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tralfamadore August 9 2011, 04:56:49 UTC
Wow. This is extremely powerful, and I really commend you for being able to address this through obvious disappointment with a clear head and very real and pertinent examples. I hope that this is a letter that you're planning on giving him, or something that you address with him in some way. Reading that entry from five years ago made me really uncomfortable. The way he addressed your concerns by turning them back around on you and admonishing/questioning your behavior or the presumed strength of your convictions is really disgusting and one of the reasons that I don't feel at all comfortable practicing any kind of organized religion or even necessarily worshiping with anyone else.

It's what's so incredibly disappointing to me, too. When people ask if I'm religious, I say no. In fact, my knee-jerk reaction is to say that I don't even believe in God because the image I have been shown of God throughout my life is one so rife with judgment and isolation that I can't even think to take part in it. I've never felt comfortable with someone else preaching to me or telling me what supposed path I should follow, though I have had some of the most awesome and life-changing conversations about religion with some of the most devout Christians I know. Still, I just can't get behind it as a religion, and it kills me that I don't live anywhere near a place where people meet for spiritual talk that isn't some denomination of the Christian word.

I'm really, really happy that you've shared this because the resources are so wonderful. But I'm really sorry that was the experience that you had with this pastor and in this congregation.


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