you guys, it would really mean a lot to me if you helped me out and checked out my vintage etsy shop. i've got stuff up in the handmade shop as well, but the vintage shop seems to sell well (what can i say, i've got good taste) new items will be going up tomorrow and until sunday as well. help me pay my bills! seriously!
i just updated my shop, it's only a few pieces, but more will be going up more regularly. i've got tons of bags that need to be photographed and listed too! be on the look out!
so i'm reopening up a craft etsy shop. it's been a while and i've been working on some things, but it's not going to be under the same name it once was. i want the name and the 'brand' to be cohesive
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i'm having a dilemma. i won a gift card to worth $200. that's a lot of cash. with that, i get to pick a 'store' to shop from. i've kind of narrowed it down. i want to get an accessory, and a big ticket item. i just need help deciding. so. regardless, i'm going to be paying more.
But someone They should have warned you When things start splitting at the seams and now The whole thing's tumbling down Things start splitting at the seams and now If things start splitting at the seams and now, It's tumbling down Hard
"you are a woman. you have the power to cast spells over boys with your words, your silence, gestures, eyes, and actions. this power can be super fun/entertaining, and will most likely result in an epic make out and/or someone falling in love with you. i can’t stress enough how much power you have. use it wisely."