death&disease: With added sprigs of mistletoe

Dec 29, 2010 11:00

Loki had been busy.

In truth, he was always busy and sometimes, every now and then, he took a moment to feel sadness for that. For as long as humans sinned, he would be around to bring about Judgement.

He didn't question his Father's Orders, nor did he shy away from a job. But lately? Lately he was busier than usual. Not because people were sinning ( Read more... )


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Comments 37

apoxuponyou December 29 2010, 17:51:28 UTC
Pestilence had been thinking about dinner, debating whether Loki ever actually ate anything or wanted to drink French red wine ( ... )


believeinthis December 29 2010, 17:55:54 UTC
Having to calm himself down somewhere over the Atlantic, because it was interfering with his Grace (and that was the point he knew he was in way too deep), he finally locked onto her location. Paris. The underworld.

Demolishing a manhole cover and descending down into the darkness, he managed to end two guards he found before finding himself careening out into a single room, the energy of the Horseman he was here for so strong he almost overdosed on it.



apoxuponyou December 29 2010, 18:07:43 UTC
Oh, Darkness, he was here.

She felt his Grace from across the room, reaching out to her with frantic fingers. But she was out of sight of the door.

If she could just keep him from seeing her, there was a chance he would leave. That he would save himself.

"Loki!" she yelled, voice cracking. "Get out!"


believeinthis December 29 2010, 18:10:10 UTC
The second he heard her voice he was inside the room, not planning on going anywhere unless she was with him. This wasn't a time to start being heroic, he thought as his eyes searched out her form. Except his emotional reaction had made him relatively slow, and what he didn't expect was the blade that slashed at his heels, weight tipping forward as he dropped to his knees. Normal weapons didn't hurt like that. That? That was a blade forged in Heaven.


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