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Comments 53

armandii May 14 2008, 08:35:06 UTC
I am commenting :-)


belenen May 16 2008, 09:08:51 UTC
I am very confident that we have a connection ♥ You are one of my fire-sharers :D

You are very important to me because of your open-mindedness and search for growth. I find your self-love journey especially inspiring because you have more years of self-hate training to unlearn, but you are not dismayed by it. Sometimes I feel despair for mothers because so many of them seem to define themselves by their role, but you don't! You search and find and say "this is me: curvy moonlit-haired bellydancing beautiful woman who happens to have a partner and a son." It gives me hope for my biomom (just to clarify: I see you as a friend, not a mother-figure ;-)) and for my friends-who-are-mothers.


armandii May 16 2008, 10:39:04 UTC
I am glad to share a fire with you. You make me look afresh at my conditioning and question who I 'think' I am. Most (but not all) of the LJ friends I feel a close connection with are my son's age and yet I do not feel 'motherly' towards them. It is as if I relate with the part of myself that is still in her early 20s, the me who became lost for many years in marriage and controlling relationships. Now I have walked away from the 'controllers' it is as if the me that is still 20 or so can breathe again and is reliving that part of the journey while simultaneously I am a mother and partner in real life, this time doing it the way that feels right. Also I really do feel physical age does not define us. I have friends 20 and 25 years younger than myself and a partner nearly 30 years older than me.


belenen May 16 2008, 10:52:12 UTC
I really do feel physical age does not define us

Yes, I quite agree! Time is unimportant, as is age -- only what has been learned matters.

also I really love your new icon and wish I had a spare 2grand to get that for you 'cause I SO would!


acid_burns May 14 2008, 08:36:22 UTC
Just listening to Kosheen's Hide U - what a beautiful song.

Also, I'm truly very grateful to have you in my life ♥


belenen May 16 2008, 09:16:18 UTC
I am completely confident that we have a connection ♥ You are one of my tent-mates, of course, and in my imaginary-land we sometimes whisper to each other and giggle together at night. :D

You are very important to me because of your fearless vulnerability to all that is beautiful ♥ So brave and sensitive. You inspire me with your dreaming and your actual achievement of your dreams! Traveling is so important to me and I have just started to have the courage to actually live my dreams in that way -- your influence has definitely helped. I practically hold my breath for the day when you can live in a more nourishing place with a job that you (at least like, if not) love, because if you are so amazing now I cannot even imagine how incredible you will be with so much more joy to work with! I used to be so intimidated by you, with your strength and your freedom, but you showed me that you also had such an open heart to go with those things and now I feel just confidence and love ♥

I am very grateful to have you in my life, also *hugs


chillychilly22 May 14 2008, 09:06:52 UTC
You're awesome! So tell me how you really feel about me. ;)


belenen May 16 2008, 09:25:27 UTC
*giggles!* I am pretty confident that we have a connection ♥ You are definitely one of my tribe :D

You are important to me because of your open-mindedness and fierce freedom! You seem to be a very carefree person; I love how you don't seem to give a crap what others think about you, you just are who you are and they can like it or leave it. I don't relate to a lot of your life as we live so differently, but when you express your thoughts on broader topics I find them really fascinating. I have a feeling that we would get along quite well in person ;-)


chillychilly22 May 19 2008, 20:24:59 UTC
Wow, thanks for commenting! It made my week. :D I know we would get along great if we ever meet in person.


sidheblessed May 14 2008, 09:07:36 UTC
Consider this a comment. ;)

Honestly, I think you are a wonderful inspiration and I just love you. ^.^


belenen May 16 2008, 09:38:04 UTC
awww ♥ thank you!

I am very confident that we have a connection ♥ You are one of my fire-sharers :D

You are very important to me because of your strong and beautiful spirituality, your 'organized' mind (dunno how to explain that but I somehow relate to you on a mental level?), and your generous spirit. I love how you ALWAYS seek to offer comfort and love where it is needed. And I love how strong you seem in your spirituality -- it reminds me of the best parts of Christianity, how truly believing people practice. You have this strong faith and confidence that you are on the right path for you, and my own faith has strengthened in my path just by seeing your example. ♥


chillychilly22 May 19 2008, 20:26:02 UTC
She is so strong in her spirituality. I love it as well!


manifestress May 14 2008, 09:37:36 UTC
mmmmmmmy sentiments, as well.


belenen May 16 2008, 09:39:30 UTC
'fraid I don't know you well enough yet to say ;-)


manifestress May 16 2008, 09:52:19 UTC
oh, and...

you will.

no accidents.


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