my tribe: you.

May 14, 2008 04:19

Ever since I made the post on my tribe, I've wanted to add more, explain more. I listed my 'tentmates' but the truth is, nearly everyone on my friends list is part of my tribe. I only have two kinds of people on my flist; those whom I have a connection with, and those whom I might have a connection with. And I think the ratio is about 80 to 8; nearly all of you are SO IMPORTANT to me.

I like to know where I stand with people and I like people to know where they stand with me. So, if you comment, I will tell you why you are an important part of my life, and whether I feel a connection or am still unsure.

I am truly so very very lucky to have this amazing tribe of incredible people! Thank you ♥ I love you!

ETA: I'm going to be doing these slowly, so please don't think I'm ignoring you. ;-)

lj friends, z go back and respond dammit, meme, my tribe

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