Title: Falling in Love in New York City - 9 / ?
Genre: Romance, drama, AU.
Pairings: USxUK, slight FrUK.
Rating: NC-17 / M
Warnings: Language, sexual content, adult themes such as infidelity, alcohol and some drug use.
Summary: Arthur Kirkland had only intended to dance away his stress and haunting past; never would he have thought in a million years,
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Comments 20
wish we all had that luck XD
Preach, sister. I can very much use an Alfred right about now.
Then again, I think we all do. XD
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I'm so glad you think so. ~ Now it starts to get fun.
This was such an action-packed update 8D
*wibbles with Arthur* aww, too bad Francis is a douche in this...but, heh, as long as Arthur and Alfred get together *is evil* then I don't mind if France is not redeemed in this story lol.
This was such a sweet chapter :) *ish happies nao*
Yay for being happy! 8D Fluff. Fluff all around.
Can't wait for the future chapters now >w<
And Francis... oh ho. Poor Francis will be the better expression. ;D
I'm actually trying to see if I can set a weekly update pace, since I've been really into this one. :D
I choked on my cereal. XD Don't tell me you have tumblr...? It's been TEAM SPACE COWBOY vs. TEAM PIRATE whole week on over there...
Loved this. We all know why you had had to change your sheets, Al. XD Fingers crossed they'll need even more changing, soon. I also really loved Arthur craving Alfred's affection, especially him running to catch up to him and leaning into him. Or how he dropped on his bed, just like that. So much love. <3
Let's just call this chapter the angst before the fluff. >3> ~ And Alfred's wet dreams before the... well, you get the picture. XD ❤
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