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Comments 18

acid_burns May 20 2008, 13:15:53 UTC
And when it RAINED??? There was nothing more beautiful.



belenen May 20 2008, 15:34:08 UTC


dragonwine May 20 2008, 13:16:24 UTC
I'm assuming you didn't get along with your biofamily. Neither have I. We currently don't speak at all. How has the experience shaped you?


belenen May 20 2008, 15:47:07 UTC
I definitely did not get along when I had to live with them. I get along with my biomom much better now that ze is not trying to change me, but I still have issues with zir because ze is still with my biofather, who is abusive. I do not like or get along with my biofather because of how ze mistreats people, especially my lil sis who is only 14. My biobrother and I aren't really in contact, but we've never been friends ( ... )


dragonwine May 21 2008, 14:26:09 UTC
Thank you for answering, Bella. I, like you, had a major disconnection with the majority of my family after coming out and the distance hasn't closed since then. So in a lot of respects I understand you and I admire your ability to recognize that the family you're born into doesn't necessarily have to be your true family. It took Megan to show me that because I would suffer greatly trying to adhere to the opinions and criticisms of my own biofamily and felt awful for it.

I'm so glad you're able to maintain a strong connection with your sister. I know it's never easy to finally realize that your blood family isn't everything. You can create your own family and surround yourself with people who appreciate your self-worth. I imagine that from this pain you've grown and matured in endless ways. I admire you.


sabr May 20 2008, 13:51:18 UTC
Mimosa's are one of my absolute favorite trees. Those and all the willows :)

I yearn for a sanctuary, but I haven't found it yet.


belenen May 20 2008, 15:48:56 UTC
Black willow is my favorite ♥ then Mimosa, live oak, sycamore, and sassafras.

I hope you find it soon!


sabr May 20 2008, 18:41:36 UTC
I think my all-time favorite is the weeping cherry but I'm also really fond of japanese maples and corkscrew willows. And not a tree, but of course my orchids.


melissarose8585 May 20 2008, 13:52:52 UTC
There's something about your room when you're at that stage. I look back at my old room and think that it needed so much, but it represents so many dreams, fantasies, memories...a time when I was much younger and carefree. I totally understand your feeling.


belenen May 20 2008, 16:20:08 UTC
I think for me, it was mostly about having such a giant window/door into the woods. The other stuff played a large part but... having the woods practically in my room was just heaven for me!


phydeau May 20 2008, 14:32:52 UTC
If I didn't live a few hundred miles away, I'd share the rent. I could use some woods, myself.


belenen May 20 2008, 16:20:40 UTC
oh, that would be AWESOME! dammit, why does everyone have to be so far away!


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