
Jun 19, 2005 13:39

Wrtite something nice about seven of your favorite people on livejournal, write why they're one of your favorite people on lj, or why they are such a good friend. Help brighten their day. Make them feel good about themselfs.


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Comments 15

chocolatelady June 19 2005, 22:04:12 UTC
OMG ONLY 7!?!?! Fine. I'll probably like. Post more later. >:O

captainxobvious: Molly always makes an effort to stay in touch and her entries are beyond amusing. >:D She is always there for her friends. We clicked right away. :)
aznwonder: CLAIRE IS SO AMAZING. I love the photo spam that occupies almost every entry of her journal and she is amazingly sexy. >:D She's so hilarious and fun to talk to.
damante: Jacks is so fun to talk to. The one time I talked to her on AIM I nearly peed my pants from laughing. We must talk more.
limeybean: Mandy is so sweet. I love reading all her entries and she's so freaking crazy sometimes. :D She's always there for everyone!
goodbyekitty_: Monica is amazing. We have so much in common and she is awefully nice.
epilogia: I LOVE YUZU! We've been lj friends for so long. Yuzu is amazingly witty and nice.
serenadia: I love Ally chica too much. She's nice and witty and the perfect friend. I'm serious.

more later XD ♥


aznwonder June 20 2005, 01:12:29 UTC
LMFAO YOU KNOW IT. I am just a cam!whore, please. Sugh some things can't be helped.

But thank you for your compliments, lol. ♥ Much love.


libraire June 20 2005, 00:29:58 UTC
I don't know if I'll be able to only pick 7, lmao. I NEED TO MENTION MORE THAN THAT. And I may ;D

limeybean: My Sirius, literally ;D I do not need to say why, she knows(i.e. if I did I'd write 348960 words). ♥

damante: THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, UGH, GOD, GOSH, LOLZ, OMG. Accio insertion, ghettofab!1111!11! Just....oh god how I love Jaclyn, lmfao. She makes me laugh, half our convos are just us going "YES!" "NO!" "YES!" "NO!" or ":(:(" ":(:(:(" ":(:(:(:(" etc. I get cheered up just by getting an IM from her, just her saying one thing to me. I made a promise I wouldn't hurt her, although I think I still do, sometimes.But I love her. And yes. ♥

jennifer81: OMG MY MOONY. ♥!!! Plain hilarious. I adore her because she is hyper and makes me laugh like no one else ever does. She knows exactly what to say to crack me up for 20 minutes. She knows what to say to make me feel better. She knows I'm there if she needs to talk. SHE KNOWS I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HER IN WONDERLAND. She knows that we're both our Moonys. And ghost!whale!sirius is sad of this. ;P

_finaljourney_: She makes me ( ... )


merrylives15 June 20 2005, 01:02:34 UTC
I loooove you. ♥


gabsy June 20 2005, 02:59:44 UTC
You are such a lovely person. I love you SO FREAKING MUCH!


pumpkins_n_pups June 20 2005, 07:58:52 UTC


_airbear_ June 20 2005, 01:31:04 UTC
spikeluva: She recently became the top commenter on my journal and took genuine concern to everything I wrote about. She's the nicest, most caring person on LJ and she brightens my day whenever I see that she left a comment.

evilsushi: Elli is the coolest kid on the block! She's so unique and I'm so glad I'm her friend. Her obsessions often mirror my own, and she's funny, has style and an awesome personality.

damante: My bestest new friend! One of the only eljayers I talk to online. She's crazy, hilarious, insane and I heart her even though we like JUST met! We love many of the same things and she knows her some pop culture unlike my stupid ass real life friends. ;-)

coffee_day: Also one of the coolest people on eljay. About my age, and like evilsushi, Maddy has a unique personality and style that make her livejournal so awesome. I heart her.

_allshallfade: I love love love love her! She's always willing to help pimp my our communities, praised me on my icons even when they were bad, and leads me to these memes! She's shares my quirky obsessions that no one else has and just overall ( ... )


bertiebotts June 20 2005, 02:12:57 UTC
♥ x 2759236507632450284365243


_allshallfade June 20 2005, 06:28:02 UTC


gewd June 20 2005, 02:39:18 UTC
Only sevennnnnnnnnn. *sigh*

deadxgirlsxkiss: PWNPWNPWN. I'm so glad to have talked to you more lately! My Samwise! We have so much in common and you're such a bright and wonderful woman and friend and tater. We can be oh so very silly or serious or just bash bush for the heck of it or lick trees too. TREE HUGGERS UNITE! <444444

sadako_chan: You're brilliant!! We share so many opinions and can rant about all the bothersome things in life. I love how you're so commited and supportive. You just rock, ok?

ellefleur: OMG. You've been my eljay friend for like, ever. You're sweet and wonderful and hilarious and we will always luff hobbits and your old icons will always kick ass to me no matter how much you defy it. See, if you ever read this you'll probably freak out at me for even mentioning them!

makesomelove: I have a pillow. It's name is Brenna. OMGORN. I'm so glad I met you through F.R.O.D.O. (F.R.O.D.O. > LIFE)!!! You were there for me to squee madly about Shoebox with when I first read it! It's awesome that you are a feminist and, like me, think everyone should talk about ( ... )


receipt June 20 2005, 05:13:45 UTC

__unlovely is my fred. Pretty much I'm in love with her and her homenuggety ways. She listens to me PAINNN and AGONY and BLEEDZ EMO HEART and then cheers me up 'cause she's a homenugget. God. I love this chick, k.

mandarkk Oh, mandiddy. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love Mandy. I'd do anything to make Mandy happy, srsly. Mandy is better than all of you, SNAP. Braided peniz.

pumpkins_n_pups UGH ASHLEY. I hate ashley so much I don't even know. I would never in a million years be friends with someone like Ashley. I definitely don't love her to death, god.

snidgety Beccaaaaaaa. Every time I'm bored and going through my phone to look for someone to text, Becca crosses my mind. But I can't text her because it costs her money. And it makes me sad. But I love her anyway.

_airbear_ If I were a phone, I'd totally sleep in her bed. Erin makes me gigglesnort. She is love.

merrylives15 I hate Sarah and her West Wing loving ways. I hate her. I wish she would just delete her journal. Oh, wait. My bad. I'm not supposed to lie.

hownovel is a stuck up, elitist bitch who loses notebooks but she's ( ... )


merrylives15 June 20 2005, 05:15:04 UTC
You know you love it.


pumpkins_n_pups June 20 2005, 20:17:59 UTC
Good thing I'm not friends with you, then. *deletes your journal*


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