier ones tonight. XD

Top five evil villains :
i'm glad you stipulated evil villains vs dubious/accidental/misunderstood villains b/c otherwise this would be a way longer list. XD actually this was a hard list to make, v. thought provoking (good work ;)). not in any order.

1. Sylar from Heroes. and not just b/c he's ZQ, i promise-- i loved sylar's character before i ever gave a crap about any of the actors on the show, and he continues to be enjoyable and creepy as fuck.
2. Brother Justin from HBO's Carnivale. this is IMO the most underappreciated show ever. brother justin is a creepy bastard, deranged and scary and really fodder for nightmares sometimes; hence, great villain.
3. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. it's kind of impossible not to enjoy him, tbh.
4. Randall Flagg from Stephen King (The Dark Tower and the Stand, specifically). he's a little bit campy and a lot bit crazy, and lays waste in multiple worlds.
5. Ursula from the Little Mermaid. WHAT, okay, she is definitely evil but soooo awesome. :3

Top five favorite pairings :
this one's tough, but i think i can manage. these are not in any order.
1. new star trek : kirk/spock (obviously). i don't need to explain myself on this one, right? :3
2. battlestar galactica : kara thrace/lee adama/sam anders and all permutations. kara/lee was (and sort of still is) my OTP, but i love anders to fucking death. i have yet to read any sam/lee fic, but if anyone has any recs to throw my way, um, yes please. XD
3. kushiel's legacy : phedre/joscelin/hyacinthe and all permutations. phedre/joscelin otp, obviously, but i love her and hyacinthe to *death* and uh yeah, hyacinthe/joscelin is hot as hell. XD also best and prettiest OT3 evar.
4. a song of ice and fire : sandor clegane/sansa stark. best UST ever, plus have a huge soft spot for sandor, and sansa has gotten so awesome and he's totally not dead and please GRRM make it actual canon kthx. :"D
5. harry potter : harry/draco, i say this because it's endured as a ship i enjoy since i first got into fandom like, uh, 7 years ago. i still like it and still ship it, and still wish i had any sort of muse to write HP fic b/c of it. :3

okay. sleepytimes now. :"D :"D

fandom: is meta, fandom: is random, fandom: the final frontier, memes, fannish: recs

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