Fic: Lost and Found (3/?)

Dec 22, 2010 16:42

Title: Lost and Found
Author: Bella Taggart
Rating: Pg13 for now
Fandom/Pairing: Lost Girl, Bo/Lauren
Spoilers: Up to S01E11
Word Count: 3560 for this part.
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective ( Read more... )

lost girl, bo/lauren, fic, lost and found 3/?, fanfic

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Comments 22

Love this story ext_365583 December 22 2010, 16:16:27 UTC
I've been following this story on and I'm so excited to have found your LJ with more updates. I left a comment on but wanted to make sure you got it here, too: "I don't usually read stories that haven't been completed because I get sucked in and they sometimes never get updated. Thank you for keeping up with this one because, once again, I've been sucked in. I love this story and can't wait for more. I think you cover the characters beautifully and the plot is very intriguing. Thank you."

If you ever need a spare beta, I might be able to help you out. I don't know what your arrangement is or if you're looking for someone to help with something in particular, but I might be of use. I'm so enthralled with where you're going with regards to this story that I'd be willing to help out any way I can.

Again, thank you for the great story. Can't wait for future updates.



Re: Love this story bellataggart December 22 2010, 21:36:19 UTC
How nice of you to find me here. I wanted to reply to you back on ffnet but since you werent signed in I wasnt able to. This gives me a chance to thank you personally for leaving such kind words. So, thank you. I definitely appreciate it and it motivates me to write more and faster :)
I hope to update regularly, so as not to leave you hanging. I know how annoying it is to fall into a story only for it not to get finished. I'll do my best. :)

As for beta-ing, someone has already rushed to my aid thankfully so I'm all covered for now but I will definitely keep your offer in mind should the need arise again :)


pandora_007 December 22 2010, 16:27:44 UTC
im speechless.. really.. this chapter was just fantastic.. i bet the woman in bed is Lauren´s sister.. or someone really special to her..

i like th Ash.. Lauren is not stupid to trust someone like him if she was not sure about who he was.. regarding to Bo.. i truly dont know what to think about she doing this because she really cares or just because she has the need of safe people in trouble? is hard to tell.. since she was so cold with Lauren for weeks and never gave her a chance..

but anyway.. do you think it would be bad of me to beg you to update this soon?


bellataggart December 22 2010, 21:59:39 UTC
Thank you so much. Well, let me not spoil it for you just yet. The identity of the woman will be revealed soon enough :)
I'm starting to find the Ash more and more interesting as I go along writing this story. After seeing the season finale my view of him has changed. His relationship with Lauren isnt black and white or simple. There seems to be a form of caring between the two and this gives me a chance to figure it out.
As for Bo, I know what you mean. She does have a hero complex. Hopefully no matter the reasons for her initial involvement, somewhere along the way she'll come to have certain understandings that will clarify her emotions. For her and for us as well.
Also, no begging necessary. Your wonderful comments are enough to motivate me to write faster :)


ext_349358 December 22 2010, 17:33:06 UTC

Thanks so much for updating. (I consider this an early Christmas present)
I've been dying to read the next part.

I have been captivated by this story from the very first sentence.

You set the atmosphere perfectly.
The dialogue between Bo and Lauren is believable and you have made me unsure about my impressions of the Ashe.

Can't wait to read the next part.

I hope Lauren doesn't suffer too much. I adore her.

Thanks for sharing.


bellataggart December 22 2010, 22:11:01 UTC
Such great comments. Really wonderful. Thank you.
The Ash is an interesting character. Lauren's relationship with the Ash is even more interesting and after seeing the season finale I was also unsure of my initial impressions of the Ash. So I'm trying to create a more "grey" connection between the two which seems more real to me. We'll see how it goes :)
As for Lauren...what can I say, I love to see her cry. (whatever that means) She's just so full of emotion in my eyes that I want to explore her range as fully as I can. I'm afraid things might get a little worse for her before they get better but know that she's my favorite character (apart from Kenzi and her kickass dialogs) in the LG universe and ultimately I want her to be happy.
Also, merry christmas :)
Thanks again for the thoughtful feedback.


Blimey oh riley..... anonymous December 22 2010, 18:50:24 UTC
You really keep us hanging don't you : )

Fabb update, thank you. Any chance chapter 4 is already written and pending, it is christmas after all................??


Re: Blimey oh riley..... bellataggart December 22 2010, 22:16:22 UTC
I try :)
Thank you so much. I am working on chapter 4 at the moment and will try to get it out there as soon as possible. I'll do my best in speeding it up as much as possible. Merry christmas :)


ded_n_berried December 22 2010, 20:14:02 UTC
I don't know what the hell is going on here and I demand to know what the hell is going on here. Gaak. This is intriguing.


bellataggart December 22 2010, 22:18:04 UTC
Haha. All shall be revealed in due time. Thanks so much for the amusing comment.


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