Title: For the Time Being (1/?)
Pairing: JongKey
Genre: Romance, angst, fluff (and lots of it)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 7339 (part one only)
Summary: Kibum slips into a coma. Jonghyun isn't sure what to do.
“Don’t believe anything Key tells you,” Jonghyun whispered to the oldest boy, eyes narrowed. “He’s a liar. If he says anything about me having the biggest crush in the world on him, he’s lying.” )
Comments 47
And I just ADORE the way Jonghyun is his talkative won't-ever-shut-up self even when Kibum isn't answering... It's so sweet. It shows his dedication and that he really cares ;_;
“But-it really meant a lot. I just about exploded inside when you did that,” he told him. Jonghyun is just so cute. He likes him so much. That was straight up precious fufufufhaurhrua;fljdafsd;. Then again he's sort of in denial :/
I don't know how you do it, but you somehow manage to write fluffy drama. T'is positively awesome :D
And lol, he remembers girl group dances xD
And then it breaks my heart T.T
Anxious for the rest!
Jonghyun is in denial. That's the sad part. DX
I don't mean to. It just happens. OTL I could write a super-angsty story and fluff would be involved. Why am I like this... TT^TT
Yay! Thank you for commenting!! :'D
I was afraid when I first read your fic because I thought it would be exactly like mine. I'm glad they turned out different. ^^
Don't worry, that part breaks my heart, too. ;__; I dunno...people trying to convince themselves they're okay when they really aren't...I know what you mean about it being sad.
Pshh...my plots aren't awesome at all. ._.
...A frightening mixture of the two. XDXD
Kibum's character sort of kills me in the first part tbh....he gets a little better in part 2 though. :D
I always make Jonghyun sappy. As you know. OTL
Thank you for commenting. :') ♥
But, I always do love your stories
and I'll wait for the continue for this, wether its an epiloge or new chapter..^^
Thanks, keep going~
Thank you very much. ^^
I'm thinking it'll be one more chapter (another 7000) and then an epilogue. I think that's how it'll work. :3
Thank you for reading, darling. :'D
This is awesome. You totally should upload this earlier cause it's pretty cool. Even if I feel so bad for Jonghyun and I'm praying he will just remember everything one day...
C'mon. Update soon~ I need to read that happy and fluffy part you are talking about!
This is great. And I really loved the way Jonghyun talked with Kibum while he was still in coma. It made me smile and Jonghyun was pretty funny.
I'm looking forward. ^^
I'll try to update soon. I'm glad you're eager. XP
Thank you for commenting and reading, dear. :)
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