the Atlanta Botanical Gardens / Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar

Apr 06, 2009 19:43

We went to Atlanta with the intention of seeing the Tutankhamun exhibit which elya kindly got tickets for as a belated birthday present to me, but we got COMPLETELY LOST because I got directions to the High Museum (where it was last time) and not the Civic Center, so we parked at the High and started walking... 30 minutes later we looked at a map and realized we were only halfway there, and the ticket is only good for a certain entry time. I was very upset, cursing and on the edge of tears because Egypt is of great spiritual significance to me and this would be the SECOND time I had missed my chance to connect with it here. My partner comforted me by promising that we'd get tickets and go before the exhibit ends in May (this is a big sacrifice because ze hates going to Atlanta and the tickets are expensive). So as not to waste the day, we went to the Botanical Gardens by following the signs I'd spotted on our walk (surprisingly easy! we actually didn't get lost!).

on the trip down...

a photo of my new knotted rainbow camel bell wristband (since it will be in later photos). This is the first wristband I've made in probably 10+ years (I don't generally wear them). The yellow bead is honey jade, the others are dyed buri nut. I made an anklet with camel bells before but it was too noisy -- every step was a loud jangle. Wrist bells make much subtler sound.


crazyfaceBel! and my new 20oz coffeemug!!! muahahaha!


and sultryBel with sexyMug *wicked giggles*


This was the only part of the exhibit that I got to see :-( It was pretty awesomely surreal to see Anubis in the middle of Atlanta though :D


a Magnolia that called to me on our long walk back... such a beautiful, nurturing spirit despite what seems to me to be overpruning (I love how Magnolias reach out along the ground, so I don't like seeing their shape changed with pruning)


such a sweet spirit ♥ I was really distressed over missing the exhibit and spending a little time in zir shade helped me so much ♥


the magnolia was in the yard of the Atlanta Woman's Club (we didn't go in, but I'd like to check it out some time)


We arrived at the Atlanta Botanical gardens and this fountain welcomed us at the entrance -- so beautiful!


I love the roots!


new leaves


spring green!


I was full of joy by then ;-)


tongues to the sun


I love the double triquetra shape -- these are spring starflowers! (thanks Gayle!)


some of Dale Chihuly's art from zir exhibit many years ago


the trees you see beyond with just the barest blush of green are part of the gardens but were closed (people were working on the paths) -- I can't wait to come back and wander among them, they're magnificent!



grape hyacinth (thanks Anika!)


I love this photo ♥


this sculpture reminds me so much of Hannah!


bad photo -- the light was glaring -- but I love this plant! and now I cannot remember what it is called!


Japanese Maple, all aflush with spring eagerness


red, glowing pink with sunlight




these budding leaves remind me starkly of dragons or blood-red swans


we went into the hothouse and this little froggie posed just for me! one second later ze moved more under the leaf so that just zir tiny bum was poking out.


the glass was all smeared -- still, it's a Kate-friend! :D


ohhh, the light shining through ♥


jade vine! with its violet stems


jade vine from underneath (it reminds me of an anemone)


ohh, the delicate veins!


♥ ♥ ♥


rainbow in a waterfall!



in the conifer garden ♥ (which I LOVEDDDD)


the most amazing tree! ♥ The Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar (Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula').

This was such a beautiful experience ♥ Immediately on seeing zir I had to run up and touch zir, and on touching zir I had to hug zir! I wanted to nuzzle in and LIVE there. I haven't had such a wonderful experience with a tree in a long time... and ze was so SOFT! Cuddly, even! It was amazing to look in, step in, feel softly surrounded by such an incredible spirit. I feel blessed to live so near to one (even if I would have to pay $12 plus gas to see zir every time), because they're very rare... and this one has an almost feline spirit, as if saying "I may be cultivated but I am not tamed."

I've since looked up other trees of this species and I really want to visit the National Arboretum in Washington D.C. and the Kubota Garden in Seattle, Washington. I'd also like to visit this one in Arboretum de la Vallée-aux-Loups, but France is very low on my list of places I want to go. Maybe sometime when I'm visiting Hannah in Belgium we'll take a day trip ;-)


with violet-tinged branches


and the softest scales!


so delicate!


peering into the heart of the tree


zir heart




zir arms


in zir embrace!


so welcoming!


would you like to join me?


giving zir the 20th hug ♥


happy glow


where I belong


b - ex-partner, destined happenings, photos, art -- photography, nature, trees, egypt

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