Ficlet - Zebras and Scientists and Mammoths, Oh My!

Jul 11, 2009 15:39

Title: Zebras and Scientists and Mammoths, Oh My!
Author: Sophie (bella_farfalla)
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Jenny/Nick
Rating: U
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: We all know I don’t own any of this. Please don’t sue.
Word Count: 125
A/N: For chrazy who left me “Zebras -Primeval - Jenny/Nick” in my alphabet drabble meme.

I should not have written the crackfics first, I enjoyed it too much and now have the overwhelming urge to make everything just a little bit cracky…

“I want to open a zoo”

Cutter stated matter of factly. Jenny stared at him as if he’d just grown a third arm.

“Think about it, we could open the best damn zoo in the world. We’d make millions! Who wants to go and see boring old zebras when you could see a real live mammoth!” Nick beamed, Jenny merely blinked.


“Yes Jenny, I want you to run it with me, it’ll be fantastic! What do you think?”

“I think you’ve hit your head a bit harder than we thought. Perhaps we should take you to hospital.”

She tried to help him to his feet but he resisted.

“I don’t want to go to hospital.”

“Did I say hospital? I meant zoo, come on.”

like a velociraptor only better dressed, fangirling, fictitious

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