oh possibility! <3

Jul 05, 2011 06:47

I'm so enamoured! Oh. So. A few days after I wrote about worrying that I'd never again fall for someone in a intense and mutual way, I went to Euphoria with Kyle and Abby (who I had just met in person for the first time that week) and one thing that made it euphoric for me was the maybe of Abby. I don't know how to put it into words. Abby really fits with Kyle and I -- ze gets our strange humor (not just-Kyle's or just-mine, like most people) and plays along, and ze's really open and really growth-focused and also creative -- ze paints! and journals and takes photos (and not in an occasional way but in a part of life way, which makes me happy and inspired), and is so cuddly and sweet and open-minded. It's like I can see zir disassembling the things I say and reshaping them so that they fit in zir own mind-space, and I find that really exciting, especially since ze seems very skilled at it. And ze's willing/able to share life with me in a way that I'm not sure I fully understand yet but it feels similar to Kyle and Hannah which is... profoundly thrilling. And ze's excited about me too, at least I feel pretty sure ze is.

And I can't seem to share more story at the moment so that is all that will be marked so far. <3!!!

kylei, abby, burns

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