
Jun 19, 2005 13:39

Wrtite something nice about seven of your favorite people on livejournal, write why they're one of your favorite people on lj, or why they are such a good friend. Help brighten their day. Make them feel good about themselfs.


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gewd June 20 2005, 02:39:18 UTC
Only sevennnnnnnnnn. *sigh*

deadxgirlsxkiss: PWNPWNPWN. I'm so glad to have talked to you more lately! My Samwise! We have so much in common and you're such a bright and wonderful woman and friend and tater. We can be oh so very silly or serious or just bash bush for the heck of it or lick trees too. TREE HUGGERS UNITE! <444444

sadako_chan: You're brilliant!! We share so many opinions and can rant about all the bothersome things in life. I love how you're so commited and supportive. You just rock, ok?

ellefleur: OMG. You've been my eljay friend for like, ever. You're sweet and wonderful and hilarious and we will always luff hobbits and your old icons will always kick ass to me no matter how much you defy it. See, if you ever read this you'll probably freak out at me for even mentioning them!

makesomelove: I have a pillow. It's name is Brenna. OMGORN. I'm so glad I met you through F.R.O.D.O. (F.R.O.D.O. > LIFE)!!! You were there for me to squee madly about Shoebox with when I first read it! It's awesome that you are a feminist and, like me, think everyone should talk about vaginas more, wank more, and have more queer sex (EVERYWHERE!). Oh, you're simply fantastic.

incroyable: Whee! I know we haven't been friends for that long even, but I think you're fantastic. I love reading your entries, I love your voice, and you're just so wonderfully caring, squeezable, and squee-y (I made up the word, ok?)!

nicolejacks: You are so supportive and sweet that it just blows me away. You're always there for me with kind and supportive words, and I try to be there for you, too! You mean a lot to me!

coffee_day: Guh. I just had to mention you here. I've always admired you in one way or another. You're such a goober! I don't know what to say. I just think you're great and I love to SQUEE about all sorts of fandom things with you. <44

Guuuuuuuuh. I could just keep going and talk about everyone!


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