Title: An Odd Taste of Nostalgia Pairing: JongKey Genre: Smut, romance, au Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 3,500 Summary: This isn't usually what kids do in a homemade tent, is it?
Title: In Reverse Pairing: JongKey Genre: Romance, au Rating: R Word Count: 2,400 Summary: And just before he died, his life flashed before his eyes. Notes: The events in this story occur IN REVERSE, hence the title. I've added dates to make it a little simpler.
Title: Without Further Ado Pairing: Onho Genre: Romance, fluff, family Rating: PG Word Count: 3000 Summary: There are delays, but they make it there eventually.
Title: Dodging Bullets Pairing: Jongho Genre: Romance, friendship, smut Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 3,100 Summary: Four different kisses, but in Minho's defense, he only initiated one (and he was, you know, drunk).
Title: Violet Roses (2/2) Pairing: Onho, implied!jongkey Genre: GROSS AMOUNTS OF FLUFF, romance, au Rating: R Word Count: 8000 Summary: A barista finally crosses paths with the florist he's been longing after.
Title: Violet Roses (1/2) Pairing: Onho, implied!jongkey Genre: GROSS AMOUNTS OF FLUFF, romance, au Rating: R Word Count: 8000 Summary: A barista finally crosses paths with the florist he's been longing after.
Title: Channel Surfing Pairing: Jongkey Genre: Humor, crack Rating: R Word Count: 5000 Summary: The genre isn't important, just as long as they're together.