Blanket permission is a way for fan artists to let other fans know their comfort with others playing with their works. It's particularly helpful to podficcers when authors give blanket permission for anyone to podfic their works without having to ask first. To find out more on blanket permission with regards to podfic check out
pod_aware on
LJ or
So, people do friending memes all the time, right? But that's mostly for LJ. And for those of you who haven't noticed? I don't actually update my LJ or read my flist that much -.-
You know where I *AM* active these days? Twitter! And you know what I'd really like to do? FOLLOW ALL THE PODFICCERS!
Let me back up. Once upon a time (by which I mean a few months ago), I was happily active on Twitter, mostly with my fannish RL friends, and the occasional online friend. And then
paraka followed me. And after she did,
sly_hostetter did. And I followed them back. And then MORE podfic names started popping up on my stream, and I started following all of them, and now my Twitter stream is like 50% podficcers, and you guys, I'M NOT SORRY AT ALL.
But you know what? I WANT TO FOLLOW ALLLLL THE PODFICCERS! Let's make our corner of Twitter one great big podfic party!!!