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Comments 11

lorelei_sakti August 9 2011, 04:34:54 UTC
Belenen, this post made me weep. Everything in this letter needs to be said, and you are courageous enough to say it.


tralfamadore August 9 2011, 04:56:49 UTC
Wow. This is extremely powerful, and I really commend you for being able to address this through obvious disappointment with a clear head and very real and pertinent examples. I hope that this is a letter that you're planning on giving him, or something that you address with him in some way. Reading that entry from five years ago made me really uncomfortable. The way he addressed your concerns by turning them back around on you and admonishing/questioning your behavior or the presumed strength of your convictions is really disgusting and one of the reasons that I don't feel at all comfortable practicing any kind of organized religion or even necessarily worshiping with anyone else ( ... )


sidheblessed August 11 2011, 14:03:28 UTC
Although I am no longer Christian (largely because of people like this), the one thing I took from it was that love was THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. Jesus was the one person without sin and he chose to use his spiritual knowledge to love those who would otherwise be rejected. He brought people out of the shadows and said "Love these people as I love them." He defended those who were condemned by everyone else for their sins. The point of Christianity, I thought, was to follow the example set by Jesus and choose love and compassion over judgement and hatred, no matter how hard it was.

What you've said here is really important. This spiritual bullying and homophobia is absolutely not ok. This needed to be said and said so eloquently.


I anonymous December 7 2013, 18:54:20 UTC
To those who defend homosexuality based on the bible, please read it first. You certainly have a right to your opinion, untill uneducated and dangerous to others. Study Gods word then try again. There is lots said in the word of God pertaining to homosexuality. Although no man should judge another God dose require man to obay his teaching. Ware granted free will, BUT there are consequences in this world and heaven. Gods blessing's to you.


Re: I belenen December 8 2013, 00:55:55 UTC
Did you even bother to read what i wrote before ignorantly giving this knee-jerk reaction? You're not helping anyone by parroting what you've heard without learning anything for yourself. If you can'tb bothered to read the information i gave and actually respond to what i said, don't butt in. I do not welcome meaningless drivel, only thoughtful responses that show actual engagement with the material. You get an F for not reading the assignment.


anonymous December 8 2013, 18:33:28 UTC
Belenen... grow up son. If you want weiner. Go bye yourself a chili cheese. Be a man for heavens sake. Dicks are for chicks


belenen December 8 2013, 18:51:40 UTC
Lolz, dicks ARE for chicks! That's why i have a strap-on; the possibilities grow exponentially when you have all of the pieces. You get a D for being wildly off-topic in an amusing way.


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