Wow. That's one of my mother's jokes. You have no idea what a deep condemnation that is: anything my mother finds funny, she tells to everyone she knows, over and over and over and over and over. I find myself (and over) tempted to kill that cartoonist now, before he repeats any more of my mother's jokes.
Well I didn't hear it from your mother so that was not the case. Does she tell the whole thing including the tic-tacs falling through the holes? Since your mom tells everyone her jokes i think it would be best to have her e-mail me all of her jokes so i don't use them in the future.
Honestly I AM trying to be original here, but alas not much is original anymore even though we try.
I actually trolled the comic community, and it is pretty smart and amusing. But...I don't get this strip. "Tic-Tacs"? I don't get it. Does Jesus have bad breath? Can you explain it because I am clueless. *sigh*~~Nick
If someone put tic-tacs in Jesus' hands that have holes in them...he would have the candies lodged in his crusifixion holes. Or...he would have Certs. God, I am so clueless. Apparently you have to explain each and every point of this joke because I still don't get it. Maybe I just need some ginko biloba in my diet.~~Nick
Re: (Yay! Pope icon!)iamangelachaseApril 12 2006, 11:59:07 UTC
Yes, BoF for Dummies. But would we keep it in Religion or Art... (I work in a bookstore. I'm used to thinking about these sorts of things.)
I will say that I'd read most of the comics previously, gotten all of those, and found them humorous. But the tic-tac thing did stump me. Before I replied, though, I'd read all the comments and it clicked (so, Ben, thanks for the info but I'd gotten it by then).
Maybe...hmm...have a cut-tag with the explanation? I don't know. Or just hope that your readers either are with-it enough to get them, or that the other people will explain it to them.
Comments 20
And over and over and...
Honestly I AM trying to be original here, but alas not much is original anymore even though we try.
Thanks for not killing me in advance =]
Everytime you post my comic I get like 10 new people friending me cus they like it. I should start paying you to be my advertising agent =]
Thanks again.
p.s. Didn't mean to have the "tic-tac through stigmata" gag be that big of an issue. New comics will come with diagrams =)
And I laughed my ass off at the Tic Tacs.
You should print a reader's guide for each strip.
And I didn't get the tic-tac thing.
(Actually, okay, so sometimes I do read it. Your friends' page is mighty interesting. You're like a portal into the world. It's amazing.)
Holes in hands = Tic-tacs get through
(I work in a bookstore. I'm used to thinking about these sorts of things.)
I will say that I'd read most of the comics previously, gotten all of those, and found them humorous. But the tic-tac thing did stump me. Before I replied, though, I'd read all the comments and it clicked (so, Ben, thanks for the info but I'd gotten it by then).
Maybe...hmm...have a cut-tag with the explanation? I don't know. Or just hope that your readers either are with-it enough to get them, or that the other people will explain it to them.
Wow, I ramble when I've just gotten up.
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