But Deadly 'verse: Reverence

Aug 02, 2008 05:57

Title: Reverence
Author: Bella Temple
Category: SPN, AU, Gen, drama
Rating: Teen
Warnings: AU, some language, rewrite of canon
Spoilers: "Faith"
Characters: Sam, Dean, Layla Rourke, OCs
Disclaimer: The characters and basic premise within are property of Warner Bros, Eric Kripke, etc. No money is being made off this work of fiction.
Author's note: ( Read more... )

fic: but deadly 'verse

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Comments 45

tahirire August 2 2008, 12:47:54 UTC
What did you do to Carrie?!?!??!? *panics*

I liked this chapter, it is a neat backstory to throw in about Mary and Dan. I've often wondered if Mary wasn't one of the 'other generations' myself. *crosses fingers for some answers*

I also like that even though everything is so different, the characters are the same. *hearts SmartAss!Dean*

Nice continuation. :-)


bellatemple August 2 2008, 15:28:11 UTC
I'm impressed that you're that worried about her. . . .

Thanks! I struggled a bit with this part, but I'd hoped that it would manage to raise a few questions and give a bit more information.

I'm glad it seems to have done that.


kjfri August 2 2008, 13:35:07 UTC
Very interesting backstory going on - I like the gaps you're slowly filling in - but can the boys ever catch a break - an "accident" in Lawrence? Oh boys.


bellatemple August 2 2008, 15:28:55 UTC
can the boys ever catch a break

No . . . probably not. And blame Kripke, dude, he's the one who had Sam find out what he did about Mary's friends in season 3. . . .


redrikki August 2 2008, 13:47:47 UTC
Oh, you let Layla live but left Carrie and/or Dan in danger. Not sure how I feel about the trade-off. I liked Dean's anger that Sam wanted to fix his alleged muteness. Excellent addition to this 'verse.


bellatemple August 2 2008, 15:32:20 UTC
It is a bit of a trade off, isn't it. . . .

I'm glad this part worked for you. Thanks for reading!


epeeblade August 2 2008, 13:59:00 UTC
I really love this series. Very interesting way you've used canon despite the fact the boys are slightly off the path -- here Dean doesn't need to be healed. And nice take on the backstory with Mary and Dan.


bellatemple August 2 2008, 15:32:48 UTC
Thanks. Startled the heck out of me when I realized who Dan was. . . . ;D


maisfeeka August 2 2008, 14:13:59 UTC
I'm absolutely loving this series. :)


bellatemple August 2 2008, 15:32:58 UTC
Thanks, hon!


maisfeeka August 2 2008, 15:35:08 UTC
I have *so* much I want to say about it, but my brain's not letting me put it all together into anything coherent at the moment. :)


bellatemple August 2 2008, 15:36:30 UTC
If it ever does, please, do share.


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