Title: Violet Roses (1/2) Pairing: Onho, implied!jongkey Genre: GROSS AMOUNTS OF FLUFF, romance, au Rating: R Word Count: 8000 Summary: A barista finally crosses paths with the florist he's been longing after.
That was so cute and fluffy. I really like OnHo. Although, it's usually always like a competent Minho taking care of a really spazzy Jinki. There's nothing wrong with that. It never fails to fulfill my fluff cravings but this story not only does that, it tickles and titillates my imagination as it shows Minho as a vulnerable nervous person, too. They're just so cute together.
One, it took me two minutes to figure out that, no matter how many times I jabbed my caps locks...this was..okay nevermind.
Anyways! I smiled the entire time I read the first part! Minho is sooo cute! I can't wait to see how he acts on this date.! Okay. Part two. Up up and away!
yeah...had to change my theme because there were so many complaints about the caps lock HONESTLY I'M SORRY ABOUT THAT I DIDN'T REALIZE WHEN I INSTALLED THE LAYOUT OTL
I didn't even finished.. BUT MINHO'S SHyness kills me, it's just so adorable, i can't handle it. Usually, it's Onew, the one who's shy, why the shaking voice and kness getting weak. the fact that you reverse the situation is really interesting...
Comments 17
i love it so much it's perfect
That was so cute and fluffy. I really like OnHo. Although, it's usually always like a competent Minho taking care of a really spazzy Jinki. There's nothing wrong with that. It never fails to fulfill my fluff cravings but this story not only does that, it tickles and titillates my imagination as it shows Minho as a vulnerable nervous person, too. They're just so cute together.
/fangirls and flails about in her chair x:
Thanks so much for sharing with us!
wahh, thank you for reading!! :'D
Anyways! I smiled the entire time I read the first part! Minho is sooo cute! I can't wait to see how he acts on this date.! Okay. Part two.
Up up and away!
glad you liked it! go, go! ♥
*I'll finish it*
have fun! ^^ and thank you for reading!
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