Personality Extended

Sep 10, 2010 23:07

What you already know:
ParaNoYA is a complicated little lady, though she will happily deny such a comment. She is insane, completely insane, and confidently admits to at least this much. While she is capable of talking your ear off about absolutely nothing, she is also capable of talking about rather serious things. However, she’ll never tell you when said important topic is being discussed, she leaves it up to you. If you don’t listen, it’s not her problem, it’s yours.
Focus on her name, it is paranoia spelled simply with a “y” and a few capitalized letters. But like her name, when in her presence she doesn’t really do anything to you unless she finds you of some massive interest. If she likes you, she’ll gladly invade your personal bubble, if she doesn’t like you she’ll keep her distance and make little to no eye contact with you.
Her most important rule, and one she always says to people is “You don’t touch ParaNoYA, ParaNoYA touches you. Bad things happen when you touch ParaNoYA”.

Beth is ParaNoYA's first and original personality. She is a quite, soft spoken, and lethargic. She enjoys to sit, watch TV, and basically vegetate until the sun rises and she can go back to bed and sleep for three days straight. She's very lazy when she wants to be, and can lay around and do nothing for hours on end. This Beth, however, was known for falling asleep for days and not waking up until some kind of bodily function (eating, bathroom runs, a limb that had fallen asleep, or was dragged out by her stepmother) caused her to wake up and go do something other than lay still. Beth disappeared around the time that she was 13 and sent into a Insane Asylum for severe depression and D.I.D (Split Personality) when she lashed out at her stepmother and then fell into a full catatonic state where she did not even make eye contact.
This is where Elizabeth Bridget Santiago become prominent. Since Elizabeth is so fond of her father, so much so that she'd prefer people called her Bridget rather than Elizabeth because that was the name her father used for her. During her stay in the Asylum her father would visit her and while she didn't say a word, he would refer to her as Elizabeth. Elizabeth is the one you should be more careful about than ParaNoYA. Elizabeth is the part of ParaNoYA that is passive aggressive, and capable of lashing out violently. She's known for scratching, biting, pulling, kicking, and attempted to gouge out her stepmother's eyes when she came over to visit her with her father. There is no reason for Elizabeth to dislike her stepmother and its possible that she doesn't hate her, or doesn't have any feelings about her in anyway at all. She might just enjoy the way she screams, or finds her many reactions to her amusing. Elizabeth is known for tormenting people to the brink of suicide, Beth is known for ignoring them until they lash out at her.
ParaNoYA is the accumulation of both of the personalities into one. Her face is generally in a rather neutral expression, and she hardly ever makes sense. She doesn't so much speak in rhyme as speak in complete nonsense, even Alice might have some trouble keeping up with her. ParaNoYA will pick a topic of discussion, one that you might not be aware of and continue on that track until she is done or you do something to distract her. You changing the topic will not help the situation, or make anything any easier on your head. She focuses on herself, is slightly narcissistic, possibly bisexual or asexual, or just so content in living, breathing, and just existing that any kind of physical, or mental retaliation or attention of any kind makes her giddy and excited.
Unlike most people with D.I.D there is no dominant personality, and ParaNoYA can be considered having more of a mood disorder than a personality disorder. If asked "who you are speaking with?" she will look at you like you've grown a second head, or reply with a simple "I am whole. Who're you?"

Sex is nice. Sex is fun. Sex is LOTS of fun with lots of different people. ParaNoYA is perfectly aware of this, but physical attraction means little to nothing to her. You can be ugly as a stick and she'll still hit on you. You can be perfectly asexual or androgynous and she will still hit on you and invade your personal space. She will make physical contact first, so when she suggests you to wait until she touches you - its mostly because of her narcissism kicking in. Then again, once she does touch you its a no holds bar and she will allow you to do whatever you want with her. This has, of course, back fired on her more times than she is willing to count. Touching ParaNoYA without her instigating it, depending on the day, may result in a forceful "leggo" or a violent out burst and lose, or breaking of a limb or thumb.
ParaNoYA does not under stand the concept of "love".
It is entirely too complicated of a thought for her. She fully understand how someone can love a relative, a pet, a pair of shoes, yes those are all easy for her to understand. However, the painful, wanting, desire to be around a person twenty-four/seven she does not understand. She doesn't have the patience for it.

Physical vs. Psychological
Physically speaking, ParaNoYA is in great shape. Only because she dances and exercises daily. She is capable of bending, flipping, cart wheeling, tight rope walking, and other ridiculously Circus like movements. She's also quite the contortionist when the occasion calls for it, though she would rather not twist her body into a pretzel in order to get a job done. She has a rather impressive stamina considering all the chemicals she surrounds herself with on a day to day basis. However, she's crazy.
Take, for example, a car accident. If you get into a car accident you don't notice which body part hurts, where your cell phone went, or exactly how hard you have been hit after the initial impact, correct? Once everything is over and you're sitting down after the accident, your body starts to relax and you start to hurt all over. Now take this example of a dramatic car accident you just walked away from, multiply it. ParaNoYA is capable of withstanding a ridiculous amount of pain and walking away from it. She will not notice that she had a broken body part, is bleeding profusely, missing a chunk of skin until much later in the day or if someone points it out. Going back to the accident example, if you have people around you and one shouts out "Oh, no! You're bleeding!". All of a sudden your brain is now aware of pain from the cut, and you are now experiencing pain... Fun.
ParaNoYA doesn't do this. Her brain does not function on the same level of pain, anguish, sorrow, or any other complicated emotion like those. Because psychologically she has strained herself beyond that point and so doesn't realize "Hey, that hurts." unless someone points it out, or she stares at it for a few minutes and realizes "Oh... That's wrong."

Angry ParaNoYA?
ParaNoYA, Elizabeth, Beth are all very short tempered, they also don't care. With their one rule, don't touch unless she does first, they follow it to a T. Since they are all basically passive aggressive and do very little facial expressions aside from an occasional smile, or pout, this means they can literally snap which isn't good for anyone involved. She'll let you hit and drag her around, smack her and kick her - that's fine with her. She isn't going to do much other than keep talking.
However, if you piss her off there is a very good chance you'll end up on fire, missing a limb, or wake up with her in bed and something very important missing. Since she generally messes around with boys - make up your own mind about that. Also, since ParaNoYA doesn't lie, it means that she will be completely honest with you about how she feels about you. But if she doesn't like you, she might not tell you what she's planning for you because its fun to watch you twitch.

“You don’t touch ParaNoYA, ParaNoYA touches you. Bad things happen when you touch ParaNoYA”.
What does this mean?! It means, quite literally, that there is a difference between wanted touching and unwanted touching. Not so much green like good touch, red light bad touch, its just all around. Brushing a person's shoulder, these touching. People, in general, do crave some kind of physical attention - sexual or other wise - and because we crave this its so odd when someone doesn't want to be touched. When this happens its usually because of an emotional response (key word is usually), you do sometimes run into people who simply don't like being touched. THis is a personal matter, but in reference to ParaNoYA the reason is simple in that she just doesn't like unwanted touching. She will tell you when its okay, or she'll do and that's a unwritten non-verbal okay to touch her.
If you say the phrase as thus just 'paranoia' as it should be, it makes sense. Is it a good idea to act paranoid? No. Is it a good idea to mess with someone who has paranoia? No. Why? Its might result in someone, or that person, getting hurt? When someone is paranoid, they're freaking out - to be blunt - and to pick at that might make the problem worse and its better just not to touch it. Don't touch paranoia, paranoia touches you. Something makes you paranoia, someone makes you paranoid. To mess with someone who has paranoia, what happens? Nothing good.

personality extended

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