Title: The World on His Wrist
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 3.5k, this part, 31.2k overall
vyctori and
fogbutton Disclaimer: Do not own.
Summary: First, he is shot in Afghanistan. Second, he wakes to a phone call in Chelmsford, Essex. Third is pain, fourth is normalcy, fifth is agony and sixth is confusion. By the eighth, he's lost track. (John-centric AU)
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Comments 35
The whole thing is great, but I think my favorite bit is the scene where John wakes up in non-Sherlock London unsure of whether he'll be able to stand and uses the memory of rooftop chases to work himself through it. I eagerly await more.
The whole thing is great, but I think my favorite bit is the scene where John wakes up in non-Sherlock London unsure of whether he'll be able to stand and uses the memory of rooftop chases to work himself through it.
Psychosomatic shenanigans are the best kind. (That, and he'd been limping every other day for effectively a year, so not clearing that up would have been too many levels of cruel, even for me.)
Thanks for sticking with it, confusion and all!
Year One (aka, October-January) has been very, very much put into summary form due to the sheer amount of crazy adjustment required. I think this John considers himself more practical than sane by this point.
Thanks for reading!
Never stop being amazing :D
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