meme: ask me anything

Jul 31, 2014 18:45

from queerbychoice:

Ask me anything, and I will answer as truthfully as I know how. And if you ask me something, and then post this on your journal, I will ask at least one question of you. No promises that I won't touch a nerve though.

questions, meme

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Comments 21

notquiteright July 31 2014, 23:28:34 UTC
explain who you are in one sentence


belenen July 31 2014, 23:33:28 UTC
I am a constantly-questioning creature who yearns for communication, touch, creation, trees, and magic, and acts to create a better world.


notquiteright August 1 2014, 20:43:49 UTC
that is an awesome sentence!


classical_wolf July 31 2014, 23:57:42 UTC
Can you tell me how your thoughts on your gender (or lack there of gender) came to be?


belenen August 1 2014, 00:03:25 UTC
hm, I suppose just through long-term self-examination. My understanding of myself evolved pretty slowly. Here's a relevant story:


classical_wolf August 1 2014, 00:04:56 UTC
Thank you for sharing ♥


queerbychoice August 1 2014, 00:00:59 UTC
In your own opinion, what are the best and worst things about you? (The things you personally are most pleased with or would most like to change . . . not your own opinion of what other people might like most or dislike most about you.)


belenen August 1 2014, 00:12:27 UTC
oooohhh, cool question!

I like most: my efforts to give to others, and the various ways I have learned to do it (intimacy practice, crafty parties, energy work, art, etc).

I would most like to change: my ADD-PI/memory. If I was properly medicated I could do so many things, and be counted on to remember things and have energy to do things etc. I don't like that I can't predict myself or count on my brain.


ssjspider August 1 2014, 00:30:56 UTC
If you had one superpower that only appeared once a year but for a full month (of your choosing), what would it be?


belenen August 1 2014, 17:25:33 UTC
transformation: the ability to become any shape -- from a whale to a chair to a stream of atoms. I'd use it to do lots of removing people from power :D


ssjspider August 1 2014, 19:40:58 UTC
Oooooo neat!


blimeyzawn1 August 1 2014, 14:53:56 UTC
I think I already posted this on my journal, so feel free to add a non-survey question ;-)

My question to you: How do you balance your interests in other cultures/religions with the tendency of white people to culturally co-opt? In other words, what (if any) steps do you take to ensure you're not using other cultures' spiritual beliefs as something akin to fashion? What sources on these beliefs do you trust to guide you on your path?


belenen August 1 2014, 17:48:15 UTC
Hm, well, I don't know how exactly to explain so I guess I'll give my list of self-rules with regards to spiritual ethics ( ... )


llama_friendly August 6 2014, 11:38:52 UTC
Ohh this...thank you for the well thought out answer. I was wondering something similar.


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