Alphabet Drabble Meme

Jul 01, 2009 15:07

How does it work? Simple: You pick a letter and then, choose a word that begins with that letter. Then, you pick the fandom (crossovers are allowed) and a pairing or a character. That word will be the prompt, and I'll have to write a drabble for you. Nice, isn't it?

You can name any fandom that I've written before or that I know. If you're not sure, have a look at my user info, or just ask.

My edits to make it work better: You can pick more than one letter, as otherwise I probably won't fill the alphabet. You can request slash, femmeslash or het, but remember I've never attempted to write anything other than femmeslash before, so don't expect me to be any good at it!

C: is for Chess. Primeval. Helen and Connor for rodlox Read it here.
D: is for Dancing on the grave, Primeval, Helen/Jenny for talliw Read it here.
E: is for Evil Twin, Harry Potter/Primeval, Dobby/Evil!Dobby for the utterly diabolically evil sunsets_dinos Read it here.
F: is for Follow, Charmed/Primeval, Cole Turner/Becker for sunsets_dinos Read it here.
H: is for 'Holy Fuck!', Primeval, Sarah/Helen for sunsets_dinos Read it here.
J: is for Just a few things I ain't - Ashes to Ashes for Holly
K: is for Kaleidoscope - Primeval - Abby/Helen for tseecka Read it here.
L: is for Languid, Primeval, Ryan/Stephen for fredbassett
M: is for Mystery - Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Willow/Tara for hippyjolteon
N: is for Not this time, Primeval, Nick, Connor, for reggietate Read it here.
O: is for onomatopoeia, Primeval, Becker/Ryan for x_bellaitalia_x Read it here.
P: is for Princess, Primeval, Jenny/Sarah for fredbassett Read it here.
Q: is for Quivering with need, Primeval, Jenny/Nick for talliw Read it here.
S: is for Silly - Primeval - Stephen for unseen_quill Read it here.
R: is for Relaxed - Primeval - Nick/Stephen for unseen_quill Read it here.
T: is for Tobias - Animorphs - Elfangor/Tobias for curia_regis Read it here.
U: is for utility. Primeval. Becker/Ryan for nietie Read it here.
V: is for Victorious, Primeval, Jenny/Helen for telperion_15 Read it here.
W: is for Watch. Primeval. Abby/Sarah for lukadreaming Read it here.
X: is for Xenophobia, Animorphs, Visser Three/Tobias for curia_regis Read it here.
Y: is for "You too?" - Xena/Primeval - Xena/Helen for sunsets_dinos who knows me far, far too well. Read it here.
Z: is for Zebras - Primeval - Jenny/Nick for chrazy Read it here.

boredom, interwebs, fictitious

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